"I don't know if we did something wrong....."

"You want to provoke the emperor to step down?"

Stand in front of Zhongli.

Because he knew Zhongli's identity in advance, Ningguang and the others couldn't help but show respect when they spoke.

At the same time, it is also nervous.

After all, Ye Chen didn't seem to elaborate on the reason why the emperor abdicated.

Therefore, the Seven Stars naturally took things on their own!

Probably because their daily work disappointed the emperor, so this will lead to the abdication of the emperor in a fit of anger?

However, the emperor waved his hand and said.

"You don't have to. I'm just trying to see how the people of Liyue, who has lost the protection of the god 08, will respond to future crises. "

Ningguang, Ganyu, and Keqing and others couldn't help but be secretly shocked!

Is this the heart of the emperor?!

I didn't expect it to be out of trust in people, so I planned to completely decentralize power?!


The old man of the emperor may not think of it.

If he suddenly makes a false appearance of assassination in public.

Maybe the whole of Liyue will be in a state of panic for some time now.

I don't know, is this also the emperor's test for them?!

"Ahem.... Actually, this is only one reason. "

"Actually, the main reason for this guy is that he is tired and doesn't want to continue these messes, so he plans to abdicate. "

At this time, Ye Chen also came out to give an assist.

"You see, I just sold Zhongli a skill to touch fish. This guy immediately agreed and continued to take on the position of the rock god. "

When Zhongli heard this, his face suddenly darkened....


Before leaving, he forgot to sign a contract with Ye Chen, so he kept it a secret!

How does this tell the truth?!

And Ningguang, Ganyu and others were also stunned when they heard this.....

Hmm?!it turns out .... Is that so?!

Co-authored the emperor, he is an old man who simply wants to retire.

That's why you're planning to abdicate?!

"But... What is the skill?" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

While Ningguang was shocked, he also heard Ye Chen say that it seemed that a skill had made Zhongli change his mind.

Is it so powerful to touch a fish?!

"Ahh By the way, we just talked about it, a billion Mora. "

"I don't think the old man of the emperor will pay his debts, right? "

Ye Chen also put the contract signed in Qiaoyingzhuang in front of Zhongli.

Urging him to hurry up and pay the money.

"X.... A billion Mora?!"

Ningguang was also shocked, what skill would cost so much a billion....

And, skills?!

What kind of thing can be called a technique 750 can .....

Martial arts, or something else.....

Do you still need skills with the strength of the emperor?!

"No big deal. The Emperor can now clone. The main body fishes, and the clone comes out to take charge of Liyue. Otherwise, he wouldn't have agreed so happily. "

"Shadow clones, a billion Mora. The rock prince who sold it to you is really a little lossy. But it can't be helped, who made me sign the contract?"

Ye Chen also pretended to sigh.

In front of Ningguang, he naturally wanted to say this on purpose!

Maybe for this matter, I can get a little more money from Ningguang.

Anyway, the Jade Pavilion is rich, so I guess I won't care about this, right?

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