The appearance of the immortals naturally made Ningguang and Keqing feel excited!

After all, the strength of the immortals is still stronger than them, the users of the pure Vision of God.


There should still be a big gap compared to the Demon God.

Otherwise, the Lonely Cloud Pavilion that suppressed the Demon God back then might not have appeared at all!

If the immortals can solve it, why do they need the emperor to do it?

"Six-five-zero" "Maybe I need your hand when the time comes." "

Ke Qing also said with a frown.

"It's actually okay to make a move. But I didn't do it for nothing. "

"I don't do anything good. "

Ye Chen shrugged helplessly.

Although it is really difficult for a beauty to refuse such an invitation.

But sometimes, once the other party discovers the appearance, he can unconditionally let others help him do things.

Isn't that a suspicion of being a dog-licker?

It's definitely not going to work.......

When Ning Guang heard this, his face was also slightly stiff....

The meaning is clear.

Does this cost money?!

Ning Guang couldn't help but think of the money spent on Ye Chen during this time.

It can be said that it is a huge amount of money.

Billions, billions, billions.

Maybe the whole month of Liyue won't cost that much.....

Of course, this would definitely take the Liyue caravans out of the equation.

As a result, in the past few days since Ye Chen came from Mondstadt, the Jade Pavilion had spent so much on him alone.

It's really bothering Ningguang.....

I feel that even if it is a billion-dollar family fortune, it is far from enough for Ye Chen's expenses alone!

"How much is ....."

Although it may be a little expensive to ask Ye Chen to make a move.

Moreover, according to Ye Chen, they can also deal with the crisis of this demon god.

But in case something goes wrong ....

And the king of God sat here and watched.

It's also hard for them to explain.

Maybe the emperor can finally get to the bottom of it.

But they didn't want to disappoint the emperor either...

Maybe spending money is a good idea?

"It's not expensive.... Billion. "

Ye Chen simply opened his mouth.

After a little look, almost 5 billion can be exchanged for a permanent version of the dimensional gate...

Later in the universe of Night City, Teyvat, and the Star Railway.

These are very convenient and ready to use.

Don't do it every time, just keep it on.

Or simply disposable.

To tell the truth, it costs hundreds of millions of dollars at a time, and it is still very distressing.

Since Ningguang intends to help him solve this problem, let her leave it to her!

"5 billion .... Alright!"

Ningguang gritted his teeth. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I simply agreed.

But at this time, Zhongli's expression couldn't help but move.

On the one hand, he was naturally extremely curious about Ye Chen's strength.

As for the other aspect.....

It's also a feeling....

Is Ningguang suspected of cheating by doing this4.1?!

After all, the reason why Zhongli didn't plan to make a move was to see how Ningguang and the others would solve it.

The immortals are considered local foreign aid, so it is naturally no problem to join.

Ke Ye Chen, from somewhere other than the world.

I'm even going to leave in a few days!

Spend money to ask him to do it?!

Does this count as going against your own intentions?

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