Corporate office.

After accepting Ye Chen's Devil Fruit, Mann still has David and others.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see the changes in my body.

Mann has obtained the fruit ability in the form of [Animal Ancient Species, Allosaurus].

Experimented a little.

With one punch, it actually punched a hole through the entire high-rise wall.

Originally, there was a sporadic light rain outside.

Staying in the office is perfect for sheltering from the rain.

However, Mann's punch caused a large hole to appear in the entire wall.

A lot of rain has also flowed in.

"Ahem..... Although now the company is managed by you. But it's also my personal belongings after all. "

"It's not that you won't be allowed to test your strength, change places, as long as you don't cause extensive damage. Try however you want. "

"But destroying the company's property, that's your Mann's fault. "

"A fine of one million. "

Ye Chen couldn't help frowning and said leisurely.

Mann's face darkened.....

It seems that the excitement is not so happy.

Just break a wall and have to pay a fine of 1 million?!

It's too dark......

The whole room is worth 300,000 at most!

But Mann nodded in agreement.

After all, people are under the eaves, and they don't have to bow their heads.

Take people with short hands and eat people with soft mouths.

Say as much as you want.

Who let these actually belong to Ye Chen?

And the other side.

Originally, David also wanted to test the power of the leopard form.

Combined with the stolen time of Szystan.

You can maximize the strength of your body!

Fortunately, this fruit is not like Mann's powerful brick-flying type.

The best thing the leopard form is speed!

Other words.....

The leopard's speed, combined with Szystan's slowing effect.

Even if there is no armed color domineering.

It is estimated that the damage caused by one punch will not be inferior to Mann's punch!

"I'm finally catching up with my seniors.!"

David couldn't help but sigh.

This fruit simply makes up for his lack of strength!

It's so cool!

"What about me?!"

Seeing Mann, David and each of them were given great strength.

V is an attempt to see an abnormality in the body.

But it turned out to be .....

There is no change in the whole physical fitness.

Not even similar to other animals!

V was dumbfounded on the spot.... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Isn't it a fake that I just ate by myself?!

"~Of course a fake is impossible..."

Ye Chen also stroked his forehead.

I didn't know how to explain it to her for a while.

Otherwise, she was very unlucky.

Just got a fruit for everyone?

So.... In terms of physical fitness, there is no reinforcement?!

Suddenly a little unbearable to be a little unbearable is what's going on....

"Actually, this fruit (of money) is an intellectually specialized form. "

"It's helpful for hackers' intrusion protocols. "

"If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. "

Ye Chen also thought about it for a long time, and finally thought of such an ability that was not so wasteful.

"Is that so....."

V was skeptical and left.

I really want to believe Ye Chen.

But this demeanor, this tone ....

Are you sure you're not lying to me?!。

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