"Don't get me wrong......"

Ye Chen frowned.

I kindly solved the problem of team building location and funding.

But you are in private~ doubting my character?

Does this sound like a word?

So, Ye Chen also briefly said the content of Rogge's chat.

Publicly, these elders in the province chew the root of their tongues behind their backs.

Although Ye Chen didn't care, the positive image in Sasha's eyes couldn't collapse.

After listening to Ye Chen's explanation, everyone took another sip of wine with a disappointed face.

Something is wrong!

It's been explained clearly, why are you all so disappointed?!

"I thought it would be fun to watch, but Lucy had already drunk several glasses just now, and said I'll give you some color later. "

Mann looked at Ye Chen with a strange expression.

"And Rebecca, V..... Sasha, do you want to be with them?"

Dorio even wants to trick Sasha into joining in!

"What are you trying to do here? Beat me up?!"

Ye Chen suddenly showed a vigilant expression.


In terms of hard power, they naturally cannot be their opponents.

But everyone knows each other so well, and they are honest with each other.

There's no need to be real!

Just have a little fun!

"Beat you?"

Lucy waved her small fist at the white night.

"Today evening, you taste our awesomeness!"

I'll go..... You guys are a bit informative!

Ye Chen suspected that Lucy was driving.

Sure enough..... Bad learning.

Why do you always think about something indecent at a young age?

"Forget about the few of you.... Don't bring Sasha with you..... Dig a slot!"

Ye Chen glanced at Sasha by the way.

I didn't expect her to look forward to it!

In Ye Chen's impression, Sasha has always been a very pure representative.

Oh my God, Bao'er, why are you doing this?!

And Ye Chen and Lucy were enjoying the pleasure of drinking in the bar.

Rogge's side has completely returned to its former state.

After all, Rogge was also a ruthless character back then.

Follow the silver hand, the identity of the eldest sister's head.

In addition, the Arasaka company is considered to be completely bankrupt.

And Ye Chen, the new overlord of Night City, is too lazy to get involved in such trivial matters as fighting and maintaining peace.

As for the NCPD bunch of garbage....-.. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Standing there by yourself and letting them fight may not dare to do anything.

That's right, this is the temperament of the eldest sister!

0 for flowers0

According to Ye Chen's proposal, Rogge is looking for a suitable chip candidate for Yinshou......

Although somewhat cruel.

But sorry, that's the rules of Night City!

Big fish eat little fish.

As long as you're strong enough, there's nothing the law here can do with you.

The other side.


Gryffindor, the new president, gets a message.

"What?!!Sasha showed up?"

Gryffindor looked at a delicate little girl and fell into deep thought.

Because he had just taken office and had absolutely no idea what was going on!

What does the appearance of this little girl mean?!

Imply..... Can you catch her and sell her to a nightclub?!

This little thing has to be reported too?!

"No, it's not...."

Personnel changes within the biotechnology according to ability.

There are also some old people who are not capable, but have deep qualifications.

I know very well what happened to Sasha and her parents back then.

Sasha was supposed to have been killed in a car accident.

But now it suddenly appeared, and it was on Ye Chen's side!

It's hard not to believe that Sasha is very likely to have found Ye Chen as a backing for this matter!

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