"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully synthesizing twenty-four spirit ships!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the seventh-level superb spirit ship!"

But these are not enough!

Han Yun looked at the huge spirit ship in front of him, and after a moment of contemplation, he said to Ling Da Ling Er:

"I give you a chance to atone for your sins,"

"A chance to redeem the merits?"

Lingda Ling Er was overjoyed when he heard the words. Now that Master Han Yun has said so, it seems that he can be forgiven.

Han Yun glanced at the huge spirit ship next to him, Ling Da Ling understood it in a second, and said:

"Boss, received it!"

"We're going to get you more soul ships!"

After Lingda and Linger finished speaking, they left, and went straight to the emperor Yingtao's dispatch.

At this time, the Dan Huang Yingtao faction has long been surrounded by countless spirit ships and cultivators.

What an eventful season...

The Dan Huang Yingtao faction has just experienced a catastrophe, and the Supreme Elder no longer exists, and the Head Teacher is seriously injured. How can such strength face the offensive of Shen Shenzong and Fei Xianzong, and where can it be resisted?

Sima Yan and Dan Huang Yingtao sent the Head Teacher to face this situation, despairing,

"Master Head Teacher, if they continue to attack like this, it won't take a day for our big formation to collapse!"

"Before they cut us off from the ancient city of King Dan, we already knew that the towns in the ancient city of King Dan were already trapped and it was impossible to come to rescue,"

"As for the other cultivating Sects, none of them are willing to support our Dan Huang Yingtao faction,"

After listening to the Elder’s report, everyone present fell into despair.

Although they knew that Han Yun was in the ancient city of King Dan, they couldn’t ask Han Yun to do it again.

After all, thinking about what their overlord Elder did to Han Yun, Han Yun did not destroy them, and just asked them to compensate some Medicine Pill, which is considered to be the most benevolent.

How embarrassed to ask someone to help!

And with their current strength of the Pill Emperor Yingtao faction, where is there anything else they can take?

In the face of countless cultivators who are extremely vicious outside, the Danhuang Yingtao faction is helpless.

Unexpectedly, the Sect, which has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, will be destroyed in their hands after all.

Sad, sad!

The two Head Teachers of Shenshen Pill and Feixianzong were still standing on the spirit boat and yelling arrogantly:

"Pan Emperor Yingtao faction, are you still surrendering quickly?"

"If you don't surrender until we break through the big formation, then blood will flow into a river!"

"At that time, your Dan emperor Yingtao faction will be overwhelmed. I see how you, the Head Teacher, will explain to the ancestors of your Dan emperor Yingtao faction? Haha..."

"Damn it... Damn it really!"

Dan Huang Yingtao sent Head Teacher gritted his teeth and said, looking at the spirit ship in the sky, he yelled:

"You are so greedy and brutal as pill refining teachers!"

"What is the qualification to call it pill refining Sect, and what qualification is there to practice pill refining?"


The Head Teacher of the Danhuang Yingtao School talked about endless sorrow at the end.

It’s a pity that they became the jumping clown, abandoned by the ruthless era,


But is there any way?

In the end it was nothing more than that!

"Feixian fellow daoist, go on like this again, haha, in a day's time, Dan Huang Yingtao faction will be in the bag!"

Looking at the continuous spell attacks and the continuous bombardment of the spirit cannon on the spirit ship, the Head Teacher of Shen Shenzong stroked Own Longbeard and said with a smile.

Fei Xianzong Head Teacher frowned. Looking at these continuous fierce attacks, he said with some worry:

"No, it's too long!"

"Nowadays, the world is not peaceful, Devil Dao is rampant, and many immortal cultivation forces have been destroyed. The methods are very cruel!"

"Who knows how long it will take to harm us, we must become stronger as soon as possible!"

"And we are not the only ones who think so, there are also many Sect's,"

"So the longer the delay, the worse it is for us!"

"We can no longer retain our strength, we must be faster, take down Emperor Dan's Yingtao faction as soon as possible, and leave here as soon as possible!"

After hearing the words of Feixianzong Head Teacher, the Head Teacher of Pill Shenzong nodded in agreement, looked around, frowned and said:

"The cultivator we sent to the ancient city of King Dan, as well as the two sacred beasts, should be back!"

"Why didn't you see them for so long? Could something have happened?"

Fei Xianzong Head Teacher frowned when he heard the words, with some worry in his eyes!

Looking at the sky in the distance, he suddenly beamed with joy and pointed to the distance:

"Haha...Isn't that back already?"

Seeing where he was pointing, Lingda and Linger were slowly flying over,

While they were flying over, Lingda shouted to Linger:

"Ling Er, it's almost here, do you remember what I just said?"

"Hmm... I see... Ling Da!"

"Lingda, you are really hard to beat, what you are talking about is that we are temporarily pretending to be them. Seeing the right time to give the most powerful one of them a fatal blow!"

"In this way, we won't be in any danger!"

"Lingda, if I want to tell you, you are really troublesome, can't you just go ahead and do it! Is it so troublesome?"

Linger's face is dissatisfied!

After hearing this, Lingda shook his head and shouted:

"You know what a shit!"

"Those guys are not bad in strength, although you and I can work together to be invincible under the eternal emperor!"

"But that is after all the strength of two immortal Sects. Once there is something to play, we will be unlucky, do you understand?"

Although Linger clarified verbally, he dismissed Lingda's plan.

Lingda could only pray silently in his heart, this idiot, don’t drop the chain at a critical moment.

"Hey, we are back!"

Lingda shouted at this time and came to the head teacher of Feixianzong and Pill Shenzong.

The two Sect Head Teachers looked around, but they didn’t notice the existence of other people, so they frowned.

The Head Teacher of Fei Xianzong hurriedly asked:

"Why are you only back, and the rest of us?"

"Why can't the old man get in touch with them?"

Only their two sacred beasts came back, which made the Head Teacher of Feixianzong and Pill Shenzong feel very strange!

Just as Ling Er was about to say something, Ling Da hurriedly said:

"Two Master Head Teachers, it's like this. The ancient city of King Dan has a very powerful defensive formation. Even if the formation is broken, the town is still intact."

"At present, they have just broken through the defensive formation and are clearing up the rest of the matter. We are here first because we have more important things to do..."

"Huh? More important things?"

After hearing the words, the Head Teacher of Fei Xianzong was taken aback, looking at Lingda and Linger in a puzzled manner.

As soon as Lingda was about to continue speaking, Linger rushed over with a shriek, and the extremely terrifying power of time instantly hit the Head Teacher of Feixianzong.

"you you you…"

Fei Xianzong Head Teacher's face changed drastically, showing horrified eyes!

Linger smiled and said:

"Hey, don't worry, we are professional!"


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