Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 458: Transferring, Transferring, Transferring!

"My Lord, are you in the room?"

"I am Fatty!"

"Huh? Fatty, come in,"

Han Yun turned around and opened the door, only to see the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave Protector and the Twenty Generals came in.

Han Yun glanced at the Fat Guardian and asked directly:

"Fatty, what's the matter?"

"Why do you look so excited?"

"What's the situation, just say it,"

"My Lord, the things you told us have been done, hehe,"

The fat law protector replied with a smile, he looked at the other law protectors and the generals around him again, and continued to smile:

"My lord, a few of us have transferred over 30 million ghost warriors from the surrounding gods in these three days."

"In addition to the 20 million ghost warriors in our Ten Thousand Ghost Caves, there are now more than 50 million troops on standby at any time,"

"Hey, this doesn't include the army of one million soul-eaters,"

"My Lord, why do you want so many people?"

"Isn't the number of our arrogant world assigned to Jiuyou World only one million?"

"Are you... are you planning to bring the army of more than 50 million ghost races to Jiuyou World?"

"That...that's great, it's the gospel of our pride!"

When Han Yun heard the words, he frowned and slapped it directly, giving the fat guard a big slap in the face.

In the next second, the fat guardian was slapped and slammed to the ground. He covered his face and said pitifully:

"Master of the realm, little... Did the little one say something wrong?"

"I... I didn't say anything?"

"Oh... it hurts me so much,"

"Fatty, what do you think about every day?"

Han Yun looked at the fat guardian coldly, shouted sharply, then pointed at the fat guardian and said:

"Fifty million army, I am useful, do I have to report to you for everything?"

"As for the Soul Devouring World of the Nine Netherworlds, don't even think about it. I didn't even want to bring the Soul Devourer into the Nine Netherworlds,"

"Do you understand?"

"Understood...understood, sir, let's not go...Isn't it OK if we don't go to Jiuyou World,"

The fat guardian replied with a dazed expression, and then struggled to stand up.

"Master of the realm, but... but the six million soul-eaters of the other six realms... will soon be in our proud realm,"

"If you don't take them into the Nine Netherworlds, then they will definitely not do it. What can they do?"

"Haha, what should I do?"

Han Yun sneered, then shouted to the top ten guardians and twenty generals:

"You are all people, follow the order!"

"My Lord, your subordinates are here!"

"You will immediately lead the 50 million ghost races in ambush around the gate of the realm, and then just listen to my orders,"

"I ask you to do whatever I want. Don't ask why, just do it,"

"If there are any mistakes then, none of you will live anymore,"

"Do you understand everything?"

"Understood... Understood, Lord Master, please rest assured!"

"Okay, do it now, Fatty, just follow me by my side,"

"Yes, my lord,"

After hearing the words, the top ten guardians, twenty generals and others immediately nodded and bowed back, and then hurriedly left Han Yun’s room.

Afterwards, Han Yun called Wenda again and asked him to immediately lead the army of one million arrogant souls to gather at the gate of the realm.

After Wen Daling left, Han Yun and Fat Guardian once again came to the gate of the realm.

Four realm gate ambassadors hurriedly greeted him, and one of the realm gate ambassadors reported to Hanyunhui:

"Master of the realm, the other six realms have already sent us a signal just now,"

"We are required to open the door of the realm immediately, so that the soul-eaters from the six realms can come in,"

"Master of the realm, what time do you think is appropriate to open the door of the realm?"

"Yelühei, wait a moment, after the soul-eaters of our arrogance world arrive here, you will open the door of the realm again,"

"My Lord, our arrogant world soul-eater? What are they... here for?"

After hearing the words, Yeluhei, the gatekeeper of the realm, was slightly taken aback.

The gate of the realm is the gateway to the arrogant realm and the other six realms, not the gateway to the world of Jiuyou.

It's meaningless for Lord Lord to let the Soul Eater Army of Pride come here!

The Lord of the Realm had just taken office a few days ago. Could it be that the Gate of the Realm and the Gate of Jiuyou have been confused, right?

Yelvhei coughed twice, and then said to Han Yun respectfully:

"Ahem... Lord Master, the door of our Jiao Realm is not the gate of Jiuyou, and it cannot lead to the world of Jiuyou,"

"Our soul-eater should go to the gate of the Nine Serenities, not the gate of the realm. Only then can it lead to the world of the Nine Serenities,"

"My Lord, are you making a mistake?"

"Huh? Do you think I'm an idiot? Of course I know what the realm gate is for,"

After Han Yun heard the words, he glanced at Yeluhei coldly and shouted sharply.

When Yeluhei heard this, he knelt on the ground in shock and quickly explained:

"Master, damn the little...the little damn!"

"Of course you know, it's too small to worry about it, I hope you will forgive me!"

"It's okay. Get up first. Remember, when our soul-eater arrives, you can open the door to the realm."

"Ok... OK... the little one remembered,"

Yelvhei quickly stood up, obediently next to the other three realm gatekeepers,

Everyone waited for less than a cup of tea time, and suddenly saw black smoke billowing in the distance with constant rumbling noises.

Han Yun turned around and saw that there were nine guardians and twenty heavenly ghost generals, leading an army of more than 50 million ghost tribes who rushed over.

Han Yun murmured a few words in the ear of the fat guardian, the fat guardian understood in an instant, and then ran to the front of the army.

"Everyone, hide it all around me immediately,"

"Hurry up... Sha Lengdi..."

"Hurry up…"

In this way, the army of more than 50 million ghost tribes was quickly hidden around the gate of the realm.

After a while, Wen Da and others led an army of one million soul-eaters and rushed over.

Han Yun asked Wen Da to bring a million soul-eaters to stand neatly in front of the gate of the realm.

Then, Han Yun whispered a few words quietly in Wenda's ear. After Wenda heard the words, his face was a little shocked.

"Master, are you... are you sure to do this?"

"But... we only have one million Soul Eater, they have..."

Han Yun smiled faintly, immediately interrupted Wenda's words, and said:

"Wen University, don't worry,"

"I have deployed fifty million ghost warriors around here, all of which are above the level of the gods,"

"Let you 50 people hit one person, the head office?"

"What's more, you still have ten guardians of Ten Thousand Ghost Caves and twenty great generals of heavenly ghosts,"

"Besides, the five of you will never be vegetarian, right?"

"I can give you the order to die. This task must be completed today,"

"Otherwise I told you not to eat for a month, have you heard?"

One day at Wenda University, he immediately became anxious and said with a crying expression:

"Master, you can kill me, but you can't help me eat,"

"I...Is it easy for me to raise this body fat?"

"Master, don't worry, we absolutely complete the task, hey, our five brothers and sisters in the Wen family are born to do this,"

"Just look at it, hehe,"

After hearing the words, Han Yun nodded very satisfied, then looked at the four realm gatekeepers, and shouted coldly:

"Boundary gatekeeper, go and open the door..."

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