Me, The Station Reporter

Chapter 206: A Sanguo’S Reaction

Asanguo Port.

Zhang Zhenhai, commander of the Universal warship, commanded the nuclear-powered cruiser and pulled the conventional-powered cruiser Eagle Alliance No. 001 into the port.

Soon, the Asanguo boatmen at the port detained the Yinglianguo ship.

Marco and others were detained by soldiers from the three countries with live ammunition and went ashore, but were stopped by Morgana, the prime minister of the three countries.

Morgana came to Marco and others, with no expression on her face, and said: "Did you send people to steal military secrets of space-based weapons?"

Although Marco was tied up and held at gunpoint by two soldiers, he did not panic at all and said coldly: "Haha, don't you know my identity? You actually think that I will say something that is against the interests of the Eagle Alliance. .”

Morgana stepped forward and slapped her, narrowed her eyes, and said harshly: "I can also insist that you lied to save yourself when you said that I abused the captives."

"Hmph" Marco looked at Morgana ferociously. This female Prime Minister of Asan Kingdom seemed to be a bit ruthless.

But, do you think you can catch me like this?

The corners of Marco's mouth curved slightly. In the next second, he released the rope, grabbed the soldier's gun, first pulled it in, and then pushed it outward.

"Bang bang!"

Two soldiers accidentally opened fire, killing each other.

Marco took out the dagger from his sleeve and held Morgana hostage.

Then at this moment, Zhang Zhenhai grabbed Marco's hand holding the dagger.


Marco was in pain, and the hand holding the knife loosened his grip.

The knife fell to the ground and made a clang sound.

Zhang Zhenhai calmly grabbed Marco, swung him down, pressed him down with his knees, and said calmly: "President Morgana, you are scared.

Morgana gasped and looked at Marco who was struggling at Zhang Zhenhai's feet. If he hadn't taken action just now, she would have been held hostage, which would have made an international joke.

Marco is still evil, Morgana has no good face anymore, and there is no chance to turn around this matter!

"Commander Zhang, thank you for your help. Morgana will always remember the help the World Group has given to Asan Kingdom! Next, Commander Zhang will please hand over the people to us.

Mogan gritted his teeth and said.

"Oh, by the way, the scientific research base of Asan Kingdom has been severely damaged and may no longer be able to continue researching space-based weapons technology..."

Zhang Zhenhai naturally had to look at Morgana. Before he came, he had been instructed by Jiang Cheng to let the Blue Star Coin pass in the Asan Kingdom.

Now is the time.

"Huanyu Group can send some manpower over, but the price is that when it comes to international trade in the future, it must choose to use Blue Star Coin for settlement."

"Blue Star Coin settlement?""

Morgana clenched her hands tightly. Without him, this matter was too important.

Because of rice gold, the United States can pass on its domestic economic problems to the international community by manipulating the appreciation or devaluation of rice gold.

At the same time, in terms of international resources, it can also completely change the pricing of international commodities through money printing, that is, commodity pricing power.

Ah Sanguo has always used rice gold for settlement before, but now it is replaced by blue star coins. In essence, it is just a change of bedding and wool from the same family.

Once you choose to settle with Blue Star Coin, you will inevitably suffer a variety of sanctions and blows from the United States. This is not something that the Kingdom, which is currently in financial crisis, can bear.

"Sorry, this matter is very important, please allow us to think twice," Morgana said seriously.

Blue Star Coin relies on the World Group, and its economic and military strength is not afraid of the United States, but it may not choose to provide assistance.

"Time waits for no one. The World Group can guarantee that the Asan Kingdom will successfully develop space-based weapons within half a year. No matter what the impact is, even today's invasion by the Eagle Alliance Secret Service cannot stop it." Zhang Zhenhai smiled faintly. said.

Morgana looked at Zhang Zhenhai suspiciously and thought carefully.

The military and scientific research capabilities of the Huanyu Group are stronger than those of the Asan Kingdom. If they can get their assistance, they will definitely be able to vigorously develop the Asan Kingdom.

Moreover, this guarantee, at present, is very strong.

After all, a military exercise around the United States scared the United States into submission, and together with the United Arab Emirates, they paid 200 billion in gold.

Morgana breathed a sigh of relief and agreed: "I promise Huanyu Group. After passing the parliament in two days, the contract will be sent to Chairman Jiang.'

"In that case, we can now lend scientific researchers to Asan Kingdom." Zhang Zhenhai clapped his hands, and a row of more than thirty AI smart people came over.

They are all advanced AIs exchanged by Jiang Cheng in the mall. Not only do they have outstanding scientific research capabilities, but more importantly, "Each one of Jiuhu is proficient in all the skills of an agent!"

Next to Morgana, Dr. Connor frowned and said, "I'm sorry to interrupt. I'm confused, why have I never met any of these people? If they are top scientific research talents, they will basically enter global think tanks!"

Zhang Zhenhai gave the reasons he had prepared long ago and said: ""They are top scientific research talents trained by our Huanyu Group ourselves and have never been opened to the outside world.

There is no need to explain too much, just a sentence of self-cultivation is enough.

As a physicist, Dr. Connor was born with a skeptical spirit and did not trust Zhang Zhenhai's words.

But when he later came into contact with these people, Dr. Connor found that everyone was at his level and became a frog in the well. He couldn't help but feel deeply inferior.

After confirming that Asan Kingdom's space-based weapons were on track, Zhang Zhenhai was ordered by Jiang Cheng to leave on a submarine.

After Morgana suffered an incident with agents, an emergency meeting was announced.

The Prime Minister's Office of the Eagle Federation.

Diplomatic Ambassador Stern brought a report and said: "This morning, the reason why Director Marco's No. 001 conventionally powered cruiser and the royal agents operating in the three countries lost contact was found."

Qiu Kil had obviously been waiting for a long time and said impatiently: "Say it quickly (Ji Zhao)."

Ste swallowed his saliva and said with a guilty conscience: "According to the latest press conference held by Asan Kingdom, the royal agents... were killed and captured. At the same time, with the assistance of the Universal Fleet, Asan Kingdom captured We found an Eagle Alliance warship, and Marco was inside..."

"What did you say?!"

Qiujir's eyes widened as things actually developed to this point. He snatched the report from Ste's hand and started to read it.

"Morgana, the president of the three countries, publicly announced that she has entered a state of hostility with the Eagle Federation, stopped all economic, military and other activities of the Eagle Federation in the three countries, and issued a global wanted order to crack down on the activities of the Eagle Federation on a global scale!"

"That's unreasonable!"

Qiujir smashed the report angrily and angrily said: "Where does this Asan Kingdom have the courage to dare to challenge the majesty of the Eagle Alliance! Contact the top management of the Asan Kingdom immediately. If you don't let him go, prepare to accept the sanctions and attacks from the Eagle Alliance!" "

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