Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 399: The labor and capital are crazy, how to drop!

"Last words?"

"Just a few of you, let us leave a last word?

"Who is your TM, kind of crazy?"

"Labor and capital are not talking to you, like a grid, you can't compare to labor and capital, hehe!"

Er Nima Crimson Devil Dragon cursed with disdain, and at the same time its huge body flashed before it came to the five flame giants.

Although the flame giants are 100 meters tall, they are like five dwarfs in front of the red devil dragon hundreds of meters long.

The five flame giants were also slightly taken aback when they saw the extremely large body of the Red Devil Dragon.

One of the flame giants pointed at the red devil dragon and shouted loudly:

"You stink bug, dare to talk to this lord like this,"

"The five of us are the Nether Lords of the Nether Ghost Realm, commanding millions of Nether Ghost Soldiers,"

"Here, our five lords are the highest rulers,"

"You bugs from the outside world must die here,"

"Of course, the lord sees you have some abilities. If you are willing to be my mount, the lord can consider spare your life,"

"Well, do you want to think about it?"

"Huh? When your mount? F*ck's ring fart!"

When the red devil dragon heard it, an anger rushed up immediately.

Boss Han Yun didn't say let me be his mount, how old are you!

You dare to make me a majestic demon ancestor, as a mount for you, you really think too much,

Even if you are a mount for labor and management, labor and management will despise you.

If you don’t kill you today, labor and management are not in the mood to fall in love.

No, labor and management must fight with you to relieve their anger.

After thinking of this, the Scarlet Devil Dragon spewed out a black magic flame unsteadily, attacking the flame giant who had just spoken.

After the flame giant saw the magic flame, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he shouted coldly:

"Huh, even with your level of flame, you want to hurt this lord?"

"I really can't help myself,"

"Let you see what a real flame is,"

"Boiling, ghost fire!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the flames all over his body began to erupt.

It seems to have turned into a raging flame, but the color of the flame has gradually changed from fiery red to dark green.

In the next second, the green flame transformed by the flame giant flew towards the red devil dragon,

When the magic flame of the red devil dragon touched the green flame, it melted and disappeared instantly.

And that group of green flames continued to attack the red devil dragon fiercely,

The red devil dragon didn’t see it well, and it spewed out several demon flames in succession.

Unfortunately, those magic flames melted and disappeared as soon as they touched the green flame.

The red devil dragon saw that own demon flame could not dry the green flame, and turned around and ran without a word.

In this way, a huge fiery red dragon and that group of green flames chased in the void in this ghost domain,

As the Red Devil Dragon ran, he shouted loudly:

"Master, help!"

"Its flame is too strong, I can't do it,"

"Master, save me quickly, or I will be burned to ashes by it,"

"Oh, shit, you dead thing, why are you chasing so hard?"

"Big...big guy, why don't we talk, let's not fight, can't we,"

"Ouch, you burned my tail, it hurts daddy, oops, let's run now,"

Han Yun, Jiuyou Ghost King and others were shocked when they saw this scene in front of them.

You know, the Scarlet Devil Dragon, as one of the supreme demon ancestors in the Land of Mad Devil, its devil flame power is very terrifying.

But such a terrifying magic flame is actually not an opponent of that green flame.

Doesn't that mean that the green flame is even more terrifying?

Han Yun, as the owner of the Scarlet Devil Dragon, of course can’t die.

I saw Han Yun's figure flashed and appeared in front of the green flame in the next second.

At this moment, Han Yun quickly released a protective cover transformed by the power of chaos to protect itself.

At this moment, the green flame transformed by the flame giant slammed into the hood of chaos.

What makes the flame giant puzzling is that his own ghost fire that can incinerate everything has failed?

Han Yun still stood there quietly, nothing happened, looking at it coldly,

The large green flame immediately regained its body, and the flame giant looked up and down Han Yun very strangely, and shouted:

"Humble human beings, how did you resolve the ghost fire of this lord?"

"The lord really can't understand, what power is there in this world that can resist the ghost fire!"

"Now, the Lord is very curious about you,"

After Han Yun heard the words, he sneered and replied lightly:

"Lord Nether, don't think of yourself so hard, do you really think your Nether ghost fire is invincible in the world?"

"The world is so great that there are people outside the world, and mountains outside the mountains."

"Do you think you can kill us all by breaking the fire?"

"Huh, wishful thinking,"

At this time, Han Yun smiled faintly after thinking for a while, and continued:

"Are you curious about me, I don't care too much,"

"But what kind of ghost fire of yours, hehe, I'm quite interested,"

"I really want to know, does your ghost fire belong to the power of rules, or is it a strange fire in the world?"

"If I absorb all of your ghost fire, will you be dead or alive,"

"Huh? Absorb the ghost fire of the lord? Haha, who do you think you are, do you absorb it when you say you absorb it?"

As soon as Lord Nether heard it, he couldn't help laughing. He didn't believe what Han Yun said.

This is probably the funniest joke it has heard in its entire life.

Nether Lord was originally transformed from countless ghost fires after tens of thousands of years of refinement.

As one of the strangest flames in this world, where can anyone who wants to tame it?

Moreover, the ghost fire itself has already produced spiritual wisdom, and it is impossible to tame it.

The Flame Lord looked at Han Yun with contempt, and shouted:

"Humble human beings, although the lord admits that you can withstand the ghost fire, you can still be considered a little capable,"

"But you just said, can absorb the ghost fire of this lord?"

"Haha, I don't know if you should be ignorant or arrogant,"

"Netherworld ghost fire is an extremely strange fire in the world, which can incinerate everything, and it has become wise,"

"How can you be a humble human being able to surrender?"

After Han Yun heard the words, he shook his head slightly, looked at Lord Flame coldly, and said:

"Congratulations, you have successfully angered me,"

"In your eyes, human beings must be humble? A humble human always takes a mouthful."

"I don't care what kind of fire you are, but labor and capital will accept you, what's the matter, can't it?"

"Don't you believe it, okay, then open your dog's eyes and let the labor and management see clearly,"

"Come out, Chaos Star!"

As soon as Han Yun’s voice fell, I saw a majestic force gushing out of Han Yun’s body,

At this time, I saw in the sky of the Nether Ghost Realm, at some point, countless large and small black holes suddenly appeared.

Those black holes revolved at high speed, generating a huge attraction, tearing the flame on the flame lord,

The Flame Lord immediately struggled desperately, trying to get rid of the powerful gravitational pull of those black holes,

Unfortunately, the black hole transformed by the power of chaos can absorb any power in the world, including the power of rules.

All the struggles the Flame Lord did were in vain,

In a short while, the flame lord knelt weakly in the void, and the flame on his body was quickly sucked away by the black hole.

Han Yun coldly looked at everything in front of him, and shouted to the flame lord:

"Big man, don't you say I am arrogant?"

"I'm really sorry, I'm crazy, how come?"

"Do you have a temper?"


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