Me, The Station Reporter

Chapter 202: 2 Trillion Meters Of Gold

Tes's face was livid. He glared at Rochelle with shame and anger, and then said disdainfully: "As the ambassador of Asan Kingdom, you do not have the power to decide the price. Therefore, you will be deemed to be derelict in your duties and fired for dereliction of duty!"

Hearing this, Rochelle's face turned green and purple for a while.

He was embarrassed when Tes pulled out his tail in public, but he still pretended to be calm and took out his mobile phone and said: "I just need a phone call, that's all!"

With that said, Rochelle dialed the number of the president of Asan Kingdom, and then walked to a place where no one was around.

After being connected, after a few simple words, Rochelle nodded like a chicken pecking at rice as if she had been scolded, and then regained her composure and calm demeanor.

When she came back, Rochelle was full of confidence, held her head high and said: "The president of our country has agreed to my decision. Mr. Jiang [Akan] intends to use 2 trillion meters of gold to purchase the technology of prototype weapons!"

Jiang Cheng suppressed the excitement in his heart. He sat on the chair and wanted to make a deal.

However, experience told him that at this time, the more he must learn to remain silent.

After pretending to hesitate for a while, Jiang Cheng looked at the others and said, "Is 2 trillion meters of gold the highest?"

Rochelle's expression changed slightly, which showed that Jiang Cheng had a bigger appetite.

The ambassadors of the other two countries were already timid at this moment.

When no one spoke, Jiang Cheng said calmly: "Okay, then I will sell this technology to Asan Kingdom. However, the agreed time limit of six months will be shortened. You should understand this, right?"

Rochelle knew that Jiang Cheng didn't want to talk more. The deal was concluded, so she naturally didn't delay any more and said, "I understand!"

"The two trillion rice gold from Ah San Kingdom will be paid to the Huanyu Group in three stages. The amounts are 1,200 billion and two 400 billion respectively. After all, the amount is too huge. I hope Mr. Jiang will forgive him!" Luo Chel said sincerely.

You know, the annual fiscal revenue of Asan Kingdom is only about 300 billion meters of gold.

To raise a large amount of funds in a short period of time, you have to sell some real estate resources and intellectual property technologies.

But compared to the deterrence brought by space-based weapons technology, it can directly make the Asan Kingdom the number one military power in the world.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand impatiently and said, "Yes, I understand."

Rochelle sighed slightly and left without finishing her thoughts.

Chen Chun suddenly turned back. He looked at Jiang Cheng and was very hesitant. Finally, he decided to speak: "Mr. Jiang, you are selling weapons that seriously threaten the international order to a country that is hostile to the Dragon Kingdom. This is very unkind!"

Jiang Cheng faced the people of Longguo, who didn't have too many cities, so he said calmly: Isn't this what national trade is like? You agree with me. ’

"It's just that Long Guo has always spent money wisely. It's better to spend a lot of money to buy a prototype, and then make a decision after the technology matures."

The current fiscal revenue of the Dragon Kingdom is around 26 trillion Dragon Kingdom coins, and it can fully afford these two trillion.

But it is true that the Dragon Kingdom has always focused on the core of peaceful rise and putting people first.

Chen Chun looked at Jiang Cheng in surprise. He did not expect that he knew so much about the senior officials of Longguo. Furthermore, as if hinting at something, he held up his hands and said, "I hope Mr. Jiang can always stick to his principles."

Jiang Cheng smiled and said nothing.

Wait until all the ambassadors from the three countries leave the conference room.

The joy on Jiang Cheng's face showed, and he smiled like a flower.

Seeing this, Su Qing didn't know that Jiang Cheng had made a lot of money. She turned around and sat on Jiang Cheng's lap, and said close to her ear: "Mr. Chairman, how much money have you made?"

Jiang Cheng raised his ring and middle fingers and said with a smile: "That's almost 2 trillion meters of gold!"

Su Qing was shocked, as if she was exposed to dew on a sunny day.

She knows the cost of space-based weapons, which is equivalent to a net profit of 20,000 (cddj) billion gold!

Oh my God! This man shocked her more and more each time.

Su Qing originally thought that she would gradually become numb, but who would have thought that she would become more and more sensitive.

On the other side, Tes walked out of the gate of Huanyu Group, and he looked at Rochelle who was panicking like a thief.

If the A-Three Kingdoms are allowed to obtain space-based weapons and build them, the relationship between the Eagle Alliance and the A-Three Kingdoms will undergo tremendous changes!

Tes traveled all the way and returned to the Eagle Alliance.

At the Eagle Federation Presidential Palace, Tes reported truthfully to President Chukir.

Qiu Kil's face was solemn, his eyes narrowed slightly and he said: "If this is the case, then we have indeed underestimated the determination of Huanyu Group and Asan Kingdom to obtain space-based technology.

"The consequence of looking down upon them is that in the future they will hold space-based weapons and place the stick of God above the heads of the Eagle Federation at all times. Once there is a dispute, a laser will shoot it down. Unless the Eagle Federation has a presidential palace like the United States. The depth reaches hundreds of meters in the basement, otherwise, you and I will definitely die!"

Tesi knew the seriousness of the matter and said helplessly: "Now Asan Kingdom has obtained the technology. What should we do?"

Qiujir took a long sip from his old cigarette, then spit it out heavily, and said: "Go and contact the United States. I believe that they are now vigorously developing space-based weapons. After knowing that the Asan Kingdom already has this technology, they must be better than us." Be anxious.”

"That idiot George Mape posted a video on social platforms a while ago. Now it's better. Has he been slapped in the face?"

Tesla nodded and personally connected Chukil with George Map of the United States Presidential Palace.

The call is connected.

Chukir immediately greeted with the tone of an old acquaintance: "President George, I have something very important to inform you!"

George Map asked: "President Chukir, I am drinking coffee now. If you have anything, you can wait until I finish drinking coffee and talk to me.

Qiu Kil was speechless. You and I are equals, but you actually treat me like a subordinate?

If the situation was not serious, Qiujir would never wait patiently.

After a moment, George Mape said slowly: "The rice-style coffee is very delicious. President Chukir, what do you want to see me for?"

Chukir originally wanted to speak straightforwardly, but now he suddenly changed his mind and said: "I heard that your country has been studying space technology and is committed to building space-based weapons. I wonder how it is progressing?"

George Map knew what Chukir meant, and he said disdainfully: "The progress is very rapid, specific... you know, propellers, pipeline materials, etc. You ask this because the Eagle Alliance wants to share technology Is that so? I can tell you directly, it’s impossible!”

After saying that, George Mape smiled unkindly.

In his view, the Eagle Alliance is the younger brother of the United States.

Then, Qiu Kil revealed a fact that shocked him even more.

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