Me, The Station Reporter

Chapter 53: Must Be Strong

At night, the bright moonlight illuminates the rough sea.

As far as the eye can see, a huge fleet breaks through the sea and is sailing at a very fast speed.

Anyone who sees such a fleet will be inexplicably shocked. This is the highest manifestation of Blue Star's current technological level.

There is no doubt that no country has the strength to manufacture such warships and aircraft carriers except for the three poles of the world: Milian, Beixiong, and Dragon Kingdom.

To put it bluntly, even the Dragon Kingdom has no experience in manufacturing nuclear-powered aircraft carriers at this stage.

Although the Dragon Kingdom's navy is very powerful and ranks second in the world, the Dragon Kingdom does not have nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and only has a few conventional aircraft carriers.

Throughout the world, there are only three countries with nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. They are the United States of America with 11 ships, the Bear State with 1 ship, and the Gallic State with 1 ship.

However, except for the United States, the nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the other two countries are not very good, and are not even as good as the conventional aircraft carriers of the Dragon Kingdom.

You must know that the most advanced Ford in the United States has a displacement of only 112,000 tons when fully loaded. From this, we can see how much deterrence the Chengfeng, which is owned by Jiang Cheng and has a full load of 130,000 tons, has.

To put it bluntly, except for the three poles of the world, Jiang Cheng can run amok on the sea, and no one dares to provoke him.

At this moment, in the lounge of the Chengfeng aircraft carrier, Jiang Cheng had just finished taking a hot bath and was lying on the sofa boredly playing with his mobile phone.

Life on the sea is always boring and boring, far less colorful than on land.

In his spare time and boredom, Jiang Cheng clicked on Weibo. He wanted to know what kind of reaction he had caused in Longguo.

Sure enough, just as he predicted, the hot search headlines were firmly dominated by his related news, and its popularity was several times higher than those behind it. It can be said that the traffic is huge.

Just when Jiang Cheng wanted to click on the hot search news to take a look, he found a 999+ information reminder in the lower left corner.

When he clicked it and took a look, Jiang Cheng was stunned.

There are too many messages, almost all of which are private messages sent by others and messages followed by well-known accounts.

"Quite a few, how many are these??" Jiang Cheng shook his head and laughed. He swiped his hand and edited, deleted, and cleared.

He doesn't have time to read other people's private messages, nor does he have time to check who is following him.

Then, Jiang Cheng clicked on the main page of his Weibo account.

"This..." Jiang Cheng was surprised again.

He remembered that he had only a few hundred followers before, and most of those hundreds of people were women, who were attracted by his profile picture.

However, now, it is clearly written under his account that the number of followers is as high as 36.85 million.

"More than 30 million people follow me, am I so attractive?" Jiang Cheng shook his head and laughed.

Of course, Jiang Cheng also thinks it's great to be watched by tens of millions of people. Maybe it will be useful in the future!

After the conflict with the United States is resolved, Jiang Cheng is ready to return to his country.

It's too boring to stay in a place like Elijah. The production base can be placed here, but he himself is absolutely unwilling to live on this land.

In Jiang Cheng's vision, Elijah is just a free base camp, a place to house the fleet and arsenal. He himself will not stay here for a long time.

Shaking away the thoughts in his mind, Jiang Cheng continued to stare at his Weibo account.

He found that the number of likes and comments on several Weibo posts he had previously posted had exceeded 1 million, and the number was still increasing.

"What are the domestic netizens saying?" Jiang Cheng felt confused and randomly clicked on the top Weibo post to check.

Comment area:

"Brother Cheng, stop diving and get up and put away your clothes!"

"Brother Jiang Cheng, are you still in need of a bed warmer? I want to sign up..."

"Is Brother Cheng's Weibo account a zombie account? Why has there been no response?"

"Brother Cheng, please don't give in. If you give in, Milianbao will treat you as a weakling. Learn more from President Peter Gimp and be stronger."

"Upstairs, you must be sick! Can Brother Cheng have a hard time with Midland? The two are not on the same level, right?"

"As I said before, take life and death lightly, and if you don't accept it, do it..."

"Brother Cheng, don't you donate the fleet to the country and enjoy life back home?"

"I love your brother's legs. That is a fully equipped nuclear-powered aircraft carrier fleet. To build such a fleet, you don't have hundreds of billions of dragon national currency. How can you get it? Donate hundreds of billions if you want. , do you think this is paper?"


Looking at the increasing number of comments, Jiang Cheng laughed it off and didn't take it to heart.

beep! beep! beep!

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng's phone started to vibrate again, and the private message reminder he had just deleted instantly changed to 999+.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Cheng reluctantly clicked the publish button on Weibo and immediately wrote [Thank you for your concern, please don't send me private messages again. I won't read them and will delete them all...]

After finishing writing, Jiang Cheng clicked the send button.

The next second, his Weibo account was updated instantly, and the Weibo message he had just sent also appeared on the top page.

Since Jiang Cheng has more than 30 million followers, after he sent this message, the mobile phones of every follower vibrated. This was to remind them that the person they followed had just updated a Weibo post.

Immediately, comments exploded again under the Weibo message Jiang Cheng had just sent.

"Hey, is it Yaoyao Ling? I caught Jiang Cheng..."

"Brother Cheng, I've been following you for a long time, could you please turn over the sign..."

"Brother Jiang Cheng, I want to remind you that Weibo has a blocking function. You can block it directly so that I won't disturb you!"

"Brother Cheng, Brother Cheng, I'll give you 10 million. I want to buy a tank to suppress the panic..."

"Brother Cheng, are you still short of people in your fleet? I am retired from the Marine Corps. It doesn't matter if I have money or not, as long as I take care of the food, I mainly want to experience life..."

"Coincidentally, I am also a Marine Corps member. I just retired and am currently unemployed..."


Staring at the constantly refreshing comments in the comment area, Jiang Cheng quickly lost interest.

Turning off the phone and lying on the bed, Jiang Cheng had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

Tomorrow afternoon, his fleet will meet the Fifth Fleet, and Jiang Cheng is still a little worried.

If the United Nations is still so tough and does not retreat at all, then he can only become tougher. Only in this way can he have the capital to gain a foothold.

As the saying goes, those who are violent are afraid of death, but those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes.

If he doesn't act very strong and adopt a desperate attitude, it won't be long before all countries will unite to deal with him.

Even if Jiang Cheng does not harm the interests of other countries, they are not willing to see the emergence of an uncertain factor.

ps: Dear readers, if you like this book, please give me a flower monthly evaluation ticket. The author would like to thank you!

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