"These are ......"

After talking for a while, including Ningguang and Ganyu, they also looked behind Ye Chen.

found that Ye Chen was not the only one who came out of the door.

Sure enough, there are other people with me!

Seeing this scene, Ning Guang and the others were also ~ even more shocked by Ye Chen in their hearts.

I didn't expect him to really bring a professional team over?!

"The team does have.... But I wonder what the strength of several of them is?"

Ningguang still didn't give up.

If the strength of Ye Chen's dart team is not strong.

Even if it is done, it is estimated that few merchants will choose the routine of armed escort by then.

Wouldn't their investment be in vain?

Therefore, it is very necessary to test the strength.

Ye Chen also nodded when he heard this.

"Of course it's fine.... However, how exactly do you test it?!"

"It's simple. "

Ningguang seems to have been prepared.

"There are quite a few Treasure Hoarders on the outskirts of Liyue. "

"It is said that there is a Treasure Hoarder in the vicinity of the Terminus. "

"That machine is said to have something to do with the end of the year..... It means a lot to me in Liyue!"

"If your team can drive these Treasure Hoarders away, I'll recognize your strength. "

Ningguang also immediately put forward his opinion.

"Returning to ....."

When Ningguang spoke, he didn't find Liuyun Zhenjun on the side.

While studying the strangeness of the dimensional gate.。

On the other hand, he also showed a nostalgic look.

"Of course that's fine......"

Ye Chen smiled faintly.

"Let's go and have a look, okay?"

Liuyun felt that he really had no way to take this strange door.

Rather than continue to research, it will disturb your reputation.

It's better to be decisive.

Directly said that he has no clue for the time being!

I'll look into it later when I have time!

There is also the reason that the end of the year is also his own old man.

It just so happens that since I talked about this today, let's just go and take a look.

By the way, see the strength of these outsiders!

"Absolutely. "

Ye Chen readily agreed.

"Don't make a move. "

Ningguang gave a special advice.

I had heard of Ye Chen's strength for a long time.

Even the level of the Wind Demon Dragon can be suppressed.

Then the Treasure Hoarders are no problem.

Obviously, it is impossible to suppress everything by relying on the strength of one person.

Team: That's all that matters. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So Ningguang is going to see Mann's power this time!

"Okay. "

With a smile on his face, under the leadership of Ningguang and the others, he quickly arrived at the location where the final machine was stored.

A group of Treasure Hoarders above are planning to destroy the machine.

"Damn.... It's this broken machine! Quite a few brothers have died under this thing!"

"Destroy it this time, and see how it will bother the brothers to make money in the future!"

The person at the head obviously has a lot of resentment towards the final machine.

"Mann, are you on?"

Ye Chen also directly arranged for Mann to do it.

Although V. David is not the case, any one of Mann has the strength to kill the entire Treasure Hoarder alone.

You can even do it with some guns.

But undoubtedly, Mann's fruit ability is the most powerful punch!

No matter where it is, dinosaurs are synonymous with power.

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