"In terms of universal reason .... This kind of thing shouldn't exist in the world....."

Zhongli couldn't help but mutter.

Of course, "should not exist in the world" is a general reference.

For earthly people, this kind of doppelganger technique really shouldn't exist.

However, this is not necessarily the case for Skye.

After all, the [Time Rule], the [Space Rule] and so on are also very closely related to the Heavenly Principles.

It can even be called "the shadow of heavenly reason"!

That's how the Four Shadows came about.

In other words, this may be similar to the "Shadow Clone Technique" ~ wonderful?!

"Wonderful, wonderful.... With this skill, there is really no need to agree to a deal with the Fools. "

Zhongli also nodded.

"But the contract has been made..... The heart of God may be—or it won't come back. "

"It's against my rules. Moreover, I would like to test whether Liyue can continue without me. "

But this time, Zhongli was obviously much more confident when he spoke.

In short, the old direction remains the same.

He is still a rock god and will not abdicate.

In the future, every year when I invite the immortal ceremony, I will let the doppelganger come over and make a appearance.

As an ordinary Zhongli, he stayed in the Hall of the Dead and observed the changes in Liyue.

So much so that next Childe their plans.

That could also be seen as a "test for the people of Liyue."

If not, it's not too late to suppress it with divine power!

Ye Chen's words didn't matter.

Anyway, it's your own business, I'm just here to get money to do things.

Help Ningguang and them put you in the position of the rock god, just don't abdicate.

As for the heart of God, the god Cell.


You shouldn't have to do it yourself.

Maybe you can go to the world of the Star Dome a few days earlier.

"Without further ado, it's time for us to go. "

"Why don't you come up and experience the thrill of flying stones?"

This time, Ye Chen directly used gravity to make a huge stone out. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That's enough for two people!

Zhongli had also been very curious about Ye Chen's abilities for a long time.

After all, as a person who knows the past and the present.

It's impossible that I don't have any curiosity about the outside in my heart.

If you have the chance, you want to experience it!

"Since you've invited you, there's no harm in agreeing. "

Standing on the big rock, watching the stone actually carry them directly into the sky out of thin air!

"What kind of power is this.... But I didn't feel the elemental force from the wind....."

Zhongli stood behind Ye Chen and seemed to mumble to himself.

Ye Chen couldn't help but laugh dumbly when he heard this.

What wind elemental force... Don't make a fuss!

This is obviously "gravity"!

"Gravity? What is this.....

Zhongli was completely speechless by Ye Chen's new vocabulary.

Is there still such an ability in this world?!

"You don't understand it.... You just need to know that it's a powerful force. "

"It's like you can pull a meteorite. I can do the same with gravity. "

Ye Chen didn't bother to explain too much.

In short, it is to give you a close example, and then you can delve into it yourself.

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