Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 288 Call Your Boss Out!

Not long after, the landlord of King Dan returned back with a solemn expression, with a worried look.

The person who had just spoken to the Lord Dan did not pay any attention to the Lord Dan and left directly.

Han Yun on the side saw it in his eyes, walked over slowly, and asked softly:

"Lord Dan, what's wrong with you? Did something tricky happen to you?"

"If there is any, just say it, maybe I can help you!"

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with it, it's just a group of people coming over to make trouble, Han Yun senior, you don't have to worry about this matter!"

The Lord Dan replied with frowning brows,

Although the Lord Dan said so, Han Yun still saw that the Lord Dan had doubts in his heart.

Han Yun smiled faintly after hearing the words, and said:

"Lord Dan, it seems that you and I are quite apart from each other. I have also eaten your meal. If I can help, I will try my best to help."

"And it doesn't seem to be that simple!"

Seeing that Han Yun had said this, the landlord of King Dan didn't stop talking about it, and said straightforwardly.

It turned out that a group of people came from outside the Danwang Tower to make trouble, the Cultivation Base was not low, and the disciples of Danwang Tower couldn’t leave.

After Han Yun learned about this, he was a little surprised. In the ancient city of King Dan, there were still people who dared to come to the King Dan’s building to make trouble.

Han Yun said meaningfully:

"Lord Dan, let's go, I will go out with you for a walk, and see who dares to come here to make trouble,"

"Are they going to die?"

After Han Yun finished speaking, he directly took the Danwang poster out with him.

When Han Yun walked outside the Danwang Building, he could tell at a glance that the group of people who were making trouble were all pill refining teachers.

Han Yun said blankly to the pill refining masters:

"Why are you here to make trouble? Don't you be afraid of being put in prison by the guards of the city lord?"

As soon as he said, the group of pill refining teachers was silent, but it didn't take long for them to start chirping and accusing again.

One of the pill refining divisions was very angry and said:

"Of course we have our reasons for making trouble, and it's not because the landlord of King Dan deliberately bullied us,"

"Do you think we're going to fart, and it's okay to make trouble? The Lord Dan King deceived so much that we decided to resist!"

"The landlord Danwang has made the assessment questions so difficult, we can't do a single question, even a senior pill refining teacher may not be able to do it. Isn't this embarrassing what we are?"

"Where is this assessment? This is obviously to kill us and deliberately suppress us pill refining teachers!"

After Han Yun heard the words, he quickly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

This group of pill refining masters couldn’t pass the exams by themselves, so it’s the pill refining master who made the questions too difficult.

It's really funny, isn't it because you don't know how to learn art if you don't pass the test?

They even thought that the question from the original poster of King Dan was too difficult!

Han Yun smiled slightly, shook his head and said:

"You guys are too funny. If you can't do it yourself, you blame the problem for being too difficult. Why don't you think about your own reasons?"

"Why do you attribute all the responsibility to the Danwang Louzhu? They are also assessing you to train you, don't you understand their painstaking efforts?"

"Don't you think that you are too much? What do you think you actually want to change the topic under the banner of justice?"

"If you change the questions to simple ones and you can all pass, then what is the point of the assessment? Have your heads been kicked by the donkey?"

Han Yun talked about his own opinion unhurriedly,

After the group of troubled pill refining masters heard the words, no one dared to refute, because Han Yun’s words really made sense.

But since they are determined to make trouble, even if Han Yun is right, they may not be able to listen.

One of the tall pill refining teachers shouted:

"Who are you? Don't make arguments with us. The problem of Danwanglou is so difficult, even you may not be able to answer it."

"We asked the Danwang poster to change the topic to be simpler. Is there anything wrong?"

"In my opinion, it is clear that someone used power for personal gain and deliberately prevented us from passing this exam."

Another pill refining teacher in the crowd also said angrily:

"Wang fellow daoist is right. It is impossible for anyone to pass this difficult pill refining exam."

"I dare say that in the entire ancient city of King Dan, no, there is no one in the entire world who can do all the questions right!"

Incited by various emotions, the group of pill refining teachers began to shout slogans together:

"Change the topic..."

"Change the topic..."

"Change the topic..."

After seeing this scene, the landlord Dan Wang had a headache. Although this year's pill refining assessment is a bit more difficult than previous years, it is not so exaggerated.

If you want to come to these pill refining teachers, someone must be bewitched, and you want to take this opportunity to fish in troubled waters to reduce the difficulty of the assessment.

The landlord Dan Wang looked at Han Yun, and said with some embarrassment:

"Hanyun senior, I'm so sorry that I made you laugh!"

I had just received Han Yun's approval, but as a result, I was disturbed by this group of unsophisticated people. I was afraid that I would be discounted again in front of Han Yun!

Han Yun didn't care, but he thought it was quite interesting. He looked at the group of pill refining divisions who were making noisy and fierce pill refining with disdain.

Turning his head to look at the landlord of King Dan and asked:

"The assessment of your alchemy alliance is really as difficult as they said?"

"Hanyun senior, the alchemy alliance recruits pill refining teachers. It has always been to assess the personal abilities of pill refining teachers, but there is also a demand for pill refining teachers at the middle and lower levels,"

"This time the Alchemist Alliance has increased the difficulty of the exam in order to recruit more capable pill refining teachers, in order to recruit some elite pill refining teachers,"

The landlord of King Dan answered truthfully,

After hearing this, Han Yun said thoughtfully:

"It seems someone wants to fish in troubled waters!"

"Well, the old man thinks so too!"

"Those pill refining masters in the phase must feel that there are too many people. The Alchemist Alliance can't withstand the pressure of public opinion, so they have to make mistakes and reduce the difficulty of the assessment!"

The landlord of King Dan replied helplessly,

At this time, Han Yun touched his chin and fell into thought.

The Lord Dan on the side kept shaking his head and sighed. If they were allowed to make concessions, the future assessment would not achieve the goal of recruiting elite pill refining teachers.

On this side, the people in Danwang Tower and the troubled Pill Refining division also became a group.

"You Danwang Tower didn't plan to choose people from among us, did you? If you deliberately make the question so difficult, your internal people will leak the question to those Danwang Tower related households, right?"

"You fart, our Danwang Tower has always maintained a fair and just assessment!"

"Don't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf today. What fairness and justice? Those who pass the assessment are the pill refining masters who have friendship with your Danwang Tower, and those who fail are our powerless pill refining masters!"

"If your alchemy alliance is really sincere, then reduce the difficulty of the assessment and let us take the exam again!"

"Yes, reduce the difficulty, let's take another test..."


The people in Danwang Tower were speechless for a while, they could only use the original poster to suppress these pill refining teachers,

"We can't do this as the master, the assessment questions are all drafted by the Danwang Building!"

After the troubled pill refining teachers heard the words, they shouted:

"Then let the Danwang poster come out!"

"Yes, we want to see the original poster!"

"Yes, it makes the assessment difficult. I don't think the host can get a full score. The exam questions are so difficult, it's unreasonable at first,"


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