Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 427 Promoted to Heaven-Through-Sky Realm Ghost God Venerable!

"Master, you... just forgive me,"

"The little brother I was willing to do, little master...little..."

"Sorry, it's late!"

At this time, the General Hungry Ghosts completely slumped to the ground, trembling all over,

Less than a cup of tea time, as the general Hungry Ghosts of the mid-rank ghost of the longevity realm, the power and spirit of the Hungry Ghosts were all swallowed up by the chaotic star. The dead can no longer die.

He lost his Cultivation Base and Soul, and only a pair of skins remained.

And Hanyun continuously refines and devours the Cultivation Base of General Hungry Ghosts through the super synthesis system.

The power of Yellow Springs in Han Yun has become more refined, and its own Cultivation Base seems to have improved a little.

Among the eight powers of rules, in addition to the power of Chaos, the strongest now is the power of Yellow Springs.

I don’t know when, Han Yun’s body was wrapped in a thick black mist, like the messenger of The Underworld,

This is the apparent result after the power of the rules in the body is too full,

The other three generals of Hungry Ghosts were shocked when they saw that the general had been killed by Han Yun.

One of the Hungry Ghosts generals panicked and shouted desperately:

"All warriors and ghost beasts, give me up,"

"Today, we must take down that kid, smash him into thousands of pieces, and avenge the general,"


With his order, the army of millions of Hungry Ghosts and countless ghosts and beasts behind them rushed to the city of Heiyan like death.

The dense army of Hungry Ghosts rushed over.

Han Yun smiled faintly after seeing this scene.

"It's really a bunch of lifeless things,"

"Alright, I'll take the opportunity to take my Cultivation Base Ascension,"

"My Cultivation Base has stayed in the Half-Step Transcendent Realm for a while,"

"I don't know if I have enough Yellow Springs power, will I be able to step into the Heavenly Realm Immortal Venerable, hehe, or the Ghost God Venerable,"

Heiyan City is protected by the protective shield of Chaos Power, and the Hungry Ghosts outside the city can't get in at all.

They can only attack the protective cover, but it has no effect. In front of the power of Chaos, all attacks are ineffective.

The next moment, Han Yun slowly rose to the void, immediately displayed its ultimate move and super synthetic panel, and shouted from the sky:

"Chaotic Star, please devour it to my heart's content!"

At this time, over the endless forest outside the city, thousands of super black holes once again appeared out of thin air, covering all the Hungry Ghosts army.

In the next second, a huge suction force began to hit the millions of army and billions of ghosts and beasts,

All the Hungry Ghosts soldiers and ghost beasts were not calm for a moment, they all stood there, with painful expressions on their faces.

On the other side, Hanyun’s super synthesis system is fully powered,

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully refining Yellow Springs rule fragments +1500 pieces,"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully extracting +9900 Yellow Springs rule fragments,"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully extracting +25808 Yellow Springs rule fragments,"

"Dingdong, congratulations..."


Han Yun’s synthetic refining this time is different from the past, this time it’s hundreds of millions of synthetic refining.

It’s really a big deal, and the extracted rule fragments are hundreds of times the previous ones.

While refining, the super synthesis system continuously delivers endless Yellow Springs power to Hanyun,

Han Yun received so much Yellow Springs power at once, and Cultivation Base Realm rose like a rocket.

"Half a step through the sky!"

"Six tenths of the heavenly realm!"

"Seven tenths of the heavenly realm!"

"Eight tenths pass through the heavens!"


"A hundred percent of the gods and ghosts of the heavenly realm!"

The next moment, a huge black door suddenly appeared in the yellow sky, Ghost Qi shrouded, and the ghost door opened wide.

The roar of the horrifying ghosts and gods came from the ghost gate, just like The Underworld King of Hell summoning the evil spirits under his men.

At this moment, Han Yun officially stepped into the legendary world-passing realm, instead of just half-stepping the world-passing realm.

Because of the existence of Xiantian shackles in the Jiuyou Continent, the cultivator of the Jiuyou Continent will never be able to be promoted to the Tiantong Realm.

And this world of Purgatory Seventh Stage does not have this problem at all. As long as the Cultivation Base arrives, you can be promoted directly.

It can be seen from this that this world is a bit more advanced than Jiuyou Continent,

The sky-reaching realm that Han Yun stepped into was not the Immortal Venerable, but the Ghost God Venerable. The door in the void was not the Void God Gate, but turned into the Void Ghost Gate.

The main reason is that Hanyun was promoted to Tongtianzun by the power of Yellow Springs, so it is naturally the ghosts and gods of Tongtian realm.

Han Yun stood in the void at this time, surrounded by a thick Ghost Qi, and under the shadow of a ghost door in the void above his head, it was really like the ghost king of The Underworld, which was frightening.

At the center of Han Yun’s eyebrows, at some point, a black mysterious mark appeared, with black mysterious light from time to time.

When Han Yun's ghost gate of the void opened, the army of millions of Hungry Ghosts outside the gate was already half dead, and hundreds of millions of ghosts and beasts died. The power and spirit of the ghosts on their bodies were all absorbed by Han Yun.

And the three generals of Hungry Ghosts, all Cultivation Base fell one level, from the mid-rank ghost of the longevity realm to the low-rank ghost of the longevity realm,

In order to complete Hanyun, they really suffered heavy losses and paid a heavy price.

The ghost gate of the void above Han Yun's head, stepping on the thick ghost fog, shouted to all the Hungry Ghosts army:

"Haha, thank you!"

"Without you, I wouldn't be able to step into the Tongtian realm so quickly, you are indispensable,"

"Are you still going to continue playing with me?"

After hearing the words, the three generals of Hungry Ghosts knelt down with a "puff".

"Grandpa, I surrendered, so you can forgive us. You are now a ghost god in the world-transparent realm. Where are we your opponents?"

"Dad, the little one is willing to be your little brother, you can be the little brother for the rest of your life, I will voluntarily, no one will force me,"

"Grandpa, you are our boss now, what do you let us do what we do, I will never violate your orders,"


The remaining hundreds of thousands of Hungry Ghosts also knelt on the ground, begging for Han Yun.

After Han Yun heard the words, he nodded slightly and shouted to everyone:

"I have now stepped into the Heaven-Through-Sky Realm Ghost God Venerable. I want to take your life, so it's easy to fall back."

"And it swallows you, it will help my Cultivation Base,"

"But if you are willing to surrender to me, then I will naturally not embarrass you anymore,"

"Have you all thought about it?"

"Do you want to be my subordinate?"

After hearing the words, everyone nodded vigorously, shouting with a pious face:

"Think about it, this general is willing to serve Master Han for the rest of his life, only Master Han will look forward to it,"

"The little one has already thought about it, only Han Da is worthy to be my boss,"

"Who didn't think about it, I didn't think about it, this general will kill you first, dammit,"

"I've thought about it...I've thought it out..."

"Master Han, long live, long live!"


The three generals of Hungry Ghosts and hundreds of thousands of Hungry Ghosts fighters threw away their weapons, one after another, they bowed their heads in the direction of Han Yun.

Han Yun retracted the ghost gate of the void, then descended on the tower, and at the same time removed the protective cover of the power of chaos, many people said:

"You go to the city, I have something to chat with you,"

"Come in all!"

After hearing the words, the three generals of Hungry Ghosts quickly nodded and said yes, then led an army of nearly half a million Hungry Ghosts and slowly entered the city of Heiyan in an orderly manner.

Soon, Han Yun and the three Hungry Ghosts came to the lobby of the inn first and found a place to sit down.

Han Yun coldly looked at the three Hungry Ghosts generals in front of him, and smiled faintly:

"What are the names of the three of you?"

"What are you Realm now?"

"Your lord of the Hungry Ghosts swamp, what Realm is it?"

"How many Hungry Ghosts fighters are there in the Hungry Ghosts swamp?"

"You all talk about it,"


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