Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 284: Aren't You Crazy? Break you off!

The huge palm shadow dangling in front of Han Yun, wanted to warn Han Yun, let Han Yun not care too much, otherwise he would let Han Yun die under the huge palm.

A voice suddenly came from the shadow of a huge palm,

"Your name is Han Yun? If you want to see the sun tomorrow, don't be nosy, otherwise the old man will kill you now!"

After Han Yun heard the words, he felt that huge palm shadow speaks without shame, revealing disdainful eyes, and coldly replied:

"I can do whatever I want. Can you control it? You want to kill me? Huh, I'm not ashamed!"

"Huh, Han Yun, the old man puts things first, the old man advises you to leave this matter alone, there are things that you can't intervene if you want to intervene,"

"Otherwise, it will cause unnecessary troubles. When the time comes, your body will be different. Don't blame the old man for not reminding you!"

That huge palm shadow coldly replied,

After Han Yun heard the words, he said slowly:

"I still said that, no one can stop what I want to do, and I will do it if I want to do it!"

"Besides, what are you? What qualifications do you have to threaten me?"

"Hmph, Han Yun, the old man is too lazy to care about you, the old man won't play with you if he has something to do, you can investigate it slowly, one day you were killed by someone, let alone the old man didn't remind you,"

After the huge palm shadow finished speaking, he hurriedly turned and left.

Han Yun sneered, how could he let him leave like this?

I saw Han Yun instantly hit a magical decision, trapping the giant palm shadow alive, no matter how hard the giant palm shadow struggled, he couldn't escape.

"Han Yun, what are you doing? You'd better let the old man go quickly, otherwise the old man will make you unhappy!"

The huge palm shadow still speaks arrogantly, yelling,

Han Yun sneered after hearing the words, and stopped talking nonsense with the giant palm shadow, and directly broke the giant palm shadow!

"Aren't you arrogant? Are you arrogant? I've broken your palm now, let's see how arrogant you are!"

"If you are really so awesome, come here in person and drop it day by day. Don't clean up these vain things!"

"Aren't you crazy? Labor and management just want to break you!"

Han Yun couldn't understand his arrogant and domineering appearance, he obviously did a lot of detrimental things, and he was so unreasonable.

This kind of person just owes a lot to clean up!

On a high mountain tens of thousands of kilometers away from Hanyun, an old man is meditating with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, the old man’s finger was directly broken, and the old man instantly glared at the bloody severed finger.

The old man’s face also turned blue. Because of the Cultivation Technique, his vitality was severely injured. Now he has broken his finger again. He looked at the broken finger on the ground, gritted his teeth angrily.

At this time, the old man looked up to the sky and shouted angrily:

"Han Yun, you yellow-haired boy, actually broke my finger!"

"The old man must make you pay for the debt. The old man must break your body into pieces, Han Yun, wait for the old man. When the old man recovers, he will be the first one to settle the account!"

"Han Yun, the old man will definitely not let go, you kid just wait for the old man,"

The old man gritted his teeth and shouted. He couldn't wait to take Han Yun's skin and pump Han Yun's tendons to be happy.

The old man was really furious, and suddenly he vomited a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale.

The disciple standing aside saw that the old man had broken his finger and vomited another mouthful of blood. He was shocked and hurried forward to ask.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"I just saw that you were fine. Why did you suddenly break your finger and vomit a lot of blood!"

"Master, did you practice Qi Deviation? Or for other reasons, how can I help you?"

The old man’s disciple was so anxious that he would not know what to do for a while, seeing the Master’s face getting pale and haggard.

After hearing the words, the old man shook his head and looked at his incompetent disciple.

The old man directly shouted at the disciple:

"Rather than being in a hurry here, you might as well get some Medicine Pill for the old man to stop bleeding, and then help the old man get a big recovery pill to recover the old man's internal injury!"

The old man’s violent shout startled the disciple, he patted own head,

I'm so stupid. At this critical juncture, it's time to get the Medicine Pill for Master to stop the bleeding right away!

He blamed himself in his heart, and quickly went to take Medicine Pill and Dahui Yuandan for hemostasis, and gave them to the old man.

This disciple helped the old man bandage the wound, while eagerly asked:

"Master, I blame the disciple for being fainted for a while, are you better now?"

The old man looked at Own’s apprentice carefully bandaging his wounds, and nodded with satisfaction.

But the old man had his own plan. He looked at his disciple, made a plan, then smiled kindly, and said with a smile:

"My apprentice, I'm asking you as a teacher, if you are a teacher, I have to say something from my heart!"

"Well, the Master is very good to me. No matter what the secrets of the temple will be given to me, he will teach me the practice very carefully. When I encounter any difficulties, the Master will help me."

Without thinking about it, the disciple nodded and replied,

After hearing the words, the old man was very happy in his heart. Since the apprentice said so, he would definitely be willing to give something for himself.

At this time, the old man showed a treacherous and evil smile and asked:

"Apprentice, since being a teacher is so good to you, if you need your help as a teacher, will you help as a teacher? As long as you help as a teacher, you will be able to teach you more magical techniques in the future!"

The old man’s heart is very gloomy, but there is a kind smile on his face, just to deceive own disciples,

After hearing this, the disciple nodded quickly, saying that as long as the Master wants own help, he will definitely come forward.

I saw him patting his chest and vowing:

"Master, as long as the apprentice I can do, I will definitely not hesitate, tell me, what do I need to do?"

"Hehe, my good disciple, first stretch out your hand and show it to your teacher,"

The old man said with a smile,

After this disciple heard the words, he was confused. What did the Master look at with his hand? Is it to read palmistry?

But since his Master asked to stretch out his hand, he resolutely put his hand in front of the old man.

Seeing this pair of delicate hands, the old man broke off his apprentice’s fingers without thinking at all, and then connected them to own hand.

He then cast a little spell and then applied a little potion. He opened his own palm and twisted his fingers. The fingers and the palm were perfectly blended together.

"Haha, my apprentice, you really did a great favor as a teacher. Now that you have a finger on a teacher again, thank you so much!"

"The teacher still has urgent things to deal with, so you should leave first. You can bandage the wound yourself. It will be healed in a few days!"

The old man said blankly,

After the old man finished speaking, he left directly, leaving only the disciple who was lying on the ground and died alive in pain.

"Master, please help me, why did you break my finger?"

"Master, you are too cruel..."

This disciple was rolling in pain. He never thought that the Master asked him to stretch out his hand just to break his finger...

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