Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 337: Planting and blaming Han Yun?

With the help of many pill refining masters and Dan Huang Yingtao faction, Han Yun found a lot of medicinal materials. When Han Yun saw those medicinal materials, his heart was completely at ease.

Han Yun said to everyone:

"Now that there are so many medicinal materials, I believe that all the people in the city will be cured soon!"

"Hanyun senior, we will definitely support you fully, so don't worry!"

Elder, the emperor of Dan Huang Yingtao, replied with a smile, and the other pill refining masters also echoed.

In this way, wave after wave of Medicine Pill was delivered by Han Yun to the people, so that the injured people were successfully cured.

Sima Yan on the side could not help but sigh:

"Han Yun is really a god, he has done an impossible thing,"

On the other side, killing the leader of the man in black taught by Heavenly Demon, originally thought that he had done this, and the others would definitely not be able to solve it.

He thought everything was under his control, who knew that Han Yun would settle the matter easily.

It was as if when he was most proud, Han Yun suddenly gave him a big slap in the face!

This made the black-clothed leader very uncomfortable, and his face was also very ugly.

At this moment, the Head Teacher of Shenzong Dan came to him again.

The leader of the man in black saw that the Head Teacher of the Shenzong Pill was coming, and he was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what he came to do with him.

Dan Shenzong's Head Teacher taunted the leader in black:

"So you only have this ability to kill Heavenly Demon?"

"Han Yun is just a person, so he destroyed all your plans to kill Heavenly Demon?"

"Don't you guys do something now?"

After hearing the words, the black-clothed leader had a green face. Did this Shen Shenzong Head Teacher come here to talk about these things?

This was obviously to irritate him on purpose, but it was also very helpless.

The leader of the man in black sneered and said:

"Hmph, you are right, I really don't have much ability, but that doesn't mean we can't do it. If you don't want to cooperate, then forget it!"

Although Dan Shenzong's Head Teacher said so, he didn't want to sever the cooperative relationship with the Heavenly Demon Church.

Because of this, it would not do him any good, so he went straight out, and at the same time said to the leader in black:

"Huh, can you solve the problem without cooperation? Don't waste time, as long as you show enough sincerity, you can continue to cooperate well in the future!"

After listening, the leader in black nodded slightly.

In any case, Han Yun must not be allowed to succeed, they must have some actions.

Since cutting off the source of his medicinal materials does not work, then plant all the pots on Han Yun's body,

The plan of the leader of the man in black is also very simple. Disguised as a member of the Danhuang Yingtao faction, he will plunder the medicinal materials of the medicinal material dealer, and then he can transfer the black pot to Hanyun and the Danhuang Yingtao faction.

On this day, a group of ordinary cultivators went straight to rob a group of medicinal material dealers who escorted medicinal materials.

When the two groups were mingling together, the Heavenly Demon cultist suddenly revealed some tokens of the Dan Emperor Yingtao Sect.

When another group of people saw the token of the Dan Huang Yingtao Sect, their expressions changed drastically. The Heavenly Demon Cultist hurriedly shouted:

"Brothers, withdraw quickly, they have discovered our identity!"

This sentence was specifically addressed to another group of people. After hearing the words, the other group gritted their teeth and chased them.

It’s a pity that they will definitely not be able to catch up with the people who killed the Heavenly Demon Cult. In the end, the people who killed the Heavenly Demon Cult fled directly.

Another group of people stopped and said fiercely:

"We should go to Han Yun and let him give us an explanation!"

In recent days, medicinal materials dealers have been repeatedly attacked by a group of mysterious cultivators, and medicinal materials have also been robbed.

On the other side, Han Yun, Sima Yan and others certainly don’t know about this. They are dealing with the matter at hand.

Who knows that a group of people came here inexplicably and asked Han Yun and Sima Yan what they meant?

Han Yun was also at a loss at the beginning. At this moment, they directly said everything.

That group of people still knows very well that maybe Han Yun did not do this this time.

And if they really offend Han Yun, they will suffer a lot.

So even though I was very annoyed this time, I came to this place just to ask Han Yun what’s going on with them.

The group of people said directly to Han Yun:

"We also hope that you will not participate in this matter, but in the next period of time we hope you will give us an explanation,"

After Han Yun heard the words, he didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

After the group had finished speaking, they turned around and left directly.

After they left, Sima Yan said in a frenzy:

"Obviously, this is someone who is framing us, but those people don't even have a brain, and they really think we did it!"

After Han Yun heard the words, he smiled and said:

"Don't think about it so much, let's take care of what we are doing!"

Sima Yan looked at Han Yun with a dazed expression.

At the same time, the Moon God Fairy walked over and said to Han Yun:

"Those people are really white-eyed wolves. We have helped them so much, and they still doubt us."

"But having said that, this matter is really weird, I think we still have to understand the situation before we talk about it!"

"I'm going to help you understand some things now!"

After Luna Fairy finished talking, I went to various medicinal stores to find out the situation.

These medicinal material dealers still cooperated with the investigation of Fairy, the moon god, because if it were not for Hanyun, the whole town would not know what it would be like.

But Luna Fairy also encountered a difficult medicinal material dealer, and the medicinal material dealer said:

"I don't believe in Han Yun. I think Han Yun is likely to be doing Sage while robbing other people's medicinal materials and making disaster fortune!"

"In the next period of time, I will hold Han Yun's responsibility, and I will never let Han Yun go!"

"He must compensate for my loss!"

After hearing the words, Fairy looked unsightly on his face, and asked:

"Why do you think that Han Yun is robbing medicinal materials from medicinal materials dealers? Do you have any evidence?"

"Someone must be framing Han Yun, you should understand that this matter has absolutely nothing to do with Han Yun!"

After the medicinal material merchant heard the words, he sneered twice, stood up abruptly, and said coldly to the moon god Fairy:

"You go outside to find out who I am, Li Dagang, and I am not afraid to offend anyone!"

"Although I have done some bad things before, but now because of Han Yun, my medicinal materials have disappeared and I have lost a lot of money!"

"I don't care if someone framed Han Yun, anyway, I suspect that Han Yun is arranging someone to rob the medicinal material dealer's medicinal materials!"

"Now I can only sit here and wait stupidly. This thing makes me too aggrieved. I can't tolerate this going on!"

Although the Moon God Fairy doesn’t know what Li Dagang’s reputation is in this circle,

But she thinks Li Dagang is too extreme.

Everyone knows that Han Yun has indeed helped many people this time, so most people believe that Han Yun will not do this kind of thing.

However, Li Dagang is completely chasing profit, which makes Fairy, the moon god, feel very uncomfortable...

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