

Barbatos, is that the bard boy?!

Except for Ye Chen, everyone present had a little blank brain.

Especially Wendy.

The smile on his face froze directly.

looked at Ye Chen with a confused expression...

That's what I'm thinking.

When was your identity revealed?!

It shouldn't be.....

An outsider, and it seems that it hasn't been an hour since Mondstadt.

How do you know your identity?

As for the length of the hips and Diluc, I completely felt that Ye Chen was probably joking.

The god of wind in Mondstadt is six or seven thousand years old.

Appeared in Mondstadt as a child and was also a poet.

No matter how you look at it, this doesn't have anything to do with God's identity, does it?

"Compared to Liyue's rock gods, Wendy doesn't seem to have that kind of godly temperament. So Ye Chen wasn't sure if he was joking?"

Captain Qin also looked at Ye Chen with great suspicion.

Although this guy shows extreme familiarity with Mondstadt, along with the geography.

But, do you really want them to believe that Wendy is the god of wind?

That's also absolutely impossible.

Wendy noticed Ye Chen's smiling gaze.

It doesn't feel like a place to stay for long.

Otherwise, go straight and thorough first, and talk about it later?!

Ye Chen naturally couldn't give the wind god a chance to slip away.......

You'll have to get involved in Stormterror's affairs, too.

After all, it's the family of the god of wind.

Take the money to do things, but as long as you participate.

If you have the wind god to participate, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

"You didn't find out.... The image on the Seven Heavens statue of the Wind God is very similar to Wendy's?"

"Doesn't that prove Wendy's identity as Barbatos?"

Ye Chen also directly pointed out the key point!

"Ah, you say so, that's ....."

Diluc slapped his sword on the head.

I hadn't thought of it that way before.

But with Ye Chen's reminder.

You can really find out....

Mondstadt's Aeolus is almost identical to Wendy's!

"That seems ......"

The malicious gaze directly moved from Ye Chen's body to Wendy.

Where has Wendy, who has always lived in seclusion in Mondstadt and enjoys drinking and writing poetry, ever seen such a scene?!

Immediately, he waved his hand.

"That's it..... It seems that the identity cannot be hidden. "

No way.....

Lying in public, it doesn't seem like Wendy's forte.

In desperation, Wendy could only admit her identity as the god of wind. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"'Well, I'm the god of wind. "

Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.......

"In that case, then I can also go down to the position of acting head of the regiment. "

"Lord Anemo is more suitable for this seat than I am. "

"Ah..... Don't don't ..... (Good Li Zhao)"

Wendy hurriedly waved her hand.

After admitting her identity, Wendy's biggest fear was that this kind of thing would happen.

As a representative of freedom, how comfortable is the freedom to eat, drink, and have fun every day?!

Suddenly put him back at the helm of Mondstadt.

It's a lot of torture.....

The gaze for help fell directly on Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen was also very strange.

Your own business, come to me and ask what this is about?!。

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