"Sometimes things can be as simple as that....."

However, in response to everyone's curious and frightened gazes, Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

After all, the demon gods are creatures that give birth to spiritual intelligence.

Seek good fortune and avoid evil, that's for sure.

Even the demon god Oser had his wife.

Therefore, after feeling his strength, Zhongli is also sitting here.

The combination of the two is to force it back, which is also expected

After all, no one will be at odds with their own lives.

If the movement is too loud, the body ~ body that has finally recovered will also fall.

It should also think through this kind of brain-dead thing-......

Hearing Ye Chen's explanation, everyone couldn't help but be stunned....

It seems to make some sense.

But... Ningguang always felt that he seemed to be put on the spot by Ye Chen again!

Just came out to show a single item, and it didn't even cause much damage to Osser's body!

This is the end of the matter.....

Why does it feel as if it is inexplicable and has been cheated by Ye Chen for some money?!

It's like I'm like a wronged man...

You can't do it all the time. You have to protest against Ye Chen.

You have to get all the money back!

"That..... You don't seem to have done anything, and you're making all the money. That doesn't seem like a good ......"

Ningguang also had a dark face, and then found Ye Chen and began to speak.

Ganyu frowned.

Although Ye Chen seemed to be suspected of exploiting loopholes by doing this, it did solve the crisis.

And look at Oselle's appearance when he left.

Don't seem to be planning to make a comeback?

"After the fall of the Demon God, it will lead to the appearance of the Demon God's dregs. It will also cause long-term harm to Liyue itself. "

"So if we can solve this problem without blood, it's still good. "

Xiao suddenly stood up and spoke for Ye Chen at this time.

After all, as a Dharma Protector, Xiao also walks the land of Liyue all year round. All you do is kill these dangerous monsters along the way.

At the same time, he is also investigating the matter of the dregs of the demon god....

The so-called "karma" has a lot to do with the dregs of the demon god!(If you read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ask for flowers

In the past, there is only one Yaksha partner left who has survived to the present.

It can be seen how seriously the dregs of the demon god corrode people's minds.

And once Oser falls, it is very likely that a karmic crisis will break out again!

This won't do Liyue any good, either....

When Ning Guang heard it, even Xiao Shangxian spoke for Ye Chen.

Naturally, it's not good to say anything more....

But you can't do anything wrong, and you have to do it yourself!

is a good financial center, and this is going to be cheated by Ye Chen without money.

What the hell is this...

In the future, won't you have to be manipulated by the Northland Bank of the Solstice?

If the rich Pantarone knew the news, he would probably die laughing, right?!

"I see... I can give you a piece of advice. "

"That way, I can make money and you can recoup some of your costs. "

Ye Chen also smiled faintly.

The culprit of this incident is not Osser, and certainly not himself.

I don't want to think about it, who released this thing?

Wouldn't it be nice to confront Childe directly, and the Fatui ask for money? .

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