Keqing's beautiful eyes were also full of surprise.

Although she is a rare faction among the Seven Stars that is more inclined to human rule.

When he learned the news that the emperor was planning to retire.

In fact, Keqing's first thought was to discuss it privately with Ye Chen.

Just let it happen!

Then Liyue became the rule of man.

As for the Emperor, let him become a human being, continue to witness Liyue's development, and let it be!

It would be nice for the Emperor to see that Liyue, ruled by man, would also be full of life!

In other words, Keqing has never doubted people's power.

I believe that even human beings can keep Liyue in order.

But that's on the policy side.

As for pure strength?

Although Keqing is confident, she is not arrogant enough to say that the strength of a person must be comparable to that of a demon god!

The Vision is only a magical organ that can only be obtained after being glanced at by the gods.

It may just be one of the wisps of the power of the demon god itself.

And Osel is a real demon god!

The strength is not as good as the emperor, but it is a level in terms of rank!


Ye Chen actually burst out with just one breath and an aura that was not inferior to Osser?!

It actually caused the entire Jade Pavilion in the high heavens to crumble.....

This also made Keqing can't help but be suspicious.....

Ye Chen's power, is it really a person who can burst out?!

I'm sure it's not the reincarnation of a demon god or something....

"These whirlpools are too much of a hindrance.... In case the whole of Liyue is drowned~. "

"Isn't our business going to be greatly discounted?!"

Ye Chen frowned with some distress.

After all, the appearance of the Vortex Wave will bring great disaster to the streets of Liyue.

Even deaths and injuries are possible.

And Ye Chen's dart game is eating the food of these rich businessmen!

In case the property of these people is drowned.....

Then who will they find to earn this money in the future? (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

It was the money of the rich.

The rich are gone, isn't that a huge blow to related industries?

So, in addition to releasing an aura of terror.

Ye Chen also used the domineering spirit of the overlord color to completely shake back the entire rolling waves!

At the same time, the gravitational effect of the attachment is also to crush these waves into a range.

The fluctuations are only below sea level.

As for the top, there was no movement at all.

Oser was also a little stunned when he saw this scene....

You can invoke the power of the vortex and destroy everything in sight!

However, how did it get to this man ....

The whirlpool can't even cause a drop of damage?!

Are you the Vortex Demon God or am I the Vortex Demon God?!

And..... What the hell is going on with the power in this guy?!

This momentum and gravity.... (Okay).

This is completely beyond the ability of a human being!

Don't... This is the rock god Morax who once hit him hard?!

However, the aura that came out was also very strange to Oselle.....

It can only be said that from the perspective of strength alone, it is very close to the rock god.

But the power used is completely different!

The rock god throws a rock spear and holds it.

But what kind of power does this one use?!。

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