Me, The Station Reporter

Chapter 30: Weapons And Equipment Worth 3 Billion

As night falls, the sky is filled with shining stars, and a bright full moon sheds vast fluorescence, rendering the earth.

On the seaside plain, a fleet of vehicles parked here quietly.

In the black Maybach located in the middle of the motorcade, Jiang Cheng sat quietly on the leather seat, closing his eyes and concentrating.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Jiang Cheng still chose to exchange weapons and equipment at night as before.

This time, the amount of weapons and equipment he exchanged was too huge, and its area was definitely measured in thousands of square meters.

Time passed, and suddenly it was early morning.

The entire coastal plain is quiet at this time, and occasionally you can hear the roars of some wild animals, such as howling wolves and barking dogs.

This is the Black State Continent, and it is also a paradise for all kinds of wild animals, so it is not surprising to hear the roar of beasts.

"Boss, it's almost time." A1 turned to remind him as he sat down.

With a brush sound, Jiang Cheng's closed eyes opened. He raised his wrist and looked at the time. It was already 1:30 at night.

"Get off the car!" Jiang Cheng spit out these two words.

Hearing this, A1 took the lead in pushing open the car door, and then opened the rear door.

After Jiang Cheng got off the bus, A1 stood beside him warily, looking at the surrounding environment.

At the same time, near the perimeter, other No. 20 clone bodyguards were holding rifles, wearing night vision goggles, and wearing protective clothing, performing security tasks.

Looking around, Jiang Cheng felt that it was very safe, 100% no man's land.

Immediately, Jiang Cheng sank into his mind and ordered the system: "Consume 1 billion redemption points and redeem the previously selected weapons and equipment for me."

"Dear host, please wait a moment!" The system said unhurriedly and started operating immediately.


Suddenly, the void trembled and the moonlight distorted.

About ten meters away from Jiang Cheng, the void dimmed directly, then slowly shattered, and a light hole tens of meters long and five or six meters high appeared.

Jiang Cheng has long been accustomed to such a scene.

He asked the system, and the system gave an explanation. Such a scene was caused by space folding technology and space transmission technology.

Only civilizations above level seven are qualified to control space technology like this.


A roar of engines came from inside the light cave. The sound was deafening, directly suppressing the roars of all the beasts.

Obviously, this is the sound produced when a high-horsepower engine is started, and you can even hear the whirring sound of the propeller rotating.

Immediately afterwards, ten Grizzly main battle tanks drove out of the light hole side by side. They were driven out by clones.

It can be seen that every tank is a huge lump of steel, and its rotating alloy tracks are invincible. All gravel, bushes, etc. are crushed into dough balls.

Although it was nighttime, Jiang Cheng could still clearly see the general outlines of these tanks with the help of the moonlight.

There is no doubt that they are the true kings of the land.

Ten minutes passed, and 200 Grizzly main battle tanks drove out of the light hole one by one and parked neatly together.

What followed was an endless stream of cheetah chariots.

This tank is a tracked armored vehicle with ferocious firepower, equipped with a heavy machine gun and an 88mm smoothbore cannon. If calculated in terms of real combat effectiveness, it is an out-and-out light tank.

Of course, in terms of armor, the armor of the Cheetah is not as good as that of a light tank. After all, its original design is to cover infantry and cooperate with tanks in combat, rather than to be the tank that takes the initiative and rushes to the front.

Fifteen minutes later, 400 Cheetah chariots also drove out of the circle of light one after another, and they were also parked neatly on this coastal plain.

Looking at it with the help of moonlight, the formation of 200 tanks and 400 armored vehicles is simply not too shocking. It can't be seen at a glance, just like a steel jungle towering on the ground.

It can be said that with the real combat effectiveness of these tanks and armored vehicles, the entire Black State Continent can move sideways.

Take the most powerful country in the Black State, the Southern Black Country, for example. Although it has thousands of tanks, its models are relatively old and there are very few second-generation tanks, let alone second-and-a-half generations.

The shells fired by these tanks cannot even penetrate the alloy armor of the Grizzly Tank, let alone destroy it.

"It's still nighttime now. When it's daytime tomorrow, I believe many people will think they've seen a ghost, especially the intelligence agencies of Midland and Beixiong..." Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, looking forward to the impact that tomorrow would have.

Now he is still hiding in the darkness and has not come to the front desk.

It can be expected that within a day or two at most, the weapons and equipment he traded to Lou Reed will definitely shock the world.

By that time, his name, his images, his candid videos, etc., will all become the focus of major media reports.

"Being the boss behind the scenes? Pretending to be a tiger and eating pigs? Being a low-key person?"

"Haha, I have no such interest."

"A man must be dignified, upright, and attract worldwide attention."

Jiang Cheng muttered to himself while staring at the huge light hole that was constantly transmitting weapons and equipment.

About half an hour passed before all the exchanged weapons and equipment were transferred.

"The Predator helicopter gunship is so big!" Jiang Cheng couldn't help but admire.

In his sight, the Predator helicopter gunships arranged in three rows, with 10 in each row, were quite eye-catching.

You know, the price of this aerial raptor is 20 million meters of gold, and its exchange price also requires 7 million exchange points, which is quite not cheap.

As for its performance, although it is not the best in the world, it can still be ranked among the first-class in the world.

Such an aerial raptor is simply a nightmare for tanks and armored vehicles. As for ordinary soldiers, it is the kind that can kill mosquitoes with a cannon.

However, it also has its nemesis, which is surface-to-air missiles, sea-to-air missiles, air-to-air missiles, etc.

As long as it is hit by a missile, it can only become a piece of scrap metal.

This is why all countries are vigorously developing missile technology. The cost-effectiveness of this thing is really too high.

A missile is exchanged for a helicopter costing tens of millions of meters of gold, or even a fighter jet worth hundreds of millions of meters of gold, or even a warship or aircraft carrier worth billions of meters of gold.

How much does a missile cost?

This account is very easy to calculate.

Therefore, modern war is fought with money. Without money, you can't play at all, and you can't afford to fight, or you can't afford to lose.

After all, the more advanced weapons and equipment are, the more expensive they are to make. Who can not feel distressed if a gold-swallowing behemoth built with hundreds of millions of meters of gold or billions of meters of gold will be beaten and scrapped in a few times?

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