The leader of the group of people in the mountains shouted to Han Yun:

"Boy Hanyun, although you broke our formation, our formation also cost a lot of money. Should you compensate us a little?"

"Oh? Compensation? Haha, what if I don't agree?"

Han Yun sneered after hearing the words,

"No? Then don't blame us for being impolite,"

"Brothers, come on!"

The leader gave an order, and some of the surrounding men directly attacked Han Yun.

Han Yun looked at Lingda and Birdman at this time, and said immediately:

"The two of you go to Linger II, just leave these people to me!"

After that, Han Yun also rushed towards the group of people in the mountains, and at the same time pointed out his finger, a black light instantly hit the leader.

The black light hit the leader's chest fiercely, and the leader flew far away in an instant, hitting the ground heavily.

However, at this moment, the leader slowly got up from the ground.

It’s just that the opponent’s body didn’t suffer as much as Han Yun had imagined, only a trace of blood was left at the corner of his mouth.

Han Yun frowned slightly when he saw this scene, muttering to himself:

"How is it possible? At least you have to be seriously injured!"

"Why is there nothing wrong with him?"

The leader patted the dust on his body, sneered, and said to Han Yun:

"Han Yun, are you surprised?"

"Haha, you never thought that the labor and capital were wearing the eighth-grade Lingbao Tianbao God clothes,"

When the leader finished speaking, he took off his robe and revealed a set of golden radiant armor.

Han Yun was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that the other party was still wearing a top-level body protection spirit treasure.

"It seems that you are still prepared!"

"Hanyun, don't waste your thoughts. With your strength, it is impossible to break my Heavenly Treasure clothing."

Before the leader had finished speaking, Han Yun clicked his fingers again and again.

I saw countless black lights all hitting the leader's head,

The leader’s head is not wearing a helmet...

On the other side, Lingda and Birdman are looking for Linger's whereabouts in the mountains.

However, because the mountain range is too big, it is still difficult to find Linger in a short time!

At this moment, Lingda said to Birdman with a solemn expression:

"No, we have to find Linger as soon as possible!"

"It really doesn't work, let's catch someone and ask!"

After Lingda finished speaking, the two of them rushed directly towards another group of people in the mountains.

Lingda and Birdman killed those people without saying a word, leaving only one person to ask.

At this time, Lingda shouted to the man:

"Say, where did you hide the spirit beast?"

The man captured by Lingda and Birdman knew that he could not escape, so he wanted to commit suicide, but was first controlled by Birdman!

The man closed his eyes directly and said fiercely:

"Where is there any spirit beast, I don't know, if you don't believe it, find it yourself!"

"If you want to kill, kill, labor and capital are not afraid of death!"

After Lingda heard the words, without saying anything, he directly placed his paws on the man's thighs and exerted a gentle force, only to hear a "click".

The man screamed loudly and fiercely.

" did you do to me?"

"Little boy, let me ask again, where is the spirit beast hidden by you?"

Lingda asked fiercely again.

The man's face became pale, his face looked painful, but he remained silent.

But with the constant cruel torture of Lingda and Birdman, the other party finally couldn't help but tell the specific location.

When Lingda and Birdman came to a cave, they saw Linger was locked in it.

Lingda quickly said to Birdman after seeing it:

"Birdman, hurry up and send a signal for Boss Han Yun to come over!"

As Birdman sent the signal to Han Yun, Han Yun was already about to severely wound the leader.

After Han Yun saw the birdman’s signal, he immediately left the leader and rushed to the cave.

Soon, Han Yun came to the cave, hand-seals with both hands, broke various taboos in the cave, and rescued Ling Er.

After Han Yun gave Ling Er a Medicine Pill, he said to the spirit beast:

"Okay, Linger has been rescued, let's kill again!"

After Han Yun finished speaking, he took the spirit beast, the moon god Fairy and Lan Yujian, and rushed to the rest of the group.

After the two sides contacted, Han Yun's strength completely crushed the group of people. Once they couldn't beat them, the group immediately fled to the mountain.

Li Dagang's people also sneaked behind Han Yun, staring at Han Yun closely.

What Han Yun doesn’t know is that Li Dagang and the others have been following Han Yun for a while.

However, when Li Dagang's men saw that Han Yun rescued Ling Er, they hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't hold back their heads and asked:

"My lord, what should we do next?"

After Li Dagang heard the words, he looked thoughtfully at Han Yun's back.

Han Yun’s strength is obvious to all. People like him are definitely not his opponents.

So in the end, Li Dagang said somewhat self-deprecatingly:

"Pass the news directly to Shen Shenzong. We can't solve him here. It doesn't mean that other people can't solve him either!"

After hearing this, one of Li Dagang's men nodded, and then quickly left here.

The remaining group of people continued to stay in the mountains, staring at Han Yun’s every move,

While they were staring at Han Yun, on the other side, the Church of Heavenly Demon also hired a group of top killers and sent them out.

At this time, Han Yun led the spirit beast team and others to chase the group of people, but the group of people were very familiar with the terrain of the mountains, and they soon disappeared without a trace.

Han Yun glanced at the depths of the mountain, and said to the others:

"Let's go back first, and see if we can meet those people again next time!"

After hearing the words, the others nodded helplessly.

At least Linger II has been rescued, and those people ran away again, they were helpless.

Everyone knows that Han Yun will never let those people go easily.

So although everyone is not very happy, they still follow Han Yun to go back.

However, after walking for a while, Han Yun suddenly stopped. After seeing Fairy, the moon god on the side, he glanced at Han Yun a little strangely.

I don’t know what happened to Han Yun. At this moment, Han Yun looked back and looked not far away.

At this time, Han Yun said coldly:

"Don't panic, everyone, it's okay, let's find a place to rest before leaving!"

"Wait for me here now, I'll find some water first!"

After hearing the words, everyone nodded.

Moon God Fairy looked at Han Yun's leaving back, and said helplessly.

"Hanyun should be fine, right?"

When the others heard the words, they were slightly surprised.

On the other side, Han Yun secretly walked towards another place.

Li Dagang and others are still staring at the Moon God Fairy closely not far away.

When Li Dagang's men saw Han Yun leaving, they wanted to remind Li Dagang.

But when I think that Han Yun is looking for water, there is no water in this barren mountain, it must be very difficult to find water for a while.

So the subordinate didn’t say anything in the end.

At this moment, Li Dagang frowned suddenly, and said to his followers:

"Have you found that Han Yun's departure time is a bit too long?"


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