Me, The Station Reporter

Chapter 20: I’M Optimistic About You!

"He really became an arms dealer..." Qin Qing had sharp ears and could hear clearly, his beautiful eyes full of shock.

Herrimala is the largest gray force leader in northern Elia, with thousands of armed men under his command.

A few days ago, Jiang Cheng bought a car and hired bodyguards. Did he sell weapons to Herimala?

But where did Jiang Cheng's weapons come from? Is he in touch with some military industry company?

For a moment, Qin Qing was filled with doubts.

After shaking hands with Lu Reed, Jiang Cheng smiled and praised: "Although I have just arrived in Elijah not long ago, I can always hear the people of Elijah praising Minister Lu Reed. They all say that only Minister Lu Reed is sincere." For this country."

"There is such a thing!" Lou Reed smiled even more happily. No one would refuse praise from others.

Next to him, Herrimala looked around and whispered: "Jiang is a powerful arms dealer. I did business with Jiang once. He provided me with 2,000 assault rifles, 50 general-purpose machine guns, and ten more Armored vehicles.”

"Ten armored vehicles..." Lu Reed took a deep look at Jiang Cheng, with a sharp light shining in his eyes.

He Lurid was Elijah's Minister of Defense and controlled the National Defense Forces. He had 60,000 troops under his command, which was the size of 5 army divisions.

However, even with an army of 60,000, Lurid could not even form an armored brigade. He only had one armored regiment, equipped with 88 old tanks and 176 armored vehicles.

It was precisely because of this armored regiment that he was able to intimidate all parties and was not annexed by Mugus and Bult.

Next to Jiang Cheng, Qin Qing was completely stunned, his beautiful eyes full of incredible looks.

2,000 rifles, 50 machine guns, and ten armored vehicles, the sum of these things is not a small amount, and ordinary arms dealers do not have such capabilities.

What puzzled Qin Qing the most was that even if Jiang Cheng changed his career and became an arms dealer, he should have just started.

How could an arms dealer who had just started get so much energy?

"Jiang is an arms dealer who values ​​credibility and efficiency. The weapons and equipment he provides me are all brand new." Herrimala continued to praise Jiang Cheng.

Previously, Herrimala originally wanted to join President Bolt, but he felt that President Bolt was too old and probably wouldn't live long.

After much thought, he simply approached Lu Reed and submitted a letter of surrender.

Although Lurid is only the weakest among the three forces, behind him stands the largest tribe in Elijah - the Withered Vine Tribe.

This tribe has a large number of people, accounting for almost 20% of the population of Elijah. As long as there are enough weapons and equipment, Lu Reed can pull out hundreds of thousands of young men from the Withered Vine tribe with just one order.

As the ancients said, adding embroidery to a beautiful scene is not as good as giving help when the time is right. Most of the forces in Elijah have taken refuge with Mugus and Bult. Herimala will not be taken seriously if he joins. It is better to take a big risk.

Moreover, no matter who wins the final victory and takes the fruits of power, he does not dare to embarrass Lurid too much. After all, the largest tribe in Elijah is not a free man.

"As far as I know, most powerful arms dealers have the shadow of a big country behind them. I wonder who is supporting Mr. Jiang?" Lu Reed stared at Jiang Cheng and said in a deep voice.

"I think we can get to know each other more deeply. I think there is broad room for cooperation between us. I also think Minister Lu Reed has the ability to lead the entire Elijah." Jiang Cheng kept a sunny smile on his face and looked at It is filled with blazing light.

After meeting Lu Reed, Jiang Cheng's original plan changed. He had a systematic presence. Why didn't he support Lu Reed's rise to power?

As long as Lureed has enough financial resources, he has the power to push him to the top.

In the future, Jiang Cheng will become a military industrial giant and build a huge military industrial group.

However, the military industry has relatively large restrictions in all aspects. If he can support Lou Reed's success, then he can completely put the production base in Elijah without any restrictions.

"Jiang Cheng, don't talk nonsense..." Qin Qing pulled Jiang Cheng's sleeves, his beautiful eyes full of advice.

She heard something. This guy seemed to want to provide weapons and equipment to Lou Reed and support him in participating in Elijah's power struggle.

God, doesn’t this guy know who is standing behind General Mugusi and President Bolt?

Those are the United States and the North Bear State. Can you shake such behemoths?

If this guy breaks in so recklessly and goes against them, don't think too much. It won't be long before Jiang Cheng's selling of weapons and equipment will be announced by the United States and listed as a terrorist. of.

The MILF military and their intelligence bureau are not vegetarians. If they want to mess with you, they can do it to you in minutes!

Turning to look at Qin Qing's beautiful big eyes, Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand to grab her white palm and whispered: "Listen more, see more, talk less!"

"You..." Qin Qing glared at Jiang Cheng angrily. This guy was kind-hearted and thought he was a donkey. Come on, I won't say anything anymore!

"Jiang, Minister Lurid is not only the Minister of Defense, he is also the spokesperson of the Kuteng tribe, the first tribe of Eriya. Minister Lurid is far more powerful than what the outside world sees." Herrimala introduced it this way.

"I know all this, so I am more optimistic about Minister Lu Reed's ability!" Jiang Cheng smiled slightly and looked at Lu Reed.

"Mr. Jiang, my National Defense Force needs to replace its weapons and equipment. I wonder if you have the ability to accept such an order?" Lu Reed asked tentatively.

When the civil war broke out in Elijah, Lureed began to contact some powerful arms dealers, but those guys claimed that they did not dare to sell because the United States Intelligence Agency had given a warning that whoever sold would be in trouble. .

"Minister Lu Reed, please don't underestimate my strength, let alone my courage. As long as you have needs and can give a reasonable price, whether it is flying in the sky, running on the ground or swimming in the water, I will We can provide it all." Jiang Cheng said slowly, his words full of strong confidence.

"Oh..." Lu Reed showed a smile: "Tomorrow at noon, I would like to have lunch with Mr. Jiang. I wonder if Mr. Jiang is free."

"It's a great honor to have lunch with Minister Lu Reed." Jiang Cheng had no reason to refuse, Lu Reed was definitely a big customer.

Once the two start arms trade, the trade amount will definitely be calculated in hundreds of millions of yuan, or even higher.

ps: This is the 5th update. For those of you who have flower monthly evaluation tickets, please support me. Thank you!

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