Me, The Station Reporter

Chapter 42: Fleet Mobilization

North Bear Country Ministry of Defense, interior of the minister's office.

The Minister of Defense of the North Bear Country, Loch Miff, was listening to the secretary’s report.

"Your Excellency, the Ministry of Defense of the United States has sent us a request. They hope that President Bolt can remove Lu Reed from all positions and revoke the designation of the Eriya Defense Force."

Hearing this, Lochmiev frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "It seems like the United States Army is going to take action first!"

"Your Excellency, Minister, once Lureed is dismissed from all his posts and the designation of the Elijah Defense Force is revoked, then the National Defense Force controlled by Lured will become an illegal armed force. In this way, the United States Army will have sufficient Take action directly.” Lochmiff’s secretary pointed out the essence of the problem.

"Since the United States is willing to take action, it just saves us time and we can do what they want..." Lochmiff smiled softly.

There is a saying that the snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman gets the benefit. The Northern Bear Country can just wait and see what happens.

"I understand..." Lochmiff's secretary smiled and nodded, and he quickly went to carry out the order.


At noon, Bult held a cabinet meeting in the Elijah government office building.

At the meeting, Bult simply went through the voting process and announced that from now on, the designation of the Eriya Defense Force would be revoked and all Lureed's government positions would be removed.

After the meeting, the Elijah Foreign Education Department also held a press conference to announce the news to the outside world.

Suddenly, there was an uproar from all walks of life.

Anyone who pays attention to the development of the situation in Elijah knows that since the two countries have intervened, no one can seize the fruits of their interests except these two countries.

Although it was expected that the American League and the Northern Bears would take action against Lou Reed, no one expected that the first one to take action would be the Northern Bears and not the American League.


At the Elijah National Defense Force station, Lu Reid hurriedly found Jiang Cheng, with a look of panic on his face: "Jiang, Bolt revoked the designation of the National Defense Force and dismissed me from my post. He doesn't have the guts at all. This is definitely the North Bear Country. As instructed, what should we do?"

"Mr. Minister, why are you panicking? This is just an appetizer. The North Bears and Midland United haven't spoken yet. Does this kind of battle frighten you?" Jiang Cheng gave Lu Reed a cold look. I hate the way iron cannot become steel.

"Can I not panic? Don't you know what the United League and the North Bears represent?" Lu Reed looked panicked. He was really scared!

To be honest, the power he controls is nothing compared to these two countries.

Although Jiang Cheng had promised that he had enough strength to withstand the pressure from both countries, he, Lu Reed, had not discovered where his strength lay.

Therefore, he could not panic. After all, his life and fortune were at stake.

"Mr. Minister, you need to be calm and calm. You are the future president of Elijah. You must maintain a calm image at all times without changing color even if the mountain collapses in front of you." Jiang Cheng spoke quietly, without any panic in his expression, as if everything was fine. As expected.

Seeing Jiang Cheng's calm demeanor all the time, Luide calmed down a little and said, "Then what should we do next?"

"Bolt and Muggus are nothing to worry about. We only need to defeat them in one strike. We don't need to do anything before the Midland United and the North Bears take action." Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

"Jiang, I've put everything on the line, don't let me down!" Lu Reed's eyes were dark, and there was helplessness in his words.

His strength is too weak. Under the prestige of the United League and the North Bear, he doesn't even have the courage to fight.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me..." Jiang Cheng smiled confidently.


In the afternoon of the same day, McEnany, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense of the United States, held a press conference on behalf of the United States military.

On the summit stage, McEnany announced to reporters from all sides: "The United States is a peace-loving world power, and we have always been committed to building a global co-prosperity sphere."

"As a developed country and the world's largest economy, the United States has been helping all developing countries become prosperous and powerful."

"Last week, something very bad happened in Elijah."

"For financial gain, Jiang Cheng ignored the laws of the planet and sold a large amount of weapons and equipment to the illegal armed forces of Elijah."

"Such a shocking transaction not only has an extremely bad impact, but also seriously jeopardizes the peaceful and stable environment in the northern part of the Black State."

"Here, the U.S. side hopes that Lurid can disband his illegal armed personnel on the spot. At the same time, the U.S. side also hopes that Jiang Cheng can hand over his illegal gains to the international inspection headquarters."

As soon as these words came out, reporters from all sides immediately began to discuss among themselves.

"At noon, the North Bear Nation attacked first, and in the afternoon it was the United States of America. Jiang Cheng and Lu Reed are in danger!"

"Yesterday, these two people were bragging about all kinds of nonsense. What will they do now?"

"Interesting, directly define Lu Reed's army as an illegal armed force, let it disband on the spot, and ask Jiang Cheng to hand over all illegal gains, that is, the 3 billion rice gold. This is killing two birds with one stone. What an idea!”

"Don't worry, there must be more content below. If you just talk about it verbally, who will do what you want."

On the stage, McKenney paused for a while, and then he continued: "In order to combat pirates in the northern waters of Heizhou, the United States Navy will send the Fifth Fleet into the northern waters of Heizhou. Before the arrival of the Fifth Fleet, the United States Navy will I hope Lu Reed can disband his illegal armed forces as soon as possible, and Jiang Cheng must also hand over his illegal gains."

After saying this, McEnany ignored the reporters' questions and left directly.

"God, dispatching the Fifth Fleet directly is too trivial..." a Gallic reporter exclaimed, with shock in his eyes.

You know, the United States has two fleet headquarters, and these two fleet headquarters control the five combat fleets of the United Navy.

Although the Fifth Fleet is not the most powerful fleet in the United States, this combat fleet contains two nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle groups and numerous other warships.

Metaphorically speaking, except for Dragon Kingdom and Northern Bear, the strength of the Fifth Fleet can suppress the navies of all other countries. From here, we can imagine how powerful the Fifth Fleet is.

"The Fifth Fleet will definitely not dispatch the entire army. At most, it will dispatch a squadron. After all, the basic consumption expenses such as fuel costs are not a small amount if the entire army is dispatched!" A reporter said.

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