Can you get a star core?!

Elio looked at Ye Chen with a shocked expression.

Things about the core of the star, including the birth of the star.

These are just the core secrets that the star core hunters and their high-level know here~!

In other words, in order to deal with the crisis caused by the [destruction] star god Nanuk.

Elio flipped through countless scripts.

From countless storylines, one of the most likely routes to successfully defeat the Nanuk Project was found.

That is to use the star as a carrier to create a new star god.

The creatures created by the genes of Kafka, the Silver Wolf, and the Blade are extremely accommodating to star cores.

It's just that the star core is known as the "cancer of all worlds" and is spread throughout the universe.

But I deliberately looked for it, but I couldn't find it.

And the variable person of this script can actually lead them to find a ready-made star core?!

"If that's the case..... Then the deal can be done!"

Elio thinks it's worth it!

And the appearance of an unknown character is enough to affect the development of the script.

Maybe it will increase the success rate of the confrontation with Nanuk!

"As a member of the universe.... The world behind this man is bound to be destroyed as well!, and his words are sincere....."

That's what I thought in my heart.

"As a sign of sincerity, I will pay you 500 billion credits first, and the silver wolf will also go with you to your world. "

"If you have the final payment, you need to keep your promise before you can give it to you. "

Elio also said with a light finger.

"Of course. Happy to work with. "

So, Ye Chen also logically pulled the silver wolf and returned to the cyberpunk world through a one-time portal.

The silver wolf, who was playing a game, was suddenly dragged out vigorously.

The battle game that has already fallen into the disadvantage is a direct failure!

The angry silver wolf scolded on the spot.

"Ye Chen, what are you doing!"

"It's time to get down to business......" Ye Chen shrugged helplessly.

You may not know my personality yet.

In that world, my reputation wasn't very good.

"Finally let me finish this game......"

Scolding in his mouth.

0 begging for flowers

As a result, in the next second, from the headquarters of the Star Core Hunter, he came directly to a...

"Quite backward office ......"

The silver wolf looked at his surroundings, as well as....

A person with a special device on his body.

It seems to be backward as well.

"Is there such a backward place in this universe?"

The silver wolf couldn't help but mutter. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Ye Chen coming back, he even pulled a silver-haired one.... Little girl?!

Mann immediately couldn't help himself.

"Who is this little girl? Ye Chen, don't be joking!"

"The Night Clan's plan must not let them succeed! It is said that a steady stream of mechanical soldiers has begun to appear all over the world that have never been seen before!"

"Ordinary prosthetics, even NCPD released cyber psychosis were easily killed in seconds!"

"It's a terrible situation!"

Lucy also looked at her with a confused expression.....

The little girl didn't look very happy.

Could it be that Ye Chen was abducted by some means?

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