It's okay to make small talk for a while, and it doesn't have to be too long.

After sending Mann and the others away, Ye Chen had more important things to tell the silver wolf.

After all, this guy's hacking prowess is very good.

Able to hack into the Interstellar Peace Company, which is a ceiling-level company in the entire Star Dome Universe.

Not to mention the cyberpunk worldview.

These prosthetic transformations are flowing through the AI -...

Ba "Zero Zero Three" Temos has no way to take the silver wolf.

And Ye Chen is a person who doesn't like to drag mud and water.

It's simple.

"Can you hack the world's internet?"

Ye Chen crossed Erlang's legs and said casually.

Well..... Intelligence seen from Mewtwo.

This almost stone-hammered Mr. Blue-Eyed, Bartmoss on behalf of the Night Clan Company and the Source Project or something.

And there are actually similar means of space doors.

In Ye Chen's opinion, this is very dangerous and must be solved as soon as possible.

And the source plan also seems to have something to do with artificial intelligence.

The professional counterpart belongs to yes.

Moreover, in terms of world view, Ye Chen didn't think that the source plan could wrestle with the silver wolf.

One person hangs and beats both of them, and there is no problem at all.

Therefore, Ye Chen is planning to deal with the aftermath directly.

"It's time for this Night City to change the world!"

This is not to say how Ye Chen's ambitions are.

Before killing Arasaka, Ye Chen didn't plan to say that he would be an overlord or anything.

It's nothing more than strong strength, a transcendent status, that's all.

But there's something to do with the company's plan.

It must be resolved as soon as possible, and cleanly.

It just so happens that the system store still needs funds from their side.

It is estimated that hundreds of billions of euros will definitely be available.

"Of course.... Don't underestimate me!"

The silver wolf blew bubbles and said casually.

When attacking biotechnology and news reports, Silver Wolf didn't have to make any effort. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Very relaxed.

As for the latter hacker's attempt to counter-hack, he was easily handled by the silver wolf.

The world's network technology is like that.

If the skill of the silver wolf is 100 points.

It is estimated that the hacker level of the entire cyber world may not even reach a fraction of 0...

Well, it's that desperate.

Dimensionality reduction strike.

"I see.... You're going to let me completely destroy the network of the Night Clan Company through the Internet, and.... That source plan?"

"No problem. But in the future, you will drive me a hundred times the speed. "

The silver wolf lay on the cushion sofa and said with a look of enjoyment.

"How long?"

"A minute. "

"I'll ....."

Ye Chen couldn't help but complain.

Damn, one minute, get the entire Yeshi company?!

What the hell, is this the strength of the top hackers in the universe?!

"It didn't work for a minute. The latency of the network on their side is too high..... According to the history of Punk Lord's Cosmic Hacker 2.6, this is already the mainstream Internet speed in the universe a thousand years ago. "

"It's much faster now. "

So awesome?!

You punk lorde still teach this?!

Ye Chen was also shocked.

Good guys, after all, it seems to be teeming with cosmic hackers.

Teach some history or something.,It seems reasonable.。。

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