Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 391 The Old Man Really Didn't Hear It

"Ah? What do you ask me to do?"

"Pan Dao still wants to ask you what to do?"

"Now the entire cultivator of Jiuyou Continent is probably coming here to watch the excitement. Where are our old faces now?"

"Fighting? Even if singled out, those twelve Demonic Beasts, can you single out that one?"

"What's more, what kind of Cultivation Base is that Hanyun? We still don't know yet,"

"If you think about it, his spirit beasts are all 9th ​​grade. What kind of Cultivation Base does he get?"

"This...what can I do,"

The real person Qiandi replied with a very helpless look. He also wanted to avenge the two fellow daoist fellow daoist of Liushen and Xuanling Tiangong.

But... how can I report it?

After hearing what Qiandi Zhenren said, the others fell silent.

Yes, only those twelve nine-grade spirit beasts have completely crushed one's side, how to fight?

At this moment, the undefeated Dou Huang of the Eastern Region Saint Emperor Doumen suddenly stood up and shouted coldly at Han Yun:

"The head of Han, the undefeated Dou Huang of the Saint Emperor Doumen of the Lower Eastern Region, the Cultivation Base is the high rank emperor of the longevity realm,"

"The old man is going to challenge you, do you dare to accept it?"

"If the old man loses, the old man's Sect will immediately submit to the Ten Thousand Demons School, and the old man will do what he says and never break his promise."

"If the old man wins, you will give the nine-rank supreme spirit ship to the old man,"

"How do you dare to agree?"

Upon hearing this, the Qiandi Zhenren and others on the side gave their thumbs up to the undefeated Dou Huang.

This old guy is still smart!

The team fight is definitely not the spirit beast of Han Yun,

But singled out? That's not necessarily the case,

As everyone knows, Jiuyou Continent does not have the existence of the Heavenly Realm Immortal Venerable.

Doesn't it mean that the high rank emperor of the longevity realm is the highest combat power in the Jiuyou Continent?

With the undefeated fighting emperor’s ten thousand years Cultivation Base, coupled with the strength of his high rank emperor,

If you go head-to-head with Wanmo Sect Hanyun, you will still have a big win. If you get a tie, he won’t be ashamed.

Han Yun glanced at the undefeated Dou Huang, smiled slightly, and replied blankly:


"Undefeated Fighting Emperor, are you sure you want to go heads-up with me?"

"Hehe, you won't regret it?"

"What? Regret? I am undefeated Douhuang cultivation for thousands of years. I still don't know how to write the word regret!"

Undefeated Dou Huang shouted with an arrogant look, he put his hands on his chest, and an overwhelming might soared into the sky.

As if he was the only one left in the whole world, it is not an exaggeration to describe him as lonely and seeking defeat.

At this time, he was completely proud of the world, and there was only a hot flame in his eyes.

Indeed, with the Cultivation Base of the high rank emperor of his longevity, he has already become the first person in the Jiuyou Continent.

As the only high-rank emperor in the seven super immortal cultivation Sect, he does have the capital to be proud of.

Facing the challenge of the undefeated emperor, Han Yun still had a calm posture, he just said lightly...

"The undefeated emperor, look up and see what it is,"

"Talk to me again,"

After hearing the words, the undefeated emperor looked puzzled, then raised his head and glanced at the void.

In the next second, his shocked chin almost fell to the ground, and he looked completely at a loss.

He knelt directly on one leg, lowered his head and said respectfully to Han Yun:

"The undefeated emperor is invincible, and the emperor is undefeated, and meet the Xianzun senior!"

After hearing the words, everyone around was shocked, and then they all looked up at the void.

I saw a huge gate of the void, standing right in the depths of the void,

The golden light of the god’s gate shines in all directions, like the gate of the gods, noble and mysterious,

Summon the gate of the void!

Only the Immortal Venerable of the Tongtian Realm has this ability,

At this time, Qiandi Zhenren and the others didn’t say a word, and fell to their knees, respectfully worshiping Han Yun, without any other thoughts in their hearts.

f*ck, admit it!

They never imagined that the young Han Yun turned out to be the Immortal Venerable in the Heavenly Heaven Realm.

This... Does this still need to be beaten?

f*ck, even the highest undefeated Douhuang in Cultivation Base has directly surrendered. Who is the opponent?

No wonder people’s spirit beasts are all 9th-rank sacred beasts, and their spirit ships are all 9th-rank supreme spirit ships.

Ordinary cultivator is of course not worthy, isn't Xianzun in the Heavenly Realm still worthy?

If connected to the heavenly realm Immortal Venerable is not worthy, who in this world is worthy?

In the void, millions of Sect cultivators all bowed and saluted Han Yun,

At this time, Han Yun had already become the number one person in the Nine Nether Continent, and the Wan Mo Sect naturally became the number one Sect in the Nine Nether Continent.

Han Yun looked at the countless cultivators around him, and said loudly:

"Everyone, get up!"

"I, Han Yun originally lived in an inconspicuous small mountain in the Northern Territory,"

"Our Ten Thousand Demons School originally had only two people, one is my Master Mr. Tang, the other is me,"

"As for my Master, after leaving me alone a few years ago, there was no more news,"

"Later I went through a lot of things before I became what I am now,"

"I only wanted to enjoy the pastoral pleasures in the ordinary, but the facts do not allow me to do so,"

"In that case, why should I wrong myself, so I decided to become the overlord of Jiuyou Continent,"

"For the common people, to ensure the safety of the whole life!"

After hearing the words, the real person Qiandi didn't dare to breathe, and quickly replied respectfully:

"Master Xianzun, my Thousand Emperors True Palace is willing to submit to the Ten Thousand Demons Sect,"

The other seven super cultivators of Sect also expressed their opinions:

"My Saint Emperor Doumen is willing to submit to the Ten Thousand Demons Sect,"

"My Nine Ghosts Sect is willing to submit to the Ten Thousand Demons Sect,"

"My Yin & Yang illusion is willing to submit to the Ten Thousand Demons School,"

"My Holy Buddha Temple is willing to submit to the Ten Thousand Demons Sect,"

"My fairy fantasy Tianzong is willing to submit to the Ten Thousand Demon Sect,"

In the next second, other Sect Head Teachers and Patriarchs in the void also expressed their surrender, wishing to respect the Ten Thousand Demons Sect as the number one Sect in the Nine Nether Continent,

Han Yun smiled slightly after hearing the words, and then said:

"Hehe, um, Qiandi, it seems that you are still aware of current affairs,"

"Originally, I was planning to wipe out all six Sects of you,"

"But for your sincere attitude, I won't care about you anymore,"

"You can still keep the six Sects, but in the future they will only be my subsidiary Sects of the Ten Thousand Demons,"

"Do you all understand?"

After hearing the words, the real person Qiandi, the undefeated Douhuang and others replied with scared faces and sweat.

"Understand it..."

"The little one understands..."

"The old man understands thoroughly..."


At this moment, Elder of the Second Thousand Emperors Palace suddenly jumped out and shouted at Han Yun:

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Could you repeat that?"

"Old man... I didn't hear clearly..."

After hearing the words, the real person Qiandi didn't say anything, and went straight to the second Elder, and slapped him into the air with a fierce slap.

"Are you a fool?"

"Aren't you deaf? Why do you listen to a fart if you are deaf?"

"You actually asked Master Xianzun to say it to you again, you count as a ball!"

"I'm all deaf, so much nonsense, you idiot!"

"Jing gave us the Thousand Emperors True Palace embarrassing, and you have completely lost the face of Poor Dao,"

Second, Elder was beaten directly by the real Qiandi in the end, and died on the ground. Before he passed out, he said weakly.

"Master Head Teacher, can you say it again, the old man didn't hear clearly..."

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