Me, Super Tyrannosaurus Rex! Sitting In Prehistoric Times, The Future Humans Will Come!

034. Royal Dinosaur! The Giant Beast Is Going To Sit In Prehistoric Times! (Ask For Flowers! Ask For

Seeing that all these dinosaurs understood what he meant, Lu Chen nodded.

Then, swaggeringly left the ruined forest.

He returned to the basin where he lived.

"Explorer 1 log—"

"This is the prehistoric No. 1 basin base, which is the basin where the giant beast lives."

"Based on today's observations, we have found that Behemoth can release a very strong beam of thermal energy."

"Furthermore, the mighty beast of the beam seems to be able to regulate itself."

"Based on the extent of the destruction of the forest in the southeast."

"The light beam is very powerful and has super high thermal energy."

"Explorer 1 log ended—"

After Zhang Ke finished recording the diary for the day, he walked out of the No. 1 basin base.

Looking at the center of the basin, that prehistoric monster.

His face was full of amazement.

Since the giant beast was discovered, the giant beast has been constantly bringing them surprises.

And the giant beast is constantly challenging the cognition of these staff members!

"Captain Zhang! A large number of thermal induction sources have been detected nearby!"

"According to the test, it is very likely to be a group of dinosaurs!"

"Moreover, there are two kinds of thermal energy sources, and it is speculated that they may be two kinds of dinosaurs!"

At this time, a scientific researcher from Longguo found Zhang Ke, and then told what he had just detected.

"Dinosaurs..." Zhang Ke was also slightly taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, everyone came to the edge of the basin and looked at the basin in front of them.

The surrounding ground began to vibrate continuously.

The trees of the prehistoric forest began to rattle.

There were constant sounds of dead branches being trampled and broken.

"Where is Zhou Zhen! Has this scene been filmed?!"

When Zhang Ke glanced at the entrance of the basin, his face was full of shock.

Afterwards, he quickly found Zhou Zhen, and pointed the quantum camera at the entrance of the basin.

At this moment, the entrance of the basin.

Giant spinosaurs walked slowly towards the center of the basin.

Spinosaurus, also known as Spinosaurus.

The most obvious feature is the long spines on their backs. The middle of the long spines is connected by the skin to form a back spine.

Spinosaurus was followed by many Allosaurus.

The smallest of these Allosaurus was also seven meters long.

The largest can even grow to fifteen meters!

Moreover, the intelligence of Allosaurus is even higher than that of Spinosaurus.

They know how to fight in groups, and often besiege dinosaurs that are bigger than them.

This scene, in the eyes of many researchers, is extremely shocking!

Never seen so many dinosaurs!

There are at least five or six hundred dinosaurs if you count them casually, right?

In the center of the basin, Lu Chen squinted his eyes and looked at the group of dinosaurs.

Soon, all the nearby Allosaurus and Spinosaurus who were qualified to come here all came here.

As for the hundreds of Tyrannosaurus Rex who followed him for a while, except for a dozen Tyrannosaurus Rex who were guarding those people's mining.

All the rest came here.


"Calling you over is naturally for me."

"Follow me from now on, you will be invincible in prehistoric times!"

Lu Chen passed on his meaning.

At this time, more than 80 tyrannosaurus rex also began to roar.

This is the order of their king, these dinosaurs in front of them must surrender!

Otherwise, you must die!

Even, as long as there are dinosaurs who dare to refuse Lu Chen's meaning.

Then these tyrannosaurs will rush up without hesitation and devour them.

Even though, these Tyrannosaurus rex faced five or six hundred dinosaurs!

After listening to Lu Chen's words, the dinosaurs began to whisper to each other.

They began to communicate in their strange way.

Soon, these Spinosaurus and Allosaurus all chose to succumb to the feet of the giant beast.

It is impossible not to surrender!

With such a huge monster, I am afraid that all these dinosaurs will turn into minced meat if they stomp their feet.

In addition, Tyrannosaurus rex, the strongest prehistoric creature, succumbed to the giant beast.

Do we Spinosaurus and Allosaurus dare not surrender...

Seeing these dinosaurs surrender, a smile appeared on Lu Chen's face.

It's just that outsiders can't see it.

In the next period of time, Lu Chen started the journey of accepting younger brothers.

As for Longguo researchers, Zhang Ke and Zhou Zhen recorded everything.

While lamenting the wisdom of the giant beast, while being shocked by the majesty of the giant beast!

In the days that followed, the shock continued!

"Explorer 1 log—"

"Today the giant beast has completely dominated the Spinosaurus and Allosaurus in this area."

"The Spinosaurus and the Allosaurus races have shown great support for the Behemoth."


"Explorer 1 log—"

"Giant beasts tamed the Tarbosaurus population! Tarbosaurus belongs to the family Tyrannosaurus, the same family as Tyrannosaurus rex."


"The Behemoth tamed the carcharodontosaur population..."

"The Behemoth tamed the Giganotosaurus..."

In the following month, what the giant beast did shocked all scientific researchers.

Because according to statistics, almost all the strongest carnivorous dinosaurs in prehistoric times all belonged to giant beasts!

The giant beast is going to sit in prehistoric times!

"Tyrannosaurus Rex, Spinosaurus, Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Sharkodontosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Velociraptor, Savage Dragon..."

All kinds of large carnivorous dinosaurs entered and exited Basin 1 day and night.

This made all the researchers feel extremely horrified.

Fortunately, these dinosaurs will not attack researchers.

The daily task of these dinosaurs is to capture large vegetarian dinosaurs.

Such as Triceratops, Brontosaurus, Seismosaurus.

Especially Brontosaurus and Seismosaurus, each can grow to a length of 30 meters to nearly 40 meters!

Although Lu Chen can no longer eat food now.

But I can't bear someone to light a fire for myself!

In addition, the taste of these dinosaur meat is really good, if you don't eat it for nothing, don't eat it!

Naturally, it was the Sakura Kingdom that lit the fire, but Lu Chen also discovered that when the researchers and defenders of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom first started.

Still very reluctant to light a fire for myself.

But now it seems that the fire is working harder.

Maybe it has something to do with his appearance.

Now I look like a super brother boss!

The people of the cherry blossom country like to light fire, so let them burn it!

You can't let them sit idle.

They are responsible for burning fire for themselves, and those in Lighthouse Country are responsible for mining ore for themselves. The arrangement is very reasonable!

"Drip! Warning! Warning!"

"Seismic waves detected, 300 kilometers away from current location!"

"Drip! Warning! Warning!"

"Secondary seismic wave detected, 280 kilometers away from current location!"

On this day, in the early morning, Zhang Ke was awakened by the sound of the alarm.

When he heard the sound of the alarm, he lost all sleepiness!

This is the first time that seismic waves have been detected in prehistoric times!

He quickly dressed neatly, and then rushed into the scientific research base room beside him...


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