Me, Super Tyrannosaurus Rex! Sitting In Prehistoric Times, The Future Humans Will Come!

017. Tyrannosaurus Rex Populations! No Cowards! (Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Ticket! Ask For

Lu Chen's purpose is simple.

If these people are frightened, won't they continue to send weapons over?

Then I am absorbing the energy of these weapons, and then achieve the purpose of quickly unlocking the panel!

Hey hey hey, sit back and enjoy it! Sit back and enjoy it!

However, if you want to accomplish your goal, you must provoke the talents of these lighthouse countries.

Prehistoric, basin center.

These researchers from the Lighthouse Country, who were logging, saw the giant beast roaring at themselves and others.

This made all these people feel terrified.

"My God! Did we move too slowly and angered the giant beast?"

"I don't know! Hurry up and start a fire!! Otherwise, I will really be eaten by a giant beast!"

When everyone saw the huge abyss mouth of the giant beast, everyone shuddered.

With so many people, it is estimated that there are not enough giant beasts to stuff their teeth!

Wood's face was extremely pale at this time, but the movements of his hands were not negligent.

While sawing the wood, he gasped and said:

"Captain Simon, how long will it take for support to arrive!"

"There are still three days!" A cold light flashed in Captain Simon's eyes!

Then, he said in a low voice: "This time the full-power plan of the giant beast is directed by Colonel John."

"Colonel John!" Hearing this, Wood couldn't help but gasped.

This John is well-known in the Beacon Country, he advocates the threat of force, and he is a full-fledged hawk!

I didn't expect that the superior would let such a person preside over the giant beast plan this time.

"Endure it for another three days!!"

Wood gritted his teeth and said.

Then, continue to start the work in hand.

Here, after Zhang Ke saw the roar of the giant beast, he also thought that the giant beast was angry.

However, no matter how he communicated with the giant beast, the giant beast didn't want to pay attention to them.

As a last resort, they had no choice but to withdraw.

Seeing that Zhang Ke and the two had left the basin, Lu Chen continued to lie down and rest leisurely.

Right now, he is only 4 evolution points away from turning on the super atomic furnace in his body.

The progress of eating and basking in the sun is really too slow!

The energy of thermal weapons must be used! Thinking of this, Lu Chen began to look forward to it.

For three days, whether it is fast or not, whether it is slow or not.

Today is the last moment of the third day.

"Drip! Wormhole fluctuations have been detected, and the three-dimensional coordinates have been transmitted!"

On the fourth day, when the sky was getting dark, Captain Simon of the Lighthouse Country listened nervously to the sound of the radio in his ear.

Immediately afterwards, a set of coordinate data was transmitted to his locator.

"Wormhole opening time: 33 minutes."

"Wormhole range diameter: 19 meters."

After getting the specific data, Captain Simon quickly led his men to the coordinates without stopping.

This time, only the wormholes in Dragon Country, Bear Country, and Lighthouse Country were opened.

The people of Sakura Country could only stare blankly, there was nothing they could do.

At this time, Zhang Ke also took the guards to the coordinates of the wormhole, which was quite far away.

Specifically, their current location is at least two hundred kilometers away.

Three hours later.

Simon has brought his subordinates to the location specified by the coordinates.

And here, there are already many soldiers waiting quietly.

"Report! Captain Simon!"

A soldier captain walked up to Simon, and said loudly:

"Assaulter 1 is under your command!"

"This time, we dispatched 30 all-weather heavy combat tanks T-90, and 15 Assaulter-A101 missile launch vehicles! Several other conventional combat weapons!"

"Okay!" Captain Simon's face changed slightly after hearing the Assault missile.

The Assault-A101 missile has an explosive power equivalent to 2,000 tons of TNT! The killing range is 1500 meters in diameter!

Not to mention that I now have fifteen such missiles!

"All follow me! Go to the prehistoric basin!" Simon waved his big hand and said coldly!

"Yes!" Behind him, all the attackers started to follow Simon.

Thirty heavy-duty all-weather combat tanks, plus fifteen Assault missile launch vehicles, just walked slowly towards the prehistoric basin in such a mighty way.

In the center of the basin, Lu Chen slightly opened his eyes. Since the morning, all the small heat spots around him have left here.

Don't think about it, it must be to meet the support materials of their respective teams.

I just don't know if it will bring me any kind of surprise!

Lu Chen is really looking forward to it!


Half an hour later, the Tyrannosaurus rex in the prehistoric jungle seemed to have sensed the signal of imminent danger.

In an instant, the roar of Tyrannosaurus Rex resounded throughout prehistoric times.



Not long after, hundreds of prehistoric tyrannosaurus rex came to the center of the basin, before their king.

Lu Chen looked down at the hundreds of tyrannosaurus rex in front of him, although he couldn't show too many expressions on his face.

But Lu Chen was very relieved in his heart.


"Take all the tyrannosaurus rex, hide behind me on the coast, and wait for my instructions."

Lu Chen began to give orders.

One's own defense is clear to oneself, and there is no problem in the face of weapons.

However, these Tyrannosaurus rex subordinates of their own do not have such a strong defense force as their own.

Not to mention those powerful thermal weapons, just like the power of the previous rifle, it is estimated that it can kill the Tyrannosaurus rex.

And Lu Chen had a hunch that this time, it is absolutely impossible for the opponent to bring only a rifle!

Just after Lu Chen finished giving orders, hundreds of Tyrannosaurus rex below began to whisper.

Finally, the most powerful Tyrannosaurus rex walked up to Lu Chen, and then it raised its head and roared.


Lu Chen felt the other party's emotions, and there were some changes in his heart.

Although these tyrannosaurus rex can't think like themselves, they don't have as much wisdom as themselves.

However, Lu Chen has already heard the meaning they expressed just now.

In human terms, that is.

Live for the king! Die for the king!

Tyrannosaurus rex populations! No cowards! !

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