Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 291 I Can't Be Your Master

The current situation is very unfavorable for Lu Xiaofeng. If he stays any longer, he will definitely be pointed out.

He doesn’t want to be insulted by others.

"Ahem...then what...I'll leave if I have something else...I'll come back next time!"

After Lu Xiaofeng said this, he ran away in despair.

He originally came to Danwang Tower to find fault, but was easily resolved by Han Yun.

Although he resents Hanyun very much, but at this moment there is nothing he can do.

The landlord Dan Wang looked at the embarrassed figure of Lu Xiaofeng leaving, he was finally relieved, and at the same time he was very grateful to Han Yun.

"Hanyun senior, thank you very much this time. Without you, the old man would not know what Lu Xiaofeng would do."

"People like Lu Xiaofeng are really too Damn it. Fortunately, Han Yun senior, you stopped him in time and made him lose face, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

When Han Yun heard Dan Wang's host praise him like this, he waved his hand and said faintly:

"Lord Dan, you are too polite, this is just a trivial matter, not to mention what Lu Xiaofeng did is really shameful,"

"I saw him actually do such a thing, it was a bit nauseous, so I played him a little bit!"

"Hanyun senior, you have done me a great favor anyway. Why don't you stay in the Danwang Tower for a few more days, and I will show you a good tour?"

Dan Wang said with a smile on his face,

After Han Yun heard the words, he tactfully rejected the Dan Wang poster.

"Lord Dan Wang, thank you for your kindness!"

"I have other things to do, so I won't stay here anymore. I will leave first, and I will visit again when I have a chance."

After Han Yun bid farewell to the Danwang host, he turned and left.

When Han Yun walked on the street, he always felt that someone was following him behind him.

So he deliberately walked into an empty alley, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.

Sure enough, in the second after Han Yun disappeared, a beautiful figure ran over.

It turned out to be the Lan Yujian of the Flower God Palace,

Lan Yujian looked around, but did not find the shadow of Han Yun. She was frowning, thinking about it.

Han Yun suddenly appeared in front of her,

"Lan Yujian, aren't you staying at the Flower God Palace, why are you sneaking here and following me?"

Han Yun frowned slightly, he never thought that Lan Yujian would follow him quietly.

Why does Lan Yujian keep following herself? Because I'm so handsome?

After Lan Yujian heard the words, he felt ashamed and said grievously:

"Han Yun, I didn't mean to follow you, I just asked you for one thing, but I was afraid that you would disagree, so I followed you all the time."

"Well, then you have to talk about why you are following me and what is the purpose? If you don't tell me, I will go straight away!"

Han Yun said with a blank expression on his face,

After Lan Yujian heard the words, since Han Yun had said so, she stopped covering up, and said directly:

"Han Yun, in fact, I am following you, hoping to learn pill refining with you!"

"I know that your pill refining technique is unmatched. I want to worship you as a teacher. Just accept me. I will definitely not give you a Losing face!"

Han Yun frowned when he heard that Lan Yujian wanted to worship himself as a teacher.

f*ck, I don’t know how to do any pill!

And it’s impossible to pass my synthesis system to you. Ask me to learn something about pill refining!

Han Yun thought for a while, then slowly said:

"So many people who know how to pill refining, why did you find me? I'm very busy, I have no time to teach you!"

"Han Yun, I know that you are a good person, and you can definitely accept me as a disciple. I really want to learn pill refining, so just accept me as a disciple!"

"Please, just accept me as a disciple. I will definitely study pill refining with my heart. As long as you can accept me as a disciple, I will do whatever you ask me to do. I'm very good."

Lan Yujian said pitifully, her eyes were extremely firm, she only hoped to be able to worship Han Yun as a teacher.

I hope I can become a famous pill refining teacher,

Han Yun saw the Lan Yujian so eager to be a teacher, his eyes were so sincere.

But I still have to reject Lan Yujian,

Because Han Yun knows very well that he is not actually an excellent pill refining teacher, only a little bit of fur.

Since you can't pill refining yourself, don't make mistakes!

Han Yun pondered for a moment, then looked at Lan Yujian, and slowly said:

"Lan Yujian, I know you are eager to be a teacher, but I will not accept you as a disciple,"

"I have something to do, I will leave first!"

When Lan Yujian saw Han Yun directly rejecting him, he was disappointed and a little discouraged.

But the next second, she suddenly became fighting spirit again, and she said to Han Yun very firmly:

"Hanyun, you may not believe in my pill refining talent now,"

"But as long as you give me a chance, you will find me diligent and studious,"

"I hope you will give me a chance!"

Han Yun kept listening to Lan Yujian saying these words over and over again, and his ears were wearing out cocoons.

Finally, he said helplessly:

"If you have to follow me like this, then follow, but I will tell you clearly first that I will not accept you as a disciple!"

After Han Yun finished speaking, he turned and left, and Lan Yujian followed closely behind him, keeping every step of the way.

Han Yun didn't bother to pay attention to Lan Yujian, and walked to the inn on his own. He just wanted to go back quickly.

After a short while, Han Yun returned to the inn, and Lan Yujian circled the inn, just as he was about to speak.

Han Yun suddenly shouted,

"Wu Jieyao, come out, I will introduce you to someone!"

Wu Jieyao heard Han Yun shouting to himself, so he hurried out to meet Han Yun and led Han Yun to the tea room.

What surprised him was that there was a beauty behind Han Yun, but he didn't ask much.

As he walked, Han Yun said to Wu Jieyao:

"Old Wu, this is Lan Yujian, she wants to worship me as a teacher to learn pill refining, but you know about pill refining, I don’t understand at all,"

"If you have time, you can take her, pill refining is very bitter, let her experience it and you will know how tired you are,"

"She won't be arguing about pill refining anymore. You can take her for a few days first, and she will stop after a while..."

Han Yun said quietly, and pushed Lan Yujian to Wu Jieyao.

Although Lan Yujian was a little bit lost after hearing the words, since he is the teacher recommended by Han Yun, he must be very good at pill refining, so it’s okay to follow Wu Jieyao first.

Lan Yujian said to Wu Jieyao with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Wu, hello, my name is Lan Yujian, and I will ask you for your advice in the future."

"I really want to learn pill refining. I can endure hardship very much. I can take all the hardships. Don't worry, Teacher Wu!"

Wu Jieyao frowned slightly after hearing the words.

Since Han Yun recommended it to its own people, it won’t work even if they don’t accept it.

Wu Jieyao thought for a while, then took out a book from the storage ring and handed it to Lan Yu Jiandao:

"Look at this pill refining book first. If you can understand it, it means you still have a talent for pill refining."

"If you don't even understand this, I advise you to give up as soon as possible, don't waste time!"

Lan Yujian took the pill refining book over there very gratefully and started to flip through it quickly.

It didn’t take long for her to fully understand the content of the book.

At this moment, she closed the book suddenly and confidently said to Wu Jieyao:

"Mr. Wu, I have understood all the contents of this book!"

Wu Jieyao was shocked when he heard the words.

He never expected that Lan Yujian would have read such a thick book in such a short time.

Wu Jieyao casually asked a few pill refining questions, and Lan Yujian answered fluently.

At this time, Wu Jieyao was surprised to find that Lan Yujian was a peerless genius in pill refining.

As long as he teaches well, Lan Yujian will definitely achieve something in the future...

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