Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 440 Sending out five super killers

"Master, yes, I change and change..."

"Master, I change too!"


Five vampire ancestors began to circulate on the spot one after another. In less than a second, five ghost youths flashed out of thin air.

A short, fat, big Fatty,

A tall, thin, tall, cold teenager,

A burly and honest boy,

A quiet little girl,

A voluptuous and sexy big beauty,

Wen Da, that’s the big Fatty,

Wen two is a cold boy,

Wen San is the burly man,

Wen Si, that is the quiet girl,

Wen Wu, that enchanting beauty,

Han Yun looked at these five ghost youths with different styles, feeling happy.

Five super ghost thugs were in place instantly,

Han Yun finally took a deep look at Wensi and Wenwu, and there was a burst of joy in his heart.

Xiao Bai is the first ghost beast beauty that Han Yun synthesized,

Wen 4 and Wen 5 are two ghost beast beauties synthesized by Han Yun again.

It turned out to be so simple to synthesize beautiful women!

As long as you synthesize a top female spirit beast or ghost beast, you can transform into a beauty?

Doesn't that mean that you can synthesize more beauties with different styles in the future?

Quiet, well-behaved, enchanting, passionate, noble empress...

f*ck, this project is very exciting just thinking about it!

The only problem is that Hanyun still has no way to control it, whether the composite is male or female.

And Yada, who stood not far away, saw this scene in front of him, completely bewildered.

Can anyone tell me, this...what the hell is going on?

The grassy ghosts all over the mountains are gone, but five young people appear out of thin air, and there are two beauties among them?

What did Master Han Yun do and how did he do it?

It's amazing!

At this moment, hundreds of evil ghost tribe members suddenly appeared in the Yellow Springs mountain range. Among them, the leading ghost general shouted to Han Yun and the others:

"Well, who are you?"

"Why come to the territory of our evil ghost Yellow Springs sect, and what is the purpose?"

"Our evil demon Yellow Springs sect does not welcome outsiders, so hurry up and get out!"

"Huh? It's not right, where are the grassy ghosts who protect the mountain?"

"Why are so many green grass come they are all gone, f*ck...what a ghost!"

After Han Yun heard the words, he just smiled coldly, did not say anything, but looked up and down these evil ghost tribesmen.

The people of the evil ghost tribe do look like the evil ghosts of The Underworld, with blue-faced fangs, fluffy red hair, and skinny.

At this time, Wen Wu, who was standing behind Han Yun, became unhappy. She walked up to the leader of the evil spirit very enchantingly, and smiled charmingly.

"Hehe, Big Brother, you are so domineering!"

"Little Sister really likes you, Big Brother, come here a little... come a little,"

"Come on...Come on..."

Where did the evil spirit leader usually see such glamorous scenes, the soul was hooked over immediately,

He couldn't help but leaned forward to Wenwu. When he was less than ten centimeters away from Wenwu,

Wen Wu smiled at him and stretched out a pair of slender hands involuntarily.

In the next second, she suddenly grabbed the neck of the evil spirit leader, opened her mouth wide, revealing two sharp fangs, and uttered a mouthful to his neck.

By the time the evil ghost leader reacted, Wen Wu had already absorbed the ghost blood all over his body, and then pushed forward.

The body of the evil leader fell straight down,

At this time, a few more profound lights flashed, as fast as lightning, and the naked eye could not see the figure at all.

Then there was the sound of "Yang...Yang..." and screams,

In less than a few seconds, hundreds of evil ghost tribesmen were killed by the blood of ghosts by Wen Da and others.

Wen Da has a big belly, a trace of ghost blood is still flowing at the corner of his mouth, and he looks a little enjoyable and smiles:

"Haha, enjoyable, really enjoyable!"

"It's a pity that the blood of this evil ghost clan is a bit bitter, and it would be even better if there were desserts,"

"Master, the blood of these evil ghosts is not enough for us to drink. Can we go into the mountains and drink more?"

"Master, if you also like to drink blood, we can bring some back and promise you enough to drink."

"Well, let's be interesting!"

After hearing the words, Han Yun took a look at Wenda and the others, and shook his head slightly.

Their actions are no different from the legendary vampires on earth.

They seem harmless to humans and animals, but they are actually vampires of another world, devil who kills people without blinking.

After thinking for a while, Han Yun said to Wenda:

"Wenda, you can go into the mountains to hunt the evil ghost people, but you must hide your whereabouts and not let others discover you,"

"When I come back, I will send you a signal. After you see the signal, you will come back to me."

"Do you all understand?"

After hearing the words, the five members of Wenda said yes, and then they flew into the Yellow Springs mountain range and continued to hunt down the evil ghosts of the Yellow Springs sect.

Five and a half-step super killers of the gods and ghosts of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm enter the Yellow Springs mountain range, just like a dragon like a sea, without pressure,

Han Yun returned to the Ninth-Rank Supreme Immortal Boat with Yada. When the others saw that Han Yun was back, they asked:

"Master Han, how about over there, can the ghosts handle it?"

"My lord, did anyone from the Yellow Springs sect find you?"

"My lord, when will we fight over, my whole body is itchy now, as if I was in a fight,"

"My lord, I'm very curious about what the evil ghost tribe people look like. I have never left the Black Yan Forest in my entire life."

"Han Dage, first sit down and have a sip of tea. I just made a pot of eight-pin enlightenment tea. You can taste it."


Han Yun saw that everyone was talking about it, and said with a faint smile:

"Okay, okay, don't make any noise,"

"Those ghosts and worms have all been solved, and entering the mountain is no longer a problem,"

"In this way, we first find a place nearby to hide, and then enter the Yellow Springs mountain range in three days."

"I have sent five super killers to the front-end battle, so you don't have to worry about it,"

"Xiao Bai, you are the best behaved, I'll take two sips of tea before talking."

Han Yun smiled and took Xiao Bai’s eight-pin enlightenment tea, and slowly tasted it.

When everyone heard it, Monk Duzhang'er couldn't figure it out and didn't react for a long time.

Five super killers?

This...where did this come from?

There is no such character in our army, Lord Han will turn into five super killers when he goes out?

This...what the hell is going on?

Besides, the master of the evil Yellow Springs clan is like a cloud, is it too risky to send only five people in?

Ordinary masters, there must be no return, just go to die,

At this moment, Ji Da came over and asked Han Yun weakly:

"Big... grown-up, little one has a sentence, I don't know if it should be said or not?"

"Well, the corpse is big, just say it!"

"My lord, what kind of Cultivation Base are the five super killers you sent out?"

"Cultivation Base? It's so so. They are all half-step through the sky realm ghosts and gods, not very high."

"Hi...what? Half a step into the heavens ghost gods? This...this..."


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