Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 322 Poison Doesn't Do Me Well!

When Han Yun heard Lingda say this, he said to other spirit beasts:

"Lingda said there is a strange atmosphere here, so no matter what, we must be vigilant."

The spirit beasts have always trusted Hanyun and Lingda very much, so when two people say this, everyone dare not have any slack.

As soon as Han Yun’s voice fell, Lingda felt the strange aura increasing again.

At the same time, it used its own Spirit Power again and found that it was really as it had guessed.

The strange aura here will limit their Spirit Power, it immediately told Hanyun of the news,

When Han Yun heard the news, he fell into deep thought and frowned slightly.

If it is really like what Lingda said, it will limit their Spirit Power, which is very bad for them.

After all, what kind of Demonic Beasts or Cultivators here are unknown to them.

But Han Yun didn't mean to be afraid. He said to everyone:

"Next we are likely to encounter very powerful opponents, or very difficult things,"

"But as long as we work together, we can defeat anyone!"

When the spirit beasts heard that Lingda said they would restrict their own Spirit Power, they released their own Spirit Power. Sure enough, it was the same as Lingda said.

For a while, they admired Lingda very much, and its observation ability is too good!

The Pill Emperor's Spirit rushed to the front of Lingda and said with a grin:

"Lingda, you have such a good observation ability for you, otherwise it will be bad when we meet our opponents but don't react!"

"You are so awesome!"

Han Yun thought that everyone would be very upset when they knew it, but in fact, they were even more excited.

At this time, Linger on the side also shouted proudly:

"Hey, the more this time, the more we can test our strength. By that time, you will know that Brother is just a legend!"

After Han Yun heard the words, he smiled, knowing that these guys would not easily admit it.

At this time, Han Yun also realized that this is probably a trap.

Han Yun stood in place, thinking about everything that happened before and the dangers that might be encountered,

The spirit beasts stretched their arms and legs on the spot and exercised their bodies, looking like they were going to have a big fight.

At this moment, Ling Er actually stood up,

It glanced at other spirit beasts, patted own little chest and said:

"Um, boss, I'll be the first!"

When the other spirit beasts heard the words, they all looked at Ling Er in unison. What they never expected was that Ling Er would say these things.

And Han Yun himself was surprised, he had to admit that he was indeed thinking about who came first.

And Linger’s act of pretending to be coerced naturally solved a problem for himself.

Ling Er continued to say to Han Yun:

"Boss, among so many spirit beasts, I think I am the best,"

"Besides, you are still my boss. If you encounter a problem, the younger brother will naturally charge forward, right?"

"Just leave it to me to start this kind of technology work, just follow me and watch it!"

After hearing the words, Han Yun thought for a while and smiled faintly:

"Well, then do as you said!"

"After all, we really need one to take the lead, so that the speed will speed up. Time is waiting for no one!"

"Hey, wrap it on me!"

Linger patted her chest and replied,

In this way, Ling Er took the lead, leading everyone to move forward,

At this time, Birdman also seemed to have discovered something wrong.

After walking for a long time, the spirit beasts have complained about why they haven't seen anything after walking for so long?

Birdman observed it wholeheartedly, after all, in its opinion, there seemed to be something wrong here.

At this time, Birdman said to Han Yun:

"My lord, in my experience, we are trapped in the formation, and we don't know what the formation is!"

The words that Birdman said naturally attracted the attention of spirit beasts. For a time, all spirit beasts’ eyes were cast on Birdman.

After all, what the birdmen said, they were still a little surprised.

It's no wonder that after walking for a long time, there is still nothing, because I was trapped in the formation!

Birdman still understand formation? It's really a very strange thing!

After Han Yun heard the words, he also thought about it. Since he was trapped in the formation, he had to find a way to break the formation!

Hanyun immediately began to search for those books in the super system, whether there are books explaining formation,

Han Yun searched the system for a long time, then suddenly laughed.

"Fortunately, I scanned a lot of books at the time, and there are really some books that explain formation,"

"Otherwise, I don't know what formation is like in today's situation!"

At the same time, he also admires the people who designed the formation, because formation often kills people invisible and makes people hard to prevent.

After reading a few books on formation, Han Yun said to the spirit beasts:

"Formation usually has formations, so as long as we can find formations, we will know if it is in formation!"

"Everyone, hurry up and look for Array Eyes!"

After hearing the words, the spirit beasts also nodded one after another, and began to look around for the so-called array eyes.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of all spirit beasts, Han Yun successfully found the front line.

This makes the spirit beasts who were in a bad mood become happy for a while.

After all, in their opinion, as long as they find the formation, Han Yun will definitely break the formation later.

Everyone trusts Hanyun's strength.

Han Yun smiled and said to Birdman:

"Birdman, I didn't expect your observation ability to be so good, you can suddenly see that we are trapped in the formation!"

After hearing the words, Birdman tilted his head and said anxiously:

"My lord, now is not the time to praise me, we must break the formation as soon as possible, because every formation is time-sensitive!"

"After the effective time has passed, the formation will explode, then it is not certain whether we can go out alive!"

Han Yun nodded after hearing the words, and immediately increased the speed in his hands.

At this moment, a lot of poison suddenly appeared nearby, and everyone was shocked.

When Han Yun found a lot of poisons nearby, he subconsciously held his breath.

When he was about to inform everyone, time was too late, and many spirit beasts were affected and passed out into a coma.

Han Yun's mood at the moment is a bit complicated. In his opinion, those spirit beasts will be unconscious because of him.

The birdman on the side saw the other spirit beasts and passed out, and he didn’t know what to do. He was at a loss for a while.

It said to Han Yun with a look of confusion:

"Are the spirit beasts going into a coma because of poison? Then why are the two of us okay!"

Han Yun frowned when he heard the words, then nodded and replied:

"If I guess right, the two of us are completely immune to poison!"

"There may also be something to do with your bloodline and Cultivation Base. In short, you are immune to poisons!"

"Your task now is to protect the safety of these spirit beasts, do you understand?"


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