Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 281 You let me refine the first rank Medicine Pill?

Han Yun was very calm and kicked the door open with a single kick. The endless lifelessness covered the entire Yan family.

"God, what is going on, why is this life getting more and more, and what is going on with this kid?"

After hearing the words, Han Yun looked inside and saw Baby Dragon walking in the yard of Yan's house at this time.

Han Yun smiled slightly and walked directly towards Baby Dragon.

When Baby Dragon saw Han Yun, he was slightly taken aback, and then ran over and said:

"Hanyun Big Brother, you... why did you come here?"

"Aren't you supposed to be in King Dan Ancient City?"

Han Yun smiled slightly after hearing the words, and said:

"Baby, where have you been these days, and why are you here? Are you hiding something from me?"

"I...I don't..."

Baby Long hugged both hands on his chest and hurriedly replied,

At this moment, dozens of Daoist shadows appeared suddenly from nowhere, all possessing the strength of the eternal emperor.

They lined up, standing behind the baby dragon, just like the guard of the baby dragon,

The momentum is overwhelming, and the world is shaking,

The Yan family felt the tremendous pressure, they knelt down immediately, sweating!

When Han Yun saw these dozens of eternal emperors, he was also taken aback, and asked the spirit baby:

"Baby, these people are..."

"Hanyun Big Brother, they are the seventy-two demon emperors of the Ten Thousand Demon Forest, they have been subdued by me, and they are all my little brothers now!"

"Divine Eagle Demon Emperor, what are you doing stupidly? This is me, Dage, why don't you come over and see you soon?"

The baby dragon turned his head, a little finger pointed at the demon emperor and said,

After hearing the words, the Demon Emperor was shocked. This man turned out to be Dage of Baby Dragon Senior!

What an expert is that? He looks so young!

The Divine Eagle Demon Emperor immediately walked up to Han Yun, knelt on the ground and said:

"The little one pays homage to Master Han Yun, and he has long heard of your prestigious old man. As long as you say a word from the sir, the little one will go through the fire and water, and he will not hesitate!"

"It's really a blessing to be able to see you as a young adult in eight lifetimes. If you let me go east, I will never go west!"

"Our Seventy-two Demon Emperors in the Ten Thousand Demon Forest will be your loyal servants!"

The other seventy-one demon emperors also bowed down in front of Han Yun, with flattering words, completely licking a dog.

Han Yun looked at the 72 Demon Emperor, and shook his head helplessly. The own Demonic Beasts legion seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

When the Yan family saw this scene, they were just ashamed.

They looked at Han Yun in surprise, they really didn't know what happened?

Seventy-two eternal emperors knelt in front of Han Yun, which is really incredible!

Those in the Yan family began to talk.

"This...what the hell is going on? How do those eternal emperors kneel to Han Yun senior?"

"Who knows, but now it seems that at least it should not be an enemy, those eternal emperors must also have something to ask Hanyun senior!"

"These eternal emperors appeared in our Yan's house and kneeled to Han Yun senior. Could it be that Han Yun senior manipulated all this?"

"Don't talk nonsense about you, Han Yun senior is such a superior person. Does it take so much trouble to destroy our Yan family? Can you use your brain to think about the problem?"


Han Yun turned around and said to the people in the Yan family:

"The lifelessness here, I can solve part of it right now, but I can't guarantee that it won't happen again in the future,"

"Yes, Hanyun senior, if you can help us resolve these deaths, we can continue to live here, no longer have to worry about it!"

The people headed by the Yan family quickly replied,

Hanyun directly opened the super synthesis system and started to synthesize the Death rule fragments,

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully synthesizing Death Rule Fragments + 3 pieces!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully synthesizing Death Rule Fragments + 2 pieces!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for your success..."

It didn’t take long before Han Yun absorbed all the endless Death Qi,

The Death Qi that originally covered the entire Yan family completely disappeared.

The Yan family also returned to their original state, and everyone in the Yan family was shocked.

As expected to be Han Yun senior, he easily resolved the lifelessness here with his gestures.

The idols worshipped by the whole people are different!

Han Yun smiled slightly and said to the person headed by the Yan family:

"I have solved the deadness here, what should you do now, I have something to deal with!"

"Okay, Han Yun senior, if there is anything we need to do in Yan's family, please tell me at any time!"

Everyone in the Yan family respectfully saluted Han Yun, and then went to clean up the courtyard.

After the Yan family dispersed, Han Yun and Baby Long came to a larger room, Baby Long said to Han Yun:

"Hanyun Big Brother, wait here for a while, I'll invite someone over,"


Han Yun sat on a chair casually and looked around. The room was simple and elegant, full of the smell of books.

After a while, Baby Dragon brought Wu Jieyao to the room.

When Wu Jieyao saw Hanyun, he immediately saluted Hanyun:

"Old man Wu Jieyao, is a 9th grade pill refining teacher, and he has long admired the name of Hanyun senior. It is an honor for the old man to meet today!"

"Pill refining division nine?"

Han Yun was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect to encounter a 9th-Rank pill refining master who was brought by the spirit baby.

Han Yun felt an unusually vast pill from Wu Jieyao,

Wu Jieyao spoke very politely, but Han Yun was kind and confused by him, so he quickly asked Wu Jieyao to sit down and talk.

Han Yun looked at Wu Jieyao and smiled softly:

"Fellow Wu fellow daoist is polite, Ninth-Rank pill refining master, I really saw it for the first time. It seems that fellow daoist Wu should be very good at pill refining!"

"A question to fellow daoist Wu, if you are asked to refine the first rank Medicine Pill, how many pills can you refine in one day?"

"Huh? What the hell? First rank Medicine Pill?"

After Wu Jieyao heard the words, he was instantly stunned, including the Yan family on the side, all turned into sand sculptures in seconds!

This is one of the few pill refining divisions in the entire Central Region,

Standing at the pinnacle of all pill refining divisions!

Let the Ninth-Rank pill refining division refine the first-rank low-level Medicine Pill? Don’t you think it’s a sledgehammer?

What kind of logic is this TM!

Does Han Yun senior like to make jokes?

Wu Jieyao didn't know how to answer for a while, his face flushed red.

He coughed twice, tried to calm down his feeling of wanting to kill, and said:

"Ahem, that... Hanyun senior, if you give me enough First Rank Medicine Pill, you can refine as many pills as you want!"

"It's just that the old man feels that to refine the first rank Medicine Pill, what does it mean for our top pill refining division?"

"Hanyun senior, do you want the first rank Medicine Pill, is there any special purpose?"

After Han Yun heard the words, he smiled and slowly said:

"Wu fellow daoist, actually there is no special purpose, I just made a joke with you!"


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