"It doesn't matter if it's 10 million or 100 million..... It's not enough for me to betray the emperor. "

Ye Chen also shook his head and refused.

What is this money for? I don't like it at all!


After all, Ye Chen had also been the boss of Night City for a while.

The more times like this, the more the price is made for the lion to open his mouth.

I finally ran into a fat sheep and didn't slaughter it ruthlessly, how can this work?!

Ning Guang also frowned when he heard this.....

Suddenly, I had a very bad premonition......

This guy shouldn't offer a sky-high price, right?!

However, the results soon came to pass!

As Ningguang expected, Ye Chen's price made Ningguang have the urge to turn around and leave immediately!

"Five billion, no two prices!"

Five billion?!Why don't you grab it?!

Ningguang looked at Ye Chen with some anger...

It's just an intelligence message.

It may not be possible to persuade him to change his mind after finding the emperor.....

Can't ensure success, and as a result, you actually offered 5 billion?

It's too dark, too!

"How is this dark..... How important the Emperor is to your Liyue's development'. "

"Five billion, in exchange for the emperor is still the god of your country! This is a good deal.....

"Or do you want to have no one to deal with the mess in the future? It doesn't matter if you don't give the five billion..."

Ye Chen also shrugged his shoulders.

One yard to one yard.

The price is not set by the quality of the relationship.

It depends on the value and demand!

You need it, and it's the kind you need urgently!

Naturally, it is impossible to get it easily......

It's going to be a twist and turn.

As the helmsman of the Jade Pavilion, it is impossible for you Ningguang not to understand.

Ningguang clenched his fists....

This guy is so hateful!

Although the Jade Pavilion is very rich.

But as a capitalist, he threw out five billion for no reason.

It doesn't necessarily guarantee that nothing will happen to the Immortal Ceremony!

In case the time comes, the emperor will pick and choose on the spot.

Isn't this 5 billion equal to a white flower?

"I can help you make sure he doesn't abdicate. But five billion will be difficult to solve this matter. Get 10 billion. "

Directly doubled!

Ningguang's face twitched violently....

Okay, ruthless enough!

"That's 10 billion!"

Pay with one hand, deliver with the other.

Because Mora is made of special materials, it even uses the power of Morax.

So there are only coins for these.

Ten billion, that would take a container the size of an entire room to fill it!(To read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, Ye Chen didn't have such trouble here.

After all, the system will store it all.

"'Thank you for the gift!'"

Ye Chen also smiled with relief.

In the past few minutes, ten billion have come from Ningguang.

It's a bloody dragon!

"Plus the dart game.... In the future, even on the Star Dome Railway, it is estimated that you will be able to make money lying down. "

"Much easier than Night City's income!"

I thought to myself.

But take the money to do things.

Therefore, Ye Chen also told Ningguang the possible location of Zhongli according to the agreement.

Hearing this, Ningguang felt as if he had been deceived again...


The human body that the emperor turned into was actually in the Hall of Death?

Isn't that right under their noses?!。

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