Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 384 Beauty, you are not right


"Not enough money?"

"Second Elder, you... don't you bring more money when you go out?"

"Oh, you, you really gave us the Losing face of Qiandizhengong,"

"Ahem, then... then so be it,"

"Um...Fellow Daoist, your family has a lot of business and rich wealth, so please support me. Let's get together. It should be enough."

Madam Qiandi coughed twice and said in embarrassment.

After hearing the words, the undefeated Dou Huang wearing the Nine Dragon Emperor's robes nodded slightly and asked straightforwardly:

"Qiandi fellow daoist, you are too polite, these are all trivial matters,"

"Five Lights fellow daoist, how bad is your place?"

"The not enough part, the old man will come out,"

The Second Thousand Emperor's Palace Elder nodded in gratitude, and smiled to the undefeated Dou Huang:

"Haha, fellow daoist is still interesting enough, refreshing!"

"Here, the old man, there are still 999 pieces of the best Spirit Stones, and there is enough to make up a thousand pieces of the best Spirit Stones,"

"You can give the old man nine hundred and ninety-nine premium Spirit Stones, hehe,"

After the undefeated Douhuang heard the words, he staggered and almost didn't fall off the spirit ship.

f*ck, you only have one superb Spirit Stones for your feelings!

Are your Thousand Emperor Real Palaces now so poor that they are so poor?

Bring a piece of Spirit Stones when you go out?

Are you playing with the old man?

I'm really mad at the old man,

Undefeated Dou Huang's expression also became ugly. He sullenly took out a brocade bag from his arms and threw it directly to Elder Qiandi Zhengu.

"Hmph, take it, there are a thousand top-quality Spirit Stones in it, so save your top-quality Spirit Stones,"

"You Thousand Emperors Real Palace really know how to plan carefully, and they are all calculated on the old man, huh,"

"I see that you can change the name of the Thousand Emperors Real Palace. Let's change the name to the Fox Real Palace."

After hearing the words, the real person Qiandi and the Five Lights smiled awkwardly.

After receiving the money bag, Wu Guang Zhen directly threw it to Fairy, the moon god, and shouted coldly:

"This is a thousand superb Spirit Stones, you can count them,"

"Is this all right?"

"Hehe, why don't this palace believe you seniors, no need to count... no need to count,"

After the moon god Fairy took the purse, he smiled and replied,

At the same time, she took a quick glance inside, and the 1,000 superb Spirit Stones were only a lot more.

After the moon god Fairy put the purse in her arms, she smiled and asked:

"Since you seniors are so bold,"

"Then what is the name of the Sect you want to know? But it doesn't matter,"

"If it is Sect information that we already know, we will provide it to you immediately,"

"If we don't have news of this Sect, we can provide you with relevant information as long as we give us three days,"

"Seniors, please tell me the name of the Sect you want to check,"

"Wan, demon, pie!"

The real person Qiandi spoke very sadly and indignantly, and a monstrous killing intent broke out in his body instantly, rushing straight into the sky,

In the next second, after hearing the three words of Ten Thousand Demons, the Moon God Fairy looked shocked and asked with a little trembling again:


"Senior, say it again, what is the name of that Sect?"

"Myriad Demons, Fairy, do you know this Sect?"

"No, no, I don't know... I don't know..."

"Then why do you seem a little excited?"

Madam Qiandi narrowed his eyes and said coldly,

At this time, Fairy, the moon god, forcibly calmed the complex mood in his heart, and slowly smiled:

"Senior, my palace has been unwell recently, and will tremble from time to time. Please forgive me, senior."

"This Sect of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect is indeed the first time I have heard of this Sect. There is no information about this Sect yet."

"You also know that there are thousands of immortal cultivation Sects in the Nine Nether Continent, and it is impossible for every Sect in the divine palace to know it well,"

"Junior took the liberty to ask, you seniors spend so much money just to inquire about the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. What is going on?"

"I wonder if I can tell this palace?"

The Second Thousand Emperors’ Palace Elder glanced at the Moon God Fairy, and shouted coldly:

"The Palace Lord, why are you asking so much?"

"If we ask you to check, you just need to check, and we will give the money first."

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. There are some things that a little shrine should not know.


"Okay, senior, I won't ask more questions in this palace"

After hearing the words, Fairy nodded and laughed, and then continued:

"Seniors, then so be it,"

"Please give this palace three days, this palace will order people to collect all the information about the Ten Thousand Demon Sect,"

"After all the information is collected, our shrine will notify you as soon as possible,"

"Seniors, do you think it's okay?"

After hearing the words, Madam Qiandi and others looked at each other, and then nodded one after another.

Since even the Shrine doesn’t have any information about the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, it can only be asked for them.

You can't spend this thousand pieces of superb Spirit Stones for nothing, right?

As long as the shrine finds the specific location of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, everyone will discuss together at that time to see how the Ten Thousand Demon Sect will be destroyed.

At this time, just listen to the moon god Fairy and continue to say politely:

"Seniors, if you don't dislike it, you can stay in the shrine for a while and rest,"

"We are responsible for all the food, lodging and expenses of the seniors, and seniors don't need to spend a penny,"

"Yueshang, you are responsible for taking the seniors to the room to rest. If the seniors have any needs, you must do your best to satisfy them."

Luna Fairy just finished speaking, a beautiful woman in white stood up beside her, nodded and said yes,

Soon, Yueshang Elder took Qiandi Zhenren and others into the shrine.

After they left, standing beside the moon god Fairy, deacon Bai Caidie, asked in a puzzled way:

"Palace Master, we are very familiar with the situation of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect,"

"Also, the head of Han Yun is still a good friend of your palace lord, why don't you tell those seniors?"

"It's too easy to earn these thousand superb Spirit Stones, hehe!"

The Moon God Fairy looked solemn, his face became cold, and he whispered:

"Caidie, you don't understand at all,"

"Those people are all powerful emperors in the longevity realm, and they are murderous,"

"Obviously it is to trouble the Ten Thousand Demon Sect,"

"If we tell them where the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is now, they will definitely attack it directly,"

"My palace must notify the head of Han in advance so that he can be prepared to deal with it,"

"Even the worst result, you can leave Ten Thousand Demon Sect and hide for a while,"

After hearing the words, Bai Caidie blinked and nodded in panic.

Damn, those seven people just now were the emperor of the longevity realm?

And I'm planning to go to the head of Han Yun to trouble me, what can I do?

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands.

Although the head of Han is also a strong emperor in the longevity realm, but one person deals with seven people, this...this seems to be difficult, right?

Head Han is a good guy and a handsome guy, um, he must not be allowed to have an accident.

At this time, the moon god Fairy continued to Bai Caidie:

"No, this palace must personally inform the head of Han to do it,"

"My palace will leave for the Ten Thousand Demon Sect immediately,"

"If those people want to see this palace, you just say that this palace is Closed Door Training cultivation and you can't disturb it."

"Remember, they must not be allowed to enter the rooms of this palace, otherwise the shrine will face the disaster of extinction,"

"Cadie, have you remembered?"

"Well, palace lord, don't worry, I remember it!"

Bai Caidie nodded and replied very well.

Luna Fairy nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered all Elder and deacon to return to their own posts immediately.

She went back to the own room alone,

The next moment, when everyone was not paying attention, opened the window, and with a "swish", it turned into a mysterious light and escaped into the void.

What she didn't know was that in the depths of the void not far away,

The second Elder of the Thousand Emperor’s Palace is squinting his eyes slightly, watching every move of the moon god Fairy.

"Humph, little girl,"

"The old man has long felt that something is wrong with you,"

"The old man, whether you are telling the news or inquiring about the news, you can't escape the palm of the old man's hands,"

Second, after Elder finished speaking, it turned into a long rainbow, and flew right behind the moon god Fairy...

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