Me, The Station Reporter

Chapter 47: How Is This Possible?

The sun is rising and the weather is slightly bright!

In the waters north of Elijah, a huge aircraft carrier fleet is sailing through the waves, and their sailing direction points to the northern port of Elijah.

It can be seen that in the center of this fleet, a 500-ton fishing boat looks out of place with the surrounding warships and aircraft carriers.

In the fishing boat, Jiang Cheng only slept for two hours and got up at dawn. He was enjoying breakfast at this time.

After eating breakfast, Jiang Cheng planned to abandon the fishing boat and board the aircraft carrier.

These are extraordinary times, and only aircraft carriers are safer.

If the United States sends a fighter plane to fire a missile at him, everything will be over!

This is no joke, the United States is very likely to launch a beheading operation.

Suddenly, outside the fleet, the shadow of a luxury cruise ship loomed.

Since it was early in the morning, many tourists from all over the world were watching the beautiful rising sun on the deck of the cruise ship.

"God, what is that?" Soon, a tourist from a small island nation discovered the aircraft carrier fleet at the end of the sea line, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Immediately, many tourists were attracted by such startling breaths. They looked around and their eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

"God, this is an aircraft carrier fleet. Could it be that the Fifth Fleet has arrived?" a tourist from the United States shouted loudly.

"That is definitely the Fifth Fleet. Didn't the Ministry of the Navy announce the mission of the Fifth Fleet before? It's just that the speed of the Fifth Fleet is too fast!" The speaker was also from the United States, and his face was full of smiles. Of pride and pride.

"Are they the Fifth Fleet? This is so spectacular. No wonder the United Navy can be proud of the world." A tourist from the Dragon Kingdom sighed, with a look of envy in his eyes.

Although the comprehensive national strength of the Dragon Kingdom is already the second in the world, compared with the United States, there is still a big gap, especially in the navy, the gap is the largest.

It should be noted that the true strength of the Midland Navy is very powerful. Even if the Dragon Kingdom Navy and the North Bear Kingdom Navy were combined, they would not be able to defeat them!

Although I don't want to admit it, the real situation is this. The United Navy can single-handedly challenge the navies of other countries.

"Huanyu Military Industrial Group, Chengfeng, Polang 1, Polang 2, Guangfeng 1..." At this time, a female tourist from the Dragon Kingdom holding a telescope discovered the problem.

Through the telescope, she could clearly see that the hulls of those warships were uniformly printed with the words "World Military Industry Group" in large characters. Behind these words, there was a row of small characters, such as the names of these warships. Warship name.

"Honey, why do the warships of the 5th Fleet have the words of our Dragon Kingdom written on them? What does this Universal Military Industrial Group do?" The female tourist from the Dragon Kingdom holding a telescope looked at a middle-aged man next to her, wondering. asked.

"What are you talking about? The Fifth Fleet belongs to the United Navy. How can it be possible for their warships to have Dragon Kingdom characters written on them? Are you confused?" the middle-aged man said dissatisfied.

He thinks that his wife has no common sense at all. If he doesn't take her out for travel in the future, it will be a joke if others hear about it!

"See for yourself..." The female tourist from the Dragon Kingdom threw the telescope over.

"Hiss, how is this possible?" The middle-aged man used a telescope to observe the fleet in the distance, his eyes full of shock.

Since he often understands the military developments of various countries, he is also familiar with the aircraft carriers of the United States and the United States.

He could swear that this fleet was not from the United States at all, and the aircraft carriers from the United States were not like this at all.

"Wait a minute, World Military Industrial Group, isn't this the company of that arms dealer Jiang Cheng?" The middle-aged man recalled the news he had seen before.

After a while, more tourists discovered something unusual.

"God, they're not the Fifth Fleet..."

"Yes, our country's aircraft carrier does not look like this..."

"Huanyu Military Industrial Group... such a familiar name..."

"Don't think about it, Huanyu Military Industrial Group is Jiang Cheng's company..."

"Jiang Cheng is the Jiang Cheng who was asked by the MI government to hand over all illegal gains. It is said that the reason why the Fifth Fleet was dispatched was for this man..."

All of a sudden, there were all kinds of exclamations on the deck of the cruise ship.

Soon, everyone thought of a possibility. Since the hulls of these warships read "World Military Industrial Group", does this mean that the entire fleet belongs to Jiang Cheng?

When they think of this possibility, everyone's minds are directly short-circuited.

This is too ridiculous. This is an aircraft carrier fleet. Some big countries cannot afford to equip it. How can they belong to one company?


Next to the Chengfeng nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, a small fishing boat was slowly approaching the aircraft carrier.

Then, Jiang Cheng left the small fishing boat and boarded the Chengfeng aircraft carrier.


As soon as Jiang Cheng arrived on the flight deck, the clone soldiers who were scrubbing the deck put down their work and quickly stood together in order, saluting in unison and saying hello.

"Well, you are busy with your own business and don't worry about me." Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

tread! tread! tread!

Rapid footsteps sounded, and Zhang Zhenhai, who was wearing the uniform of a major general, and Zhou Xinghai, who had the rank of senior colonel, trotted over, followed by dozens of naval officers.

"Good morning, boss!" Zhang Zhenhai said with a smile on his serious Chinese character face and raised his hand in salute.

"Boss..." Behind Zhang Zhenhai, Zhou Xinghai and other naval officers also saluted and said hello.

"Take me to the command room, the wind on the deck is too strong." Jiang Cheng said softly, his words were unusually soft, and there was no sense of unfamiliarity.

The operators of the entire fleet are all clones. These people are Jiang Cheng's most loyal subordinates. His orders are the meaning of the existence of clones, so Jiang Cheng does not take exception at all.

Soon, under the leadership of Zhang Zhenhai, Jiang Cheng came to the combat command room of the Chengfeng aircraft carrier.

This is a hall full of technology, with various electronic instruments and electronic displays everywhere.

Since this was Jiang Cheng's first time seeing the combat command room of an aircraft carrier, he was curious and walked around the entire command room.

Along the way, Zhang Zhenhai never stopped talking. He kept explaining the functions of various instruments and the data displayed on various displays.

"Boss, where are we going next?" Zhang Zhenhai asked.

From yesterday to now, Jiang Cheng has not given them an order, so Zhang Zhenhai asked.

"First approach the northern port of Ati City, stop there for a day, and then go to Asanyang." Jiang Cheng pursed his lips and smiled, with a dangerous light in his eyes.

He knew that in a few hours at most, the whole world would be shocked by this fleet.

As for why he wanted Asanyang, it was because the 5th Fleet was there, and he wanted to block the 5th Fleet and show off his muscles.

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