"It probably doesn't really work..... But it's done for you. "

"It's impossible to go back. "

Ye Chen couldn't help but smile wryly.

Before this, of course, Ye Chen knew what they were thinking.

But what about it... I just promised to find the emperor for you, and brought it over.

But it didn't say that he must be allowed to take over the burden!

And Zhongli's words still make sense.

In any case, it's not good to always count on God to take care of you.

After all, people have to look at their own potential and limits.

Therefore, Ye Chen felt that although Zhongli's words were also suspicious.

But from a long-term perspective on Liyue's development.

There are benefits to this.

243 Ningguang also nodded.

The contract has been signed, and Ye Chen has indeed brought the emperor in accordance with the previous contract.

So of course I won't go back, I'm just complaining!

"Hmm.... I still have something. "

Zhongli made an excuse.

Get ready to slip away.

Ye Chen is too lazy to care, where does he like to go.

I guess I went to trade the heart of God with the Fatui executives?

After all, this guy said that the clone would sit in the Jade Pavilion, but the words of power would still be on them in Ningguang.

And the heart of God is used as a bargaining chip with the people.

I guess I won't give up, I should have agreed to trade a long time ago, right?!

"Please wait a minute......"

Hearing that the Emperor had been invited back by Ye Chen, Paimon and Yingmei ended their wandering around Liyue and returned to the Jade Pavilion.

As a result, when I came up, I saw that the person had already left?

It's not okay to be angry right away.....

"Good for you... I have to go and taste the latest set menu launched by Wan Mintang..."

Yingmei looked at Paimon a little speechless.

This appearance was obviously not long after Zhongli left.

It's just a few minutes away!

It's all Paimon's fault.

"What does this have to do with me? Don't throw things at me every time!"

"Besides, didn't you eat it yourself?!"

Yingmei was speechless for a moment.... Indeed, she also ate a lot in the middle.

Never mind.... Now that the emperor is back, it's nothing.

(BBEC) is an opportunity to ask!

As for Ningguang, they are a little worried, this humanoid emperor won't take the opportunity to slip away again, right?

Do you want to find Ye Chen again to invite the emperor back?

Wouldn't that cost 10 billion more?!

"Things should be pretty much the same here... I don't need to. "

Ye Chen thought about the rest of the items here.

Mann: They're all settled.

And Lucy... Anyway, I haven't seen each other for a few days.

I kind of want to.

Why don't you wait to save it? (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

As for the demon god Othello.....

The transaction went so smoothly.

It is estimated that Childe may not release Osser.....

Or simply let Ningguang go to the Northland Bank in advance to release a message.

Even if you don't ask for the immortal ceremony, the emperor is back.

In this way, Childe should definitely not do anything more.

Over the next few days, Ye Chen took advantage of the warm atmosphere to accompany Lucy and the others for a stroll around Liyue.

Buy some snacks or something, it's very moisturizing.

However, on the day that Ye Chen was about to leave and go to the Star Dome Railway World.

Liyue Harbor suddenly had a strong wind.

An apocalyptic scene!

"Huh?sea whirlpool?!"

"Demon God Osier, or has he been released?!"

Ye Chen was a little surprised!

What's the situation?

If it won't be Ningguang, Childe doesn't believe it, right?!。

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