Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 294 I was beaten up, but still wrong?

On the other side, after waking up, Li Tie learned from his brothers that the moon god Fairy had been taken away by the guard of King Dan’s ancient city, and his heart was anxious.

He rushed to the Law Enforcement Hall in King Dan’s ancient city, and after a short time, he arrived at the Law Enforcement Hall.

However, he was directly shocked by the scene before him. There was only a ruin in front of him, empty,

"Damn, where's the Hall of Law Enforcement? Moved?"

"When did you move? Why don't I know!"

"Where is my big beauty? Who took it away?"

"No, I must find my big beauty!"

Li Tie ran wildly along the street, looking for the shadow of the moon god Fairy.

At this time, the moon god Fairy was walking with Han Yun on the street, talking and laughing.

Suddenly, Han Yun frowned and said softly:

"Huh? Someone ran towards us. Hearing the footsteps was quite hurried. I don't know who it is?"

"I don't know if I am looking for you or me. Let's take a look first!"

After Han Yun finished speaking, he and Fairy, the moon god, stood quietly on the side of the street to see who was running behind.

After a while, a Daoist shadow rushed over.

Luna Fairy took a closer look, and it turned out to be harassing own Li Tie before.

I already gave him a slap, but he didn't even have a long memory, so he came here!

If I knew this, it would be better to slap him to death.

Li Tie found the moon god Fairy all at once, and saw her standing with a strange man.

Li Tie frowned and shouted at Han Yun:

"Who are you? Why are you with my beauty?"

"Don't ask, our Li family's power in the ancient city of King Dan, killing you is like trampling on an ant,"

Han Yun frowned when he heard him questioning, and said coldly:

"Who am I need to tell you?"

"I think your strength is really weak, and I don't want to be as knowledgeable as you, get out of here!"

At a glance, Han Yun saw that Li Tie was also the Cultivation Base of the Earth Realm, and didn’t want to bully the small with the big one.

With this kind of mess, I dare to provoke the Moon God Fairy. It’s a toad who wants to eat swan meat.

Li Tie sneered, then said to Fairy the Moon God:

"Beauty, why didn't you go to jail obediently, and you were still with a little white face?"

"Although labor and capital are not as good-looking as him, but my family is good, and I promise to satisfy you better than him!"

"Let's go with me. Our Li family is very powerful here. I promise that I can't treat you badly!"

Fairy, the lunar god, replied coldly:

"What the hell do you want to do? You don't bother me or you!"

"I hit you last time, do you still have no memory?"

"I just don't want to kill people, otherwise you would have died ten thousand times!"

When Han Yun on the side heard the words, he became a little impatient, a finger slowly stretched out, and a mysterious light shot out.

Just listen to the "boom",

Li Tie's body was hit by that mysterious light and fell to the ground severely.

Li Tie struggled to stand up with extreme pain, and suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

He looked at Han Yun with resentful eyes and shouted angrily:

"Boy, wait, I'll call the law enforcement guard over here, don't run if you have the ability!"

"Labor and capital TM can't kill you, labor and capital will take your surname!"

"If you run away, you will be a grandson!"

Han Yun sneered, and said unhurriedly:

"Oh? The captain of the guard?"

"Okay, you go and call, I'm not going anywhere, just waiting for you here!"

Li Tie glared at Han Yun when he heard the words, and limped in the direction of the city guard barracks.

After a stick of incense, Li Tie brought the captain of the guard, and more than a hundred law enforcement guards, and walked over.

The captain of the guard was just being insulted by Sima Yan, and he was very upset.

It happened that Li Tie came to report the crime again. Someone blatantly beat someone in King Dan’s ancient city. The chief of the guard saw Li Tie’s tragic situation and believed it to be true.

The captain of the guard scolded while riding a horse:

"Labor and management are really unlucky today. Tamar, it's a hell of a life."

"Even if I kicked it on the steel plate, I offended the senior expert. Not to mention, the law enforcement hall was wiped out, and Sima Elder was scolded again!"

"Hey, how do you live from now on!"

"F*ck, there are people who dare to hurt people in broad daylight. Labor and management must find him to vent the fire, so that labor and management will be refreshed before talking!"

The captain of the guard was walking forward, and suddenly he saw Han Yun and Fairy, the moon god, standing on the side of the street, his face was shocked!

The captain of the guard quickly dismounted, ran to Han Yun quickly, and said nervously:

"Han...Hanyun senior, why are you here?"

"Does it... need something small?"

Han Yun glanced at the captain of the guard coldly, then glanced at Li Tie, who was running aggressively towards this side.

The captain of the guard understood it instantly when he saw it.

f*ck, it turns out that Li Tie was beaten by Han Yun senior!

Deserve it! ! !

Why didn't you beat him to death? Net blocked daddy!

The head of the guard turned dark, where would he dare to provoke Han Yun now?

He did not give Li Tie a chance to speak, and shouted at Li Tie:

"Li Tie, what did you do to Hanyun senior? How did you provoke Hanyun senior?"

"What's the matter? Han Yun senior? I provoke him? Where does this TM follow?"

"Master Guard, you are not mistaken, I was beaten by him, not me!"

Li Tie was stunned after hearing the words, what happened to the chief guard today? Burned head?

It shouldn't be! I was fine just now, saying that I must teach the person who beat me!

Could it be that Elder was scolded by him today? Insane?

After hearing the words, the chief guard shouted impatiently:

"Li Tie, how are you going to end today? Do you think our guards were opened for your house? Do you think we are very idle?"

"Brothers, give it to me and beat him first!"


After receiving the order, several law enforcement guards went up and beat Li Tie violently without saying anything. The screams resounded throughout the world.

After a full cup of tea time, the captain of the guard called to stop.

Li Tie was bruised all over his body and his head was beaten into a pig's head. He shouted in disbelief:

"Master Guard, what do you mean?"

"You...what did you beat me for? Didn't you hear? He beat me. Is it guilty if I was beaten?"

The chief guard snorted coldly after hearing the words, and shouted coldly:

"Li Tie, you can shut up your mouth quickly, I didn't beat you to death!"

"What have you done, don't you have any compelling numbers in your heart?"

"I count three, and quickly disappear from the eyes of labor and management!"

"three two,…"

Li Tie stood up very aggrieved, tears were about to flow out, and he turned and left very helplessly.

f*ck, your guards are all bastards, I'll go home and look for my dad!

This world is too crazy, right? The person who was beaten was also at fault?

I've been violently beaten three times today, it's really hard to live!

After seeing Li Tie leaving, the head of the guard immediately turned his head to look at Han Yun with a smile, and said flatly:

"Hanyun senior, do you think it is appropriate for me to deal with it this way?"

"Don't take this kind of little thing to heart!"

Han Yun looked at this farce and said casually:

"Well, whatever you want, I'm leaving!"

After Han Yun finished speaking, he left with Fairy, the moon god.

On the other side, after Li Tie returned to the family, the more he thought about it, the more he held his breath.

Originally, Li Tie was so small, how could he endure such a shame?

In the past, as long as oneself and parents complained, the family would come forward to solve the problem.

Li Tie came directly to his parents’ room and burst into tears.

"Father, mother..."

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