Just as the Head Teacher of Pill Godzong was thinking about it, the head of the man in black looked a little ugly, and replied helplessly after a while:

"The treasure is now in a place not far from us,"

While talking, the black-clothed leader took out a map icon to show a position, and then said solemnly to the Head Teacher of Pill Godzong:

"The treasure is in this place. Usually if we have to go there, it is very easy, but now we are surrounded by so many people,"

"It will be very troublesome if we want to pass now!"

After hearing the words, the Head Teacher of Pill Godzong meditated for a while, and said to the person who killed the Heavenly Demon teacher:

"It's not that we can't get out, it's just that we knew less about the situation before, but now it's different!"

"Since we already know the treasure place, can we find a weak spot and sneak out, get the treasure first and then leave?"

"Since you have told us where the treasure is hidden, then we are the grasshoppers on a boat. In that case, let's think of a way to run out first!"

The leader in black was taken aback after hearing the words, and then nodded in agreement.

Dan Shenzong Head Teacher nodded with satisfaction after seeing the expressions of the person who killed Heavenly Demon, and then walked around the forest with some people.

It didn't take long before the people of Shenshen Pill Sect returned, and the Head Teacher of Shenshen Pill said directly:

"We have found a weak point of exit, now we can get out from that place!"

After hearing the words, the black-clothed leader hesitated for a while, and finally nodded in agreement, and then left with the people from the Heavenly Demon Sect and followed the people from the Pill God Sect.

They walked towards the outskirts of the forest and soon arrived at the destination. After arriving at this location, the black-clothed leader took the lead to observe the surrounding situation.

After confirming that there was no one outside, the black-clothed leader taught by Heavenly Demon slid out with someone first.

Dan Shenzong's Head Teacher confirmed that it was safe, and then the person with his Sect followed.

After they arrived outside the forest, they cautiously circumvented a place, avoiding the chasing and killing of those outside!

Then Dan Shenzong Head Teacher directly said to the black-clothed leader:

"Okay, you are here to stay honestly, I will take someone to take a look first, after confirming that there is no problem, we will go to that treasure location as soon as possible!"

After hearing the words, the leader in black nodded.

Dan Shenzong Head Teacher immediately led people around to observe carefully,

What they didn’t know was that Han Yun had actually sent a lot of people here to stare.

The incident they came out of the Demon Slayer Forest had already been discovered, but the people sent by Han Yun didn't do anything about it.

After the Head Teacher of Pill Godzong confirmed that there was no one around, he took Pill Godzong and the people of Heavenly Demon Sect and left this place.

On the other side, Han Yun and the others naturally don’t know the situation of the Heavenly Demon teaching.

Han Yun intends to go to the treasure hunting location as soon as possible and then talk about it.

Who knows that in the middle of the journey, I received news from those who were staring at the killing of the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Pill God Sect,

After Han Yun received the news, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said solemnly:

"The people who killed the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Shen Shenzong have come out of the forest,"

"We must speed up here, first get the treasure before we talk!"

When the others heard the words, they nodded and agreed, and then speeded up their journey.

At this time, some people in black who killed Heavenly Demon taught over there, and a few people who killed Heavenly Demon taught Elder, and the leader of the black clothed people were sitting in a cave discussing matters.

"I think it is possible to let Shen Shenzong as our substitute for the dead, and let them hold Han Yun and them at that time,"

"In this way, we can move the treasure away without knowing it,"

"Moreover, we only need to do a little bit of the Pill Shenzong..."

The inside of the Heavenly Demon Church soon reached a certain consensus,

At this time, the Head Teacher of Pill Godzong brought a few disciples and came over to kill Heavenly Demon to teach here to listen to the situation.

When Dan Shenzong Head Teacher saw the person who killed Heavenly Demon in the cave, his expression was not very natural, his brows were slightly frowned.

The black-clothed leader glanced at Pill Shenzong Head Teacher, and said with a smile:

"Your Pill Shenzong has always been strong, and there are countless top masters in the sect. I want to ask you to deal with Han Yun first."

"And the old man feels relieved to leave such an important matter to you!"

Dan Shenzong's Head Teacher blinked after hearing the words, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Calabash taught by Heavenly Demon?

The Head Teacher of Pill Godzong was somewhat hesitant to kill Heavenly Demon, the leader of the man in black continued:

"The old man knows that you may not believe me very much, but the old man hopes you can understand that now only I kill the Heavenly Demon Sect can really help you!"

In this way, the people of Heavenly Demon Sect and the people of Shen Shenzong, you chatted one by one.

Pill Shenzong wanted to test the true idea of ​​killing the Heavenly Demon Sect, but the people who killed the Heavenly Demon Sect had been reluctant to enter, deliberately avoiding what they asked.

Dan Shenzong's Head Teacher was looking for an opportunity to exhaust the Heavenly Demon teaching and monopolize the treasure, so it was duplicity to cooperate with the Heavenly Demon teaching.

In the end, the two sides reached a cooperative relationship, and the leader in black patted his chest and said:

"Haha, after this matter is successful, we must offer the best treasure, only in this way can the friendship between our two parties last forever!"

After hearing the words, the Head Teacher of Shenzong snorted coldly and replied directly.

"I have never been interested in what you taught Heavenly Demon. This time I am willing to cooperate with you because I want to get the secrets from Han Yun."

"Otherwise, do you think I am willing to cooperate with you Heavenly Demon?"

"Well, well, since that's the case, I won't delay you. I'll talk about other things later. Anyway, I will definitely help you!"

The leader of the man in black said with a serious expression on his face.

The Heavenly Demon Sect and Shen Shenzong continued to talk about dealing with Han Yun,

On the other side, when Han Yun learned that Shenzong and Heavenly Demon taught this group of old things to deal with own together, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Lan Yujian on the side saw Han Yun's appearance, and asked with some worry:

"Hanyun Big Brother, did you know from the beginning that they would deal with us together?"

"Well, Jade Jian, we should indeed have a good fight with Shen Shenzong, let other Xiuxian Sect also take a look, we are not that easy to bully,"

"After avoiding this, as long as individuals want to trample on us!"

Han Yun smiled lightly and replied lightly,

Soon, Danshen Palace sent a large number of troops to advance in the direction of Han Yun and others.

Han Yun, who had received the news a long time ago, stood in place with an indifferent appearance

After seeing Han Yun's appearance, the people in Danshen Palace were a little bit weird.

And some of them Elder was very angry. I didn’t expect that Han Yun would not put them in this way. To put in one’s eyes,

One of them, Elder, in black, shouted to Han Yun:

"Boy Hanyun, the old man advises you not to be rebellious. An arrogant man like you sees it a lot."

"Don't think that if you have some three-legged cat skills, you can stand in the dark!"

After Han Yun heard the words, he smiled and said unhurriedly:

"Hehe, you guys are nothing more than the slaying ghosts of the Heavenly Demon teaching, and they are willing to become the lackeys of the Heavenly Demon teaching,"

"What kind of face does Shen Shenzong have to make irresponsible remarks in front of me? Why don't you think about how to defeat me!"

"In front of me, you are just a bunch of rubbish!"


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