Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 408 Old dogs, have you started playing?

"One hundred million? Top-grade Spirit Stones?"

"Han...Han fellow daoist, are you... playing with the old man?"

"Han fellow daoist, as the saying goes, a gentleman is hard to chase after a word. If you say something, don't regret it!"

Luo Batian looked at Han Yun with an incredulous expression on his face, and stubbornly asked.

Everyone at the scene knew that Han Yun was rich, but they didn’t expect to be so rich.

What is the concept of 100 million top grade Spirit Stones?

Together with all the Sects, large and small, in the South China Sea Cultivation World, their annual income is not 100 million top-grade Spirit Stones.

Han Yun’s bid is basically far above the ceiling, so other people don’t have to play.

At this time, the super-class Sect big guys sitting in the private rooms on the second and third floors were unhappy, and questioned them sharply.

"Boy, what is your intention? You actually bid 100 million top-grade Spirit Stones? Which force sent you? Say..."

"Dammit, this Ninth-Rank Sea Beast was captured by our Eighth Sect after a lot of hard work. How could it be so cheap? You kid, no!"

"The old man also doesn't agree. The old man suggested canceling his offer to persuade him, and at the same time capture him together, and tortured him severely. The old man suspected that he was deliberately making trouble."

"Amitābha, good is good, Lao Na agrees to the proposal of the dream donor. We should take down this young man first, and then consider the long-term plan."

"Okay, labor and management also agree. Labor and management have long seen that kid not pleasing to the eye. If you have money, you can pretend to be so coerced and fuck him."


When Robarten, who was standing on the stage presiding over the auction, hadn’t reacted yet,

Countless colorful mysterious lights shot out from the private rooms on the second and third floors, hitting Hanyun,

More than a dozen pinnacle masters of the Divine Bridge Realm shot at the same time, how terrifying the momentum, the majestic coercion soared to the sky, the house cover was overturned.

Everyone present was stunned, with a look of bewilderment, how can you start fighting?

And it is still the eight superb Sects, besieging a young man?

As for, is it necessary to make such a big noise?

f*ck, is it because that young man is too rich, and they are also moved by the big men of the South China Sea Cultivation Realm, is this to organize a robbery?

Hey, it’s a pity that this young man is already rich, but the big immortals don’t speak any rules anymore.

This young man deserves to die too. If he didn’t pretend to be so coercive, maybe he wouldn’t end up like this.

While everyone was gloating for Han Yun, Han Yun directly placed a protective cover of Chaos Power for himself and Xiao Bai.

In the chaotic world, everything does not exist, including attacks,

Those incomparably powerful attacks, as long as they touch the protective cover of Han Yun, they are like a stone sinking into the sea, without movement.

Han Yun smiled faintly when he saw this, and said coldly:

"Hehe, you guys who don't wanting face,"

"If I can't make a bid, you start playing tricks?"

"Haha, but that's okay, I also saved 100 million top-grade Spirit Stones,"

"Hehe, let me tell you, this nine-rank sea beast, I am going to make a decision,"

"Xiao Bai, you should save the 9th rank sea beast first, and then just wait for me on the side,"

"Okay, Hanyun Big Brother, then I will save the poor Little Sister first,"

After Xiaobai finished speaking, his figure flashed and he came to the big iron cage.

Just listen to "" a few clear metal cracking sounds, keep ringing,

Xiao Bai was very rough, twisting all around the big iron cage, and at the same time torn the iron chain on the mermaid empress.

When Luo Batian saw that someone was coming to grab someone, it was fine.

He immediately ordered someone to take Xiao Bai, and immediately there were countless cultivators who immediately pounced on Xiao Bai.

But how could the ordinary cultivator of the City Lord’s Mansion be Xiaobai’s opponent?

Soon, Xiaobai beat those people around and called Mom everywhere.

Luo Ba Tian and his daughter also wanted to stop Xiao Bai, but when Xiao Bai glared at them both,

Luo Batian softened suddenly, and said helplessly to his daughter Luo Wenwen:

"Wenwen, this woman is terrible, Cultivation Base is much higher than us,"

"We are definitely not her opponents,"

"Our Luo family still don't want to wade in this muddy water. That couple of men and women are definitely a ruthless character,"

"Especially that Han Yun can easily block the combined attack of the eight super-class Sect seniors,"

"No, no one of our Luo family can afford to provoke it. Let's hide first."

After Luo Batian finished speaking, regardless of whether Luo Wenwen agreed or not, he directly pulled her and flew away.

When Luo Wenwen left, she couldn't help but glance at Han Yun.

Han Yun seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked at Luo Wenwen.

Eyes are facing each other, sparks are splashing in the void,

Han Yun smiled at Luo Wenwen, waved and said:

"Miss Luo, I hope we will see you again in the future,"

"Um... Han... Young Master Han, you have to be careful, I hope we will see you again in the future,"

Luo Wenwen replied a little shyly, and then hid her face and followed Luo Batian flying away.

At this time, Han Yun was standing in the void of the auction, and Xiao Bai supported the mermaid empress and stood quietly behind him.

And around them stood twelve superb Sect powerhouses, dressed in different costumes,

There are monks, Taoists, Confucian scholars, glamorous beauties, burly men, old men, and old women...

These twelve powerhouses represent the strongest combat power in the South China Sea Cultivation Realm. The Cultivation Base, the peak of the god bridge realm, can be called the overlord of one party.

They all stared at Han Yun with enthusiasm, wishing to take his skin and twitch his muscles right away.

"Han Yun, what is the purpose of your coming here? Why does your name sound so familiar, but for a while, the old man can't remember it,"

"Hurt, old man, what do you call him, can't we just get on together? We can't beat him alone with so many of us?"

"Amitābha, fellow daoist, stop arguing, let's capture this little friend first."

"Oh, the Nujia can't do anything, this little Big Brother is so handsome, and the Nujia really wants to talk to him about life!"

"Sao fox, don't grind, do it quickly, every time you see a little white face, this is the virtue."


A full twelve of the eight superb Sects in the South China Sea Cultivation World are ready to join forces to win Hanyun,

At this moment, Han Yun burst into laughter, then pointed to the big guys and said:

"Hey, I really don't know what to say to you,"

"You haven't even reached the eternal emperor, so dare you to challenge me here?"

"Who gave you the courage?"

"You don't really think that you people are already invincible, do you?"

"Haha, it's so funny... so funny!"

"To tell you the truth, I've got my hands dirty by killing you all,"

"You don't even deserve to give me Han Yun shoes!"

"Let you see what is true strength!"

After Han Yun finished speaking, he suddenly spread his arms and screamed up to the sky. The endless power burst out from his body in an instant.

The power of countless terrifying rules gushes out of Han Yun, his god-like coercion instantly pales the heavens and the earth, and the sun and the moon are dimmed.

At this moment, Han Yun stands in the void like an ancient god, and his whole body is radiant.

Behind Han Yun, there are eight profound beads of different colors, constantly rotating,

The eight profound beads represent the power of the eight rules that Han Yun has mastered. They have been condensed into shape and become part of Han Yun's law.

Not far from the void above Han Yun's head, a huge gate of the void slowly appeared.

The Void God Gate that appeared this time looks a bit bigger than the last time.

Countless colorful divine lights are emerging from the divine gate,

Everyone in Hainan City saw this shocking scene. Everyone in the city knelt to the ground in the direction of Han Yun.

Next second,

When the twelve Nanhai Xiuxianjie peak powerhouse saw Han Yun's method, they knelt in shock and begged for mercy:

"Master Xianzun, the old man is wrong, the old man...really wrong!"

"Master Xianzun, Lao Na has eyes but no knowledge of Mount Tai, Lao Na is willing to punish himself and face the wall for thousands of years,"

"Xian...sir, the concubine knows that she is wrong, as long as the adult is willing, the concubine is willing to be the adult's personal maid, do you think I am good-looking, the adult?"

"Master Xianzun, please, old man, just forgive us this time, we really don't know that you are Master Xianzun,"

"Yes, yes, they are all misunderstandings... My lord... all are misunderstandings..."


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