What the?!

Shoot in Dadaupa Valley and that place will disappear?!

Are you kidding?!

"That's an exaggeration....... Similar to the extent to which this terrain was damaged. "

"In addition to Lord Anemo, Spark Knight and Lady Alice....."

"It seems that no one else can do it!"

As soon as Ye Chen's words fell, he saw Qin Hip Chang looking at him with a shocked face.

Then he spoke.

As for the Knights of Favonius, as well as Yingmei, Paimon also looked at it incredulously.

Obviously, he didn't take Ye Chen's words seriously.

Causing terrain damage or something...

If it's the kind of pit of one or two, that's fine.

Travelers can do it too.

But, what if this destroys the entire 067 Dadaupa Valley?

That's an exaggeration.

Yingmei said that even in her heyday, she couldn't do it!

"Don't you guys leave this guy alone? He's obviously bragging!"

Paimon also waved his little hand and said to Lucy and even the silver wolf as if he were complaining.

Trying to persuade these people, pour a basin of cold water on Ye Chen.

But Lucy was unmoved, and didn't even doubt his words at all?!

Immediately, it also made Yingmei realize something.

Ah, could it be..

What this guy said is true, right?!

"Is it true, won't you know this after you try it?"

Ye Chen shrugged.

"He's... Predicted my words?!"

Ying said that what is the origin of this man named Ye Chen?!

But think about it.

What he said actually makes sense.

Isn't it so powerful, then let's go and see for yourself?!

"That..... If the Dadaupa Valley is destroyed or something, it shouldn't make me pay compensation, right?"

For the sake of insurance, Ye Chen also said with a sneer.

After all, this is in the realm of the god of wind.

In case you damage the terrain with this shot.

Then this side took the opportunity to ask for compensation.

That Ye Chen must be unacceptable.

What's the difference between this and touching porcelain?!

So, it's better to ask in advance.

"Of course not....."

Qin Hip Chang still didn't believe that Ye Chen could do this.

But since he wants to try, let him try.

It was also the hardest hit area for the hilichurls.

It's really devastating.... It's a big deal not to go to that place.

It's useless anyway.

So, under the leadership of Ye Chen, the group, including Kaeya who was watching, and even Diluc all came after hearing the news.

After all, Klee's movements last time were only found out after the fact. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's a pity not to get to see the pyrotechnic explosion.

I finally had such an opportunity today.

Then you can't help but come.

"Are you having a party?"

Diluc couldn't help but complain about the fine wine made by Dawn Winery.

I didn't expect that so many people came at one time despite being on a small scale.

And the focus of the hip length is.....

Are you sure this guy is coming to Mondstadt for the first time?!

Why do you know the location of the Dadaupa Valley?

I actually let him bring it over.....

"It's really the first time coming...."

The soldiers of the knight order, who were responsible for leading Ye Chen and his party, also told Qin about this responsibly.

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