Me, The Station Reporter

Chapter 88: The Prototype Of The Birth Of The Super Power

"President Lu Reed, just go ahead and do it boldly. With your boss backing you up, you don't need to be afraid of anything!" On the seat, Lu You was cheering him on, fearing that Lu Reed would be timid.

It should be noted that the land area of ​​Elijah is not large, and its total population is only more than 9 million.

The market of more than 9 million people is still in the Heizhou continent. To the major economic powers, this is just a mosquito leg, tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

If Lou Reed announces an increase in tariffs on foreign goods, the major economic powers will not go to war with Jiang Cheng for such a small market.

After all, input and output are not directly proportional, and no fool would do such a thing.

After thinking for a while, Luide thought this plan was feasible. He looked at Jiang Cheng and thanked him very solemnly: "Jiang, thank you for your help. The 9 million people in Riyadh will always remember your assistance."

"Your Excellency, we are friends, and friends should help each other." Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, his expression unusually calm.

For him, this matter is just a small matter. If he shows his attitude casually, all countries will have to weigh the consequences of offending him.

"Jiang, you got a huge loan of 300 billion from the Dragon Kingdom. Did you use this money to expand the world's industry?" Lu Reed's eyes sparkled with wisdom.

Jiang Cheng has said before that after he becomes president, Jiang Cheng will build a large-scale military factory in Elijah.

What is a military factory? It almost all belongs to the military industry!

Take a warship manufacturing factory as an example. There are definitely dozens or hundreds of supporting companies under it.

To put it bluntly, if the tanks, armored vehicles, fighter planes, warships, aircraft carriers, etc. of World Industries were all produced in Elia, then the heavy industry in Elia would almost rise from the ground and reach the world's first-class level in an instant, and even It is an internationally leading level.

It is a simple truth that the most cutting-edge technologies are the first to be used in military products.

"Your Excellency, President, I announced to the media before that I will invest 100 billion meters in gold in Elijah and provide no less than 1.5 million jobs for Elijah. Whatever I said, I will make it come true. ……………” Jiang Cheng spoke slowly.

The General Factory is built in Elijah. Jiang Cheng can play as he wants without any interference at all. This is what he wants.

In the seats opposite, Lu Reed and Sagep were stunned. They couldn't believe their ears.

What did they hear?

Huanyu Industries' new military factory will be located in Elijah. Jiang Cheng will invest at least 100 billion meters of gold, and he will also provide 1.5 million jobs for Elijah.

What kind of concept is this? To put it bluntly, once this project is launched, Elijah's economy will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Not to mention the chain reaction that the 100 billion rice gold investment can bring, the 1.5 million jobs alone can stimulate economic consumption in Eriya, directly driving the rapid economic growth of Eriya.

For example, if 1.5 million people have gained jobs, it means that the income level of 1.5 million people has increased. With money in their hands, don’t they have to consume? Don’t they have to buy various commodities?

Once these people start consuming, and Elijah officials increase tariffs on foreign goods, Elijah's own physical manufacturing industry will also benefit. This is a healthy development process, and its benefits are obvious.

Only when the economy circulates can it produce chain effects and promote the development of a virtuous cycle in all walks of life.

After a long time, Lu Reid recovered from the shock. He took a deep breath and asked cautiously: "Jiang, is everything you said true? Are you sure you are not joking?"

"Your Excellency, am I kidding?" Jiang Cheng shook his head, smiled, and continued: "The investment of 100 billion meters of gold is just a conservative estimate, or just a starting capital. Moreover, all Elijahs hired by me People, I can guarantee that their monthly salary will not be less than 150 meters..."

"It's not less than 150 meters, and it will be 1,800 meters a year..." Sagep, who had just become prime minister, quickly rolled his eyes and compared his income.

You know, a large part of the Elijah people do not even have an annual income of 500 meters. The minimum annual income of 1,800 meters has more than tripled!

The main reason why the annual income of the Elijah people is so low is that there is no light or heavy industry in Elijah, and the value that the Elijah people can produce cannot even satisfy their food and clothing needs.

From here we can see how important light and heavy industries are to a country.

"Mr. Jiang, please rest assured that any investment you make in Elijah will be given the green light. Elijah officials will not impose any restrictions on you and you can enter any industry." Saiji once promised.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng's eyes flickered. He looked at Lurid and Sagep and suggested: "Both of you, I think the development of various resources in Elijah can be handed over to Huanyu Industry, and Huanyu Industry will be responsible for the development. These resources will be repurchased, and the purchase price is also based on the current international price."

"Huanyu Industrial has the most advanced construction machinery, which can minimize development costs. After deducting the development costs, the profits from the sale of these resources will be split in half between Huanyu Industrial and Elijah officials. What do you think?"

"This..." Lureed and Sagep looked at each other, feeling extremely frustrated.

We were told before that Jiang Cheng was a good man, but now it seems that he is simply a wolf in sheep's clothing, trying to steal half of Elijah's natural resources with just one mouthful.

Although the land area of ​​Elijah is not very large, only a few hundred thousand square kilometers, it has a lot of natural resources. "The proven natural resources alone are worth at least more than 200 billion meters of gold."

"You two, although Elijah has a lot of natural resources, it is quite difficult to exploit them. Apart from me, there are a few people who are willing to do these thankless things." Jiang Cheng said unhurriedly.

According to Jiang Cheng, Elijah’s proven and undiscovered natural resources are worth at least hundreds of billions of gold.

If all these natural resources are mined by him, he can not only reduce the cost to the lowest, but also easily mine many natural resources that are extremely difficult to mine.

You know, there are many kinds of resource mining vehicles in the system mall, including planet crushers.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it is to extract natural resources, it is not a problem here in Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang, Elijah's natural resources are indeed rich, but you have to take away half of the profits with just one mouthful. This is too much." Lu Reed shook his head quickly, obviously unable to accept Jiang Cheng's huge appetite.

Luide knew very well how much money this half of the profits represented? That would be at least tens of billions of gold to start with!

"Your Excellency, what you need to see is the long-term benefits. Many of Erlia's proven natural resources are too difficult to exploit and no one cares about them at all. Only I can maximize the benefits, and I will give you half of them." The profit is already very good." Jiang Cheng couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

He seemed to be saying, don't be so greedy as a human being, just take it when it's good, otherwise you won't even get a single hair out of it.

"Your Excellency, Mr. Jiang is right. There is no one to buy the mining rights for many of our country's natural resources. Only Mr. Jiang can bring us the greatest benefits." Next to him, Sagep began to persuade.

Come to think of it, there is no one to mine it anyway, so it is better to leave it to Jiang Cheng and they will wait for the money.

Moreover, Jiang Cheng has brought so much benefit to Elijah and has to build a huge military factory. No matter what, it is appropriate to reciprocate.

Seeing that Lu Reid was still hesitating, Jiang Cheng pursed his lips and smiled, and said a figure that was irresistible: "Your Excellency, if you give me all the natural resources in Elijah to mine, I can promise that every year I’ll give you at least 10 billion meters of gold.”

"What, 10 billion meters of gold..." Lu Reed's eyes widened and he swallowed a mouthful of 930 water alone.

What kind of concept is this? You must know that Elijah's financial revenue is only a few billion dollars.

Upon hearing this, Sagep quickly whispered in Lou Reed's ear: "Your Excellency, please agree quickly. This is a guaranteed income of 10 billion meters of gold. With this money, we have to provide for Eli." How many things can Asian people do!”

"Huh..." Lu Reed took a deep breath again. He looked at Jiang Cheng, raised his glass and said, "Jiang, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

"Your Excellency, you have made a wise choice!" Jiang Cheng picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

To exploit natural resources, Jiang Cheng can let clones drive resource mining vehicles. If Elijah officially gets 10 billion meters of gold, he can also get 10 billion meters of gold. This is completely free money!

The most important thing is that if the resource mining vehicle in the system mall is used, it may not be as simple as just dividing 10 billion meters of gold. In just a few years, Jiang Cheng will be able to exploit the natural resources of Elijah. This year is also the start of tens of billions of gold.

For a while, Jiang Cheng even had an idea in his mind. He would sell weapons and equipment to those backward countries to obtain their natural resource exploitation rights. By that time, the exchange points would not be constant.

Moreover, when these countries have money, they can sell more weapons and equipment to them to help them improve their national defense strength, and by the way, they will also make money from the money allocated to them!

Jiang Cheng even envisioned using the world industry as the axis to win over those backward countries and eventually form another huge force independent of the three countries of Midland, Dragon Kingdom and Beixiong.

This idea is not impossible, but very possible. The existence of the system is Jiang Cheng's biggest plug-in.

ps: The fifth update, 15,000 words have been updated today, and each chapter is 3,000 words. Due to the large number of words, it is almost equivalent to the seventh and a half update.

For the sake of the author’s hard work, everyone who likes to read it, please send me your Flower Monthly Pass Evaluation Ticket!!

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