Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 372 The IQ Problem of the Erni Ma

"These beasts are really getting worse and worse,"

"Lao Zuo, go back first, leave this matter alone, I will take care of it myself,"

"By the way, this is for you, one hundred thousand top-grade Spirit Stones, save some flowers,"

Han Yun took out a storage bag from his arms and handed it to Zuo Yunxiao.

After Zuo Yunxiao heard the words, he reached out and quickly took the storage bag, glanced in the storage bag, nodded gratefully and left.

At this time, Zuo Yunxiao had long forgotten the mess that Taiyuanzong’s house was stolen.

f*ck, one hundred thousand top-grade Spirit Stones, equivalent to one hundred million medium-grade Spirit Stones, one hundred billion low-grade Spirit Stones, the old man has made a fortune!

What a wise thing was that I followed the head of Han, Han Yun’s thigh is still really fragrant.

Everything is floating clouds, it’s really fragrant to go to the city to eat hot pot,

Han Yun looked at Zuo Yunxiao's back that screamed and left, and shook his head again and again, sighing:

"This old man, who has been cultivating for hundreds of years, is still so tacky and hopeless!"

Han Yun also opened the door and walked out, then turned into a golden light and flew towards the palace of the Northern Wilderness Empire.

In the Imperial Palace of the Northern Wilderness, five emperors of grass mud horses are gathering together and bragging.

The big mud horse gave a thumbs up to the second mud horse and said:

"Second brother, you are still clever, you can recognize the old janitor under Master Han Yun,"

"Then old man, why don't I have any impression? I feel that humans look the same, I really can't tell who is who,"

After hearing the words, Er Ni Ma raised the corner of his mouth and said triumphantly:

"Dage, although among our five demon ancestors, I will send the second child,"

"But to be honest, on IQ, who of you can do it? It's not that I'm bragging, my IQ is far higher than the four of you,"

"Although Han Yun-sama has a slightly higher IQ than me, to be honest, he and I are actually half a catty."

"The old janitor is called Zuo Yunxiao. I am a little impressed. That's why I told you to withdraw as soon as possible. I am worried that we will be exposed. Do you understand?"

After hearing the words, the other grass mud horses nodded and agreed that Er Ni Ma’s IQ was indeed the highest among them.

Er Ni Ma thought for a while, and then continued:

"Dear brothers, I don't think we should act anymore these days and nights."

"I don't know why, I always feel a little flustered, I always feel that something bad is about to happen,"

"Haha, brother, are you worrying too much? What are you panicking? As long as Master Han Yun doesn't know about this, we still panic!"

Wu Ni Ma waved his hand and said, with an indifferent expression on his face.

At this moment, a coldly voice suddenly came,


"Do you really not care?"

When the five grass mud horses heard this sound, they were shocked, and they all knelt on the ground, lowered their heads, and trembled all over.

A golden light flashed, and Han Yun slowly walked in.

"You guys are pretty awesome. You have only been emperors for a few days now. Are you just like that?"

"Should I stew you all? One by one, kneel down for me honestly,"

"Also, each of you slapped myself in the face, slap me now!"

After Han Yun cursed at the five straw horses, he looked at them coldly.

Just listen to the crisp sound of "pop...pop...", one after another in the palace,

Within a short time, five sheep's heads became five pigs' heads. That's a miserable one!

After about a stick of incense, Han Yun shouted:

"Okay, stop,"

"I ask you, do you know what's wrong?"

"Big... adults, the little ones know that they are wrong, they really know that they are wrong!"

"Adult, young... from now on... I won't dare to stay in the future, my lord, please forgive me."

"My lord, the little wrongdoer, it was my second brother who instigated our brothers to steal the house, not what I wanted to go,"

"Dammit, fourth child, what do you mean by TM? I instigated you for something, didn't you also like it at the time?"

"Yes, yes, it was the second brother who instigated us to go, yes, that's it!"


The five masters of the dignified demon land are now kneeling on the ground, crying and begging,

Han Yun looked at these demon ancestors, and finally looked at the red devil dragon, frowned slightly and asked:

"Er Nima, come, talk about it!"

"Why are you going to steal other people's houses? Guixian I have already taught them, why do you still do this?"

"If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will stew you right away, believe it or not?"

"Letter, believe, my lord, don't stew me!"

After hearing the words, Er Ni Ma sat on the ground in fright, and then said pitifully:

"My lord, I saw the back mountain of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect that day, all over the stone houses and tables that Guixian stolen, I think it must be useful to you, adults, they will do this."

"Although you taught them the same day, I think, your lord is suggesting me,"

"So I came back and thought, since Guixian can help adults, so can we,"

"We can steal not only stone houses, but also wooden houses, thatched houses, mud houses..."

"Big...sir, it seems that I was thinking wrong. I really know that it was wrong now, sir, don't stew me!"

After Han Yun heard what Erni Ma said, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, what kind of IQ is this?

At this moment, Han Yun glared at them five, and shouted coldly:

"Well, because you are also helping me, I will spare you this time."

"You all remember it to me, don't steal other people's houses again, if I find out again, it will definitely stew you, I Hanyun said to do it,"

"Also, you give me back all the stolen houses as soon as possible. It must be done in three days!"

"Do you all understand?"

"Okay, we understand...understood...and we will pay back soon..."

After the five demon ancestors heard the words, they nodded and said yes, only obediently.

Han Yun snorted coldly, then turned and walked outside the palace, leaving the palace.

After Han Yun left, the five grass mud horses hurriedly wiped the sweat from their faces, and stood up frightened.

Big mud horse glanced hard at Er mud horse and cursed:

"Second, I blame you, what are you doing?"

"I also told the daddys about playing games, you are paralyzed by playing, this time is good, I will be severely taught by the adults!"

"Just like you, I still brag about your IQ to the labor and management every day. Is that IQ? You are mentally retarded."

"You stupid thing, brothers, come, let's go together, squash it first, then talk about it."

"Dammit, they are all hurt by it!"

At this time, I saw the big mud horse and the other three grass mud horses. Without a word, they took turns to slap on the head of the second mud horse.

Just listen to the "crackling" sound, constantly ringing,

At the same time, the miserable screams of Erni Ma suddenly sounded in the palace, like killing a pig, terrible.

This night is really an unforgettable sleepless night for Erni Ma...

After this day, the houses where Sect was stolen once again magically appeared in place.

Those Sect Head Teachers were stunned by the scene in front of them, and they were all puzzled.

f*ck, are all the current cultivators know how to play like this?

From the beginning to the end, no one knew who did it, because no one of Sect was injured, and this matter would not stop.

After the five grass mud horse emperors went through this incident, they also became honest.

They stay in the palace to eat, drink and have fun. They don’t get out of the door, but they are very comfortable.

On the other hand, Han Yun instructed beautiful female disciples cultivation in Wanmo Sect, occasionally making tea and playing piano with Nangong Yucui, or taking baby dragon to eat in the city.

It is the life of a world-class expert, comfortable and contented, not asking about world affairs...

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