Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 334 She Has Changed?

After Han Yun finished speaking, everyone was quiet for a moment.

Sima Yan, who was not far away, yelled very weakly:

"I... I am here!"

Just because it was very quiet at this time, his weak voice was heard by everyone.

Baby Long ran over and asked very curiously:

"Simayan Elder, why did you come here? Why don't you tell us?"

"I said it a long time ago, but you didn't hear it!"

Sima Yan didn't know what to say, and replied helplessly.

Upon seeing this, Han Yun said to the others:

"His injury is quite serious, let's cure him first!"

"Yes, yes, heal me first, the old man is so painful!"

Han Yun's current level of treatment is very high, so the treatment of Sima Yan also went smoothly. Sima Yan's wound was healed soon!

When Sima Yan’s injury was slowly recovering, Han Yun and others knew that no more time could be wasted.

Since the place of the Heavenly Demon Sect is here, everyone must search it.

So everyone looked around in the Church of Heavenly Demon, and as expected, everyone still found a lot of treasures here.

When everyone saw the treasure, their eyes lit up.

But there are also many evil things in these treasures. After all, the Heavenly Demon Sect was originally an evil force, so it’s not surprising that all these things are possessed.

And Han Yun said to everyone:

"We must destroy all these evil things now, lest they become a disaster in the future!"

After Han Yun finished speaking, he mobilized everyone to destroy the evil treasures.

Soon, all those evil things were destroyed,

And Sima Yan’s injury quickly recovered. When everyone saw Sima Yan jumping alive, they all expressed their admiration for Han Yun.

The spirit beasts were also very surprised when they saw the evil things, because many evil things are only recorded in ancient books, and they did not expect that there are still living things.

The birdman on the side was also surprised:

"I have gained a lot of insight by following the adults today, so many things recorded in ancient books are actually in front of me,"

That night, Han Yun and others returned to the ancient city of King Dan and settled down first.

Because the area where the Heavenly Demon Sect is located, there are also many evil Demonic Beasts hidden, which is extremely insecure.

At night, Han Yun felt a little uneasy, because his instinct told him that something would happen tonight.

Han Yun couldn't sleep for a while, so he went outside to breathe. When he came out to breathe, he saw Lan Yujian.

When Han Yun saw Lan Yujian at a glance, he had some doubts in his heart. Since today, he has always felt that Lan Yujian’s behavior is not right.

At this time, Lan Yujian, who had been motionless, suddenly walked in one direction, and Han Yun immediately followed quietly.

However, I didn’t know, I was startled, and suddenly a Fox Demon appeared in front of Lan Yujian.

Han Yun was puzzled for a while, how could a Fox Demon suddenly appear here? Isn't Lan Yujian the same as those Demonic Beasts?

Seeing that Lan Yujian was about to cast the spell and must control the demon fox, Han Yun did not hesitate, and immediately prepared to stop Lan Yujian.

Unexpectedly, when Han Yun appeared, Lan Yujian suddenly passed out in a coma.

After Han Yun saw this scene, he was surprised. He didn't do anything at all. Why did Lan Yujian fainted?

Intuition told him that this incident must be related to the killing of the Heavenly Demon Church. After all, based on his understanding of Lan Yujian, Lan Yujian would never do such a thing.

Han Yun felt very angry when he thought of this, and at the same time he blamed himself for not protecting Lan Yujian.

After all, Lan Yujian was almost beaten to death by someone taught by Heavenly Demon last time, and this time Lan Yujian was controlled under his nose.

For a while, Han Yun's mood was very complicated, but he knew that it was not the time to talk about this.

He had to wait until Lan Yujian woke up and asked what was going on with Lan Yujian and why Lan Yujian became like this.

At the same time, he also knew that only he knew about this. After all, it was midnight when he came out, and the other people and spirit beasts were asleep.

He was very fortunate for this. After all, there were so many people with mixed eyes. If others saw it, they would definitely regard Lan Yujian as the person who killed the Heavenly Demon!

If they misunderstand the Lan Yujian, the Lan Yujian will be life-threatening, because killing Heavenly Demon has taught everyone too much harm.

At this time, Han Yun could only send the Lan Yujian back to the inn. After all, the inn was still safe. There are too many uncertain factors outside, and I don’t know if there is an eyeliner taught by Heavenly Demon here.

In any case, Han Yun still prayed that Lan Yujian would not be controlled by the Heavenly Demon Church.

With such a small episode today, Han Yun could no longer sleep, so he felt guarded by Lan Yujian's side, and waited until dawn before asking.

Especially he thinks that he should ask Sima Yan. After all, Sima Yan has been teaching Heavenly Demon for a while, so he should know some things.

Han Yun felt that time was so difficult for the first time, and finally dawned when he was impatient.

At this moment, he rushed into Sima Yan’s room, wanting to ask him what happened to the Heavenly Demon Church in the past few days.

At this time, Sima Yan was refining Medicine Pill. The best time to refining Medicine Pill was in the morning. When he saw Han Yun approaching him in such a hurry, he was a little puzzled.

Because in his impression, Han Yun is a very stable person, never panicking,

So Sima Yan immediately put down the medicinal materials in his hand and said to Han Yun:

"Hanyun senior, what can you do to find me in such a hurry?"

"That's it, Sima Yan Elder, you have been staying at the Sect of Heavenly Demon these few days. Have you found anything suspicious? Also, does Sect of Heavenly Demon have any means to control others?"

After Han Yun heard the words, he immediately said,

In any case, Lan Yujian’s strange reaction seemed to him to be the work of the Church of Heavenly Demon, so he had to figure this out.

When Sima Yan suddenly heard Han Yun's question, he was a little surprised. At the same time, he knew one thing, that something must have happened!

Otherwise, Han Yun would never ask him this question, so Sima Yan said very seriously:

"I have been teaching the Heavenly Demon for the past few days, and found that the people who killed the Heavenly Demon are very powerful, and the methods of controlling people are also very powerful."

When Han Yun heard the means to control people, he hurriedly said to Sima Yan:

"Let me tell you, last night, I found Lan Yujian standing outside alone."

"And she is trying to control a Demonic Beasts, don't you think it is suspicious?"

"You know, Lan Yujian won't control anyone at all. This is definitely not her usual style!"

After Sima Yan heard the words, his mood was very complicated, because he did not expect that Lan Yujian would act like this, but when he just wanted to speak,

Han Yun continued:

"In my judgment, Lan Yujian should have been controlled by someone who killed Heavenly Demon,"

"Because based on what you and I know about her, Lan Yujian is definitely not that kind of person!"


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