"In that case.... Then please ask Mr. Ye Chen to help us solve the problem of the Wind Demon Dragon. "

Once the conditions are negotiated, then the next thing is naturally to work.

"Dvalin seems to have been tempted and manipulated by the mages of the Abyss Order, and there is poisonous blood behind him.... This is a problem that needs to be addressed urgently. "

Ye Chen also pointed out the problem simply and rudely.

Originally, Captain Qin, their eyes shifted from Ye Chen to Wendy.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen saw blood for a while and picked out Dvalin's problem.

It's also necessary to make Jean and others feel it.

It seems that the origin of Ye Chen's people seems to attract more attention than the secret of the wind god!

How do you know that......

Even the reason for Stormterror's irritability hasn't even been found out to them!

"As long as the problem of black blood is solved, it will be fine...-.."

"Stormterror has been flying in the sky, it's troublesome..... If only it could be fixed to the ground. "

Kaeya also made a point.

Simply put, it's a matter of finding a way to fix Dvalin in place.

Then he was specifically responsible for dealing with the problem of black blood.

It is estimated that the conspiracy of the Abyss Order will be in vain.

But in the face of this question, everyone present frowned.

Wendy: This is obviously just trying to touch the fish.

What's more, Stormterror is his dependent...

It's unlikely that he'll get his hands dirty.

But Stormterror's mobility is good.

Wendy doesn't make a move, can he make this Stormterror stop?!

"Since you have received the money, then I will do these things, of course, no problem. "

Ye Chen also smiled faintly.

It's most convenient to use your own abilities to limit your movements.

And it's hassle-free. This billion is very comfortable.

Everyone hesitated again...

Although Ye Chen showed the means, forcibly imprisoned Kaeya's body in place.

But how can Stormterror's size be compared to Kaeya......

If you want to control Dvalin alone, you need at least three or five owners of the Wind Vision.

What?Are you talking about the Vision of God with other attributes?(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

No way.

Dvalin can fly.

Except for the wind elemental, it is almost impossible for any other element to touch Dvalin in the sky.

"Since this guy said so, let's believe that he has nothing to do with it!"

Or Wendy finally decided to give it a go.

Although he is also curious ....

Ye Chen was planning to use what method to restrict the Wind Demon Dragon's actions.

However, it seems that there is nothing other than this method.

"I can draw Dvalin with the Lyre of the Sky.... Where's the piano?"

Wendy prepares to play a dance music, only to find that the Sky Lyre is not in her hand.

"At the Cathedral of Zephyr..... Barbara is in charge of this. "

Barbara?wouldn't it be too dangerous to leave her in charge alone....

Although the vision of the water god makes Barbara's strength stronger than ordinary people.

However, I want to protect the Sky Lyre in front of [Lady].

Isn't it very high?

"Ma'am"? the Fatui executive?!"

When it comes to the lady, Wendy can't help but think back to the past.

She was originally a witch who was killed because of her husband's inaction during his expedition.

Henceforth resentful of Mondstadt.

It's just that Wendy didn't expect that now she actually joined Solstice and plotted to do something to Dvalin.

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