"That's enough! I see what you mean!"

Before Ye Chen could finish speaking, Griffondo immediately interrupted the words.

"I'll pay!!So you can keep Sasha and the others a secret, right?!"

There is still no comparison between money and fame.

After all, money is a thing that can be earned again.

But if the reputation is gone, no matter how much you earn it, you can't earn it back.

And if the fame stinks, the corresponding money will be reduced.

Therefore, apart from agreeing to Ye Chen's vague meaning, it seems that there is no other choice.

"What a smart man. "

Ye Chen couldn't help but smile faintly.

Talking to smart people is easy to do, it's too easy.

"So how much are you willing to pay to keep this secret?!"

"100 million euros. The price is just right. "

This 327 is nothing new.

In fact, before Sasha was in a car accident, the news had been successfully uploaded, and many people had already seen it.

It's just that it was forcibly suppressed by the power of capital.

But if the old things are brought up again, it will inevitably make biotechnology fall into a public opinion storm again!

Therefore, if you can spend money to buy fame, you naturally have to buy it!

And 100 million, in exchange for hush money, this is very reasonable!

"100 million? That's not enough. "

With only 100 million, it is naturally impossible for this to fall into Ye Chen's eyes.

Not enough, you have to add more.

Griffondo gas (acec) is enough to choke.

100 million is not satisfied?!

"How much do you want?!"

"Five tens of billions, no two prices. "

Ye Chen said lightly.

"You're too dark, you're just keeping a secret, and you're charging such a high price?!"

Griffondo gritted his teeth.

Sure enough, it seems that the entrepreneurs of the Dragon Kingdom are the most powerful.

For example, although they are the birthplace of capital, they talk about the means of accumulating wealth.

There is no way to compare with the merchants of the Dragon Kingdom.

This Kang Tao is an example of this!

Mr. Kang Tao is also a native of Longguo!

"You can also not say yes.... But then the matter will be reported. I don't guarantee that you'll be able to put this down again. "

Ye Chen also made no secret of his thoughts.

What do you say, twist and pinch This is not Ye Chen's character.

Ye Chen admits that he is not a good person.

But biotechnology isn't a good thing either.

Don't be moral or anything from the bad guys.

There is nothing wrong with all the means. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As long as you can make money.

After weighing the pros and cons, Griffondo also felt ..... 50 billion.

A lot indeed.

However, if it can be solved once and for all.

Overall, the pros outweigh the disadvantages.

"Well, I agree to your request!"

Gryffindor raised his hands in surrender.

Then Ye Chen threw him an account, and it was okay to send money into it.

"I hope you keep your word. "

Gryffindor's biggest concern is that black eats black.

It is the most hateful thing to take money and not do it.

"Rest assured... I'm a great work ethic. "

"What a pleasant deal. "

After hanging up, Griffondo became angrier the more he thought about it.

What the hell.

Ye Chen's character is not very trustworthy! But there is no other way at the moment.

"It's so powerless...."

Although the volume of biotechnology is very large.

But compared to Ye Chen, it must not be compared.

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