Although the story of the Star Dome Railway has not yet fully extended to the side of Star Peace.

However, it can be seen from some of the current texts alone.

This kind of company is basically the same as a cyberpunk company.

Basic employees live in staff dormitories and are forced to work as part-time workers to get paid.

As for the group leader, these...

Some money can be rented separately.

But that's about it.

Drive the company mecha once damaged.

It has to be compensated according to the price.

As for where did you get the content of these texts?

The inside information of the ghost uncles in the post bar, Ye Chen also often goes to see it.

"It seems that it is safer to make your own money. "

Ye Chen shrugged.

"Or, after settling Lucy and the others into place, it would be nice to go to the Blacktower space station and hang out with Esther. "

This is a rich woman.

Birthday presents are all of the Star Destroyer kind.

Ye Chen estimated that the little financial resources he had in the cyberpunk world were at most middle-class in front of a rich woman.

It's too tiring to work hard or something.

It's far less powerful than the rich woman.

With this in mind, I counted the amount of these funds in the system store again.

Ye Chen also dragged Lucy and the others to Liyue.

As for Yingmei, pie....

I still haven't let go of my thoughts.

If you don't want to help, you don't want to!

Anyway, their next stop was Liyue.

It's not impossible to drop by.

Walking on the road, Paimon's big words were also quickly connected with Lucy and the others.

Sasha is also intrigued by Paimon's cute appearance.

As for the silver wolf ....

Silently followed behind Ye Chen.

Enjoy the fastest internet speed while playing the game.

Wait until Ye Chen leaves this world with her.

It's time for her to go back to the Star Core Hunter headquarters.

"Whew.... Can you go faster!I feel like my phantom limbs are going to fall apart'~!"

Although on the map plate, Liyue Mondstadt borders.

But the distance between the two is not too close.

It takes a long time to walk.

"Traveler, you can't use spatial anchors...... Why not?!"

Paimon also looked at Yingmei with some anger.

How strange!

Obviously, you can get to Liyue soon.

It seems that when he took the slime mission, the anchor point was also opened to the vicinity of Liyue.

But you don't need this, but follow behind Ye Chen, what does this mean?


Paimon didn't know if he was thinking about it.

Anyway, I don't want to go on anymore. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then it seems that the time has come for us to separate.....

"I don't know why Paimon is tired when he flies...."

Yingmei also complained.

Paimon was also.

Can't you get tired of flying?

What kind of theory is this?!

"Ahhh......h It is not bad to walk and relax. "

Ye Chen also shrugged his shoulders... Violate.

Immediately, he also took out any door.

"With this thing, you don't even need a space anchor. "

"Just open it and cross in. That's it. "

"More convenient than anchor points. "

Paimon's eyes sparkle!

"Wow, you have such an amazing thing, why didn't you take it out sooner?!"

"I thought this thing was disposable!".

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