Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 417: This Old Man Is A Little Ruthless

At this moment, a white light suddenly lit up in the cloud-shrouded area,

At the same time, a small white portal appeared out of thin air,

When Han Yun saw this, the corner of his mouth raised, and he slowly walked into the door.

As soon as Han Yun entered the portal, the portal suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Zhenzhen and others were standing on the shore of Calabash, looking at the area with anxiety.

On the other side, after Han Yun entered the portal, his eyes instantly lit up.

The world behind the portal is completely different from the outside, as if it were a whole new world,

When the sun is in the sky, green mountains and green waters, countless rare and exotic animals are playing in the air and in the mountains,

The towering mountains look endless, like a paradise,

At this moment, Han Yun found that he was standing on the top of a small mountain, in front of them stood two old men in green shirts with white beard and hair, looking at him with an angry expression.

One of the old men in the green shirt shouted angrily at Han Yun

"Boy, who are you on earth, why are you attacking us confused Xianzong?"

"What hate does Sect have with you?"

"You are alone now, if you don't explain it honestly, don't blame us for being rude to you,"

After Han Yun heard the words, he glanced at the two old men in green shirts in front of him, and said lightly:


"You have to be polite to me, hehe, okay!"

"You can be polite to me now, I'm afraid you don't have that strength,"

"Since I have already come in, hehe, I can't help you anymore,"

"Good boy, you are so arrogant at your young age, so don't blame the old man for bullying the young."

After the old man in the green shirt finished speaking, he shot it directly with a palm, and the billowing Spirit Power attacked Hanyun like a dragon.

Han Yun took a look, shook his head slightly, and did not dodge, letting the opponent's Spirit Power hit him.

After that strong Spirit Power hit Han Yun's body, it disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

Han Yun still stood there quietly, unharmed,

The next moment, I saw Han Yun stretched out one hand, exerting a slight force,

The old man in the blue shirt couldn't help flying towards Han Yun, and Han Yun grabbed his neck.

After the old man in the blue shirt was caught by Han Yun's neck, he was shocked and turned pale, blushing with a thick neck and exclaimed:

" locked my throat... pinch my neck!"

" don't teach martial arts,"

"You will let go of the old man soon, or we will never end with you,"

"Ahem, please, let me go, I'll take it!"

"Hehe, old stuff, don't you want to be rude to me, come on,"

Han Yun said coldly, the other old man in green shirt was also anxious when he saw Junior Brother own being pinched by the other party.

He rushed over directly, punching Han Yun on the head, menacingly,

Han Yun did not dodge, but coldly glanced at the other old man in green shirt.

You know, Han Yun has already stepped into the Immortal Sect of the Tongtian Realm with one foot, and any action has the power to shock the sky, even a look can kill a person.

Before the old man in the blue shirt got close, he was blasted off by Han Yun's small eyes.

Hearing a loud bang, another old man in a green shirt was slammed into a mountain peak, and there was no response for a long time.

I don’t know if he is dead or alive now,

At this moment, Han Yun pinched the neck of the old man in Qingshan with one hand, and at the same time shouted to the front:

"Head Teacher of the Confused Xianzong, if you don't come out again, I'll kill this old thing first, and then level your Sect,"

"Are you going to come out after I get down here, or come out now,"

"You can figure it out!"

"I count three, and if you can't come out within three counts, I will kill him first, and then step down here,"



"Wait...wait... the old man comes out... the old man can't come out yet,"

With a sound like a child,

A little old man with a height of less than one meter and a little wretched, suddenly appeared in front of Han Yun.

He looked at the old man in green shirt who was pinched by Han Yun, and said helplessly:

"Boy, the old man has come out,"

"Can you let go of my Elder first, and if you pinch him like this, I'm afraid he won't be able to carry it for long."

"He can't just die like this, the old man is still useful,"

Han Yun glanced at the ugly little old man in front of him, frowned slightly, and asked curiously:

"Old man, you are the Head Teacher of the confused Xianzong, what is your name?"

"Huh? What calf, what calf is not the old man, the old man's name is Dugu Lonely Hulutu,"

" can kill me, but you can't insult the old man's name,"

"My name came from my Master. My Master is always knowledgeable. I know astronomy and geography,"

"My Master once said that I am the only man of destiny in Jiuyou Continent, and only this name is worthy of my peerless talent,"

"You ordinary people, how do you understand the mystery!"

After Han Yun heard the words, some Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, this little old man is too self-righteous.

f*ck, it’s no wonder it’s called the Confused Xianzong, their heads of the past are always confused, right?

It is hard for Han Yun to imagine how this kind of place can cultivate first-class formation masters.

Han Yun nodded slightly, and then let go of the old man in the green shirt. The old man in the green shirt hurriedly ran to the head teacher of the confused immortal Zong, begging:

"Master Head Teacher, the old man is incompetent. The main reason is that the guardian formation was destroyed so badly that the old man let him in."

"I ask Master Head Teacher to forgive the crime, the old man deserves death."

"I beg Master Head Teacher to spare the little one. The old man will take care of your old man in the future."

After hearing the words, the head teacher of the confused fairy sect coldly glanced at the old man in the green shirt, and smiled evilly:

"Wang Elder, hey, to be honest, how can the old man be willing to punish you,"

"But the ancestors set the rules. Those who open Sect without authorization must be thrown into the Ten Thousand Dreams Tuxian Array,"

"As a confused head teacher, how can the old man violate his ancestral precepts,"

"Wang Elder, I'm really sorry, the old man can only throw you into the Ten Thousand Dreams Tuxian Array,"

"Your Cultivation Base is the best nourishment for my team!"

After the head teacher of the confused Xianzong finished speaking, he saw him hand seals with one hand, muttering words in his mouth, and then pointed to the void.

"Thousands of dreams and immortals are hard to return for a thousand years,"

"Show me!"

As soon as his voice fell, a black spot suddenly appeared in the void, and the black spot kept getting bigger, and finally turned into a black hole with a diameter of tens of meters.

There is chaos in the black hole, nothing can be seen, like a bottomless abyss, extremely terrifying,

In the next second, the confused head teacher of Xianzong grabbed the green shirt old man and threw it into the black hole.

Just before being thrown into the black hole, the old man in the green shirt shouted:

"Master Head Teacher, no...I don't want to go in, I will never get out if I go in,"

"Master Head Teacher, you just..."

Before the old man in Qingshan finished speaking, he was thrown into the black hole mercilessly.

At this time, the head teacher of the confused Xianzong hand seals again with one hand, shouting:

"Send to me!"

The black hole in the void soon disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before,

Another old man with a swollen nose and a swollen shirt came over at this time.

He walked in front of the head teacher of the confused immortal Zong, and knelt down with a puff.

"Master Head Teacher, I know I was wrong, you can save my life,"

"I really don't want to be thrown into the Ten Thousand Dreams Tuxian Array,"

"Master Head Teacher, please!"


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