Mech Journey

Chapter 705: Non-human

Yang Mu tried to engage the opponent in close combat again, but apparently after the previous encounters, this mecha has basically figured out his own thoughts. Whenever he is preparing to break the defense in close combat, the mecha will always immediately Exit, and quickly release the missile to interfere with your actions.

In terms of combat methods, the mechas in this mecha are very good at controlling the scale.

But Yang Mu also found something wrong. First of all, this mech does not seem to be able to make any difficult offensive actions. At the same time, when facing its own intensive attacks, this mech always seems to be able to When there are some problems, there will always be times when you can't keep up.

And the more strange thing is that the learning ability of this mecha is very strange.

He can almost perfectly reproduce the moves he just used. Although he lacks in power and other aspects, he seems to have a look.

And if a mecha man has such a strong learning ability, then he should have been immersed in mecha driving for many years, his mecha fighting strength is definitely not weak, and there should be no such unfamiliar response errors.

This makes Yang Mu more puzzled. One reason that can be thought of at the moment is that the mecha in this mecha may have only learned the driving knowledge of the insect-cutting mecha, and has not really carried out the actual operation of the insect-cutting mecha. .

But this is only Yang Mu’s idea. The most urgent thing is to find a way to trap the mecha, and even find a way to directly paralyze the opponent, so Yang Mu did not think much, but kept getting close to the opponent to attack, while looking for the possibility. Opportunity to end the battle.

In this gap, the base officer Hengming's voice came from the channel.

"This is an emergency encrypted channel, Marshal, our mecha will push the **** bomb to come. At that time, there will be a lot of **** covering the entire area where you are, which is convenient to interfere with the opponent's missile attack. Please be prepared to avoid it."

Hengming's words were very fast, and he cut off the channel communication almost when the voice just fell off. He was obviously afraid that this communication would be intercepted by the mecha.

Yang Mu quickly understood the news, and at the same time, he glanced into the distance. Sure enough, he saw many light spots lined up and approached here. Yang Mu kept on attacking while preparing to take evasive actions at the right time. .

Although I don't understand what these base mechas are going to do, getting their help is definitely good for myself to subdue this mecha.

So Yang Mu's movements continued to speed up, trying his best to entangle the mecha and bring the mechas closer.

But it seems that this mecha has also noticed something wrong. After pulling away from Yang Mu again, it forcibly twisted its body and opened the weapon rack on its back and chest. The approaching mech regiment opened fire.

Yang Mu naturally couldn't make it make such an action, so at the moment, his mecha used force and rushed directly to the opponent's mecha, and the light knife in his hand slammed toward the abdomen cockpit of the mecha.

This action obviously also interfered with the action of the mecha. The missile did not shoot out in the end, and at the same time the mecha began to make tactical maneuvers, the engine behind it used crazy power, trying to escape from here.

This action was intercepted by Yang Mu, and the light knife in his hand also found a rare opportunity at this moment. The light knife directly pierced the left shoulder of the mecha, and then slashed hard, and the parts of the mecha suddenly scattered. .

The energy defense of this mecha has been broken, and now is an excellent opportunity.

Without waiting for Yang Mu to make further moves, the mecha regiment in the distance also discovered this situation, and immediately pushed out all the **** with missiles.

The **** cubes launched by hundreds of mechas quickly approached this insect-slicing mecha, and the mecha that had already suffered a loss obviously wanted to escape. The engine behind him once again exploded with powerful energy, and he was ready to move from above with one move. To avoid the attack in the starry sky.

But Yang Mu couldn't give him a chance to escape. The Insect Slayer mech erupted with a violent creak. Under the condition of forcibly distorting his figure, Yang Mu reached the escape route of the mech faster with one foot. Kicked hard, kicked the mecha that had just applied force again.

This mecha seemed very anxious. I didn't care about it this time. The weapon launch ports all over the body were opened, and all the missiles were aimed at Yang Mu's mecha.

From a distance, Lei Hong, who watched the dense missiles rushing to Yang Mu's mecha, widened his eyes, shouting excitedly and nervously, but saw the light flashing.

Yang Mu’s insect-splitting mecha was completely submerged in the vast light. At this moment, the purple sky cow mecha quickly broke away from the mecha team and headed madly forward, but a few mechas gushed out behind him, Lei Hong stopped.

Lei Hong roared and looked in Yang Mu's direction, but was taken aback for a moment.

Because at this moment, the **** cubes that had arrived also exploded, and when the light gradually dissipated, the two insect-slicing mechas with a body length of several hundred meters were gradually exposed.

At this moment, a mecha was standing on the back of another mecha, and a light knife pierced the main engine of the lying insect-cutter mecha, and then cut open the abdomen of the broken mecha. .

Between the explosion and the fire, Yang Mu seized this opportunity, the light knife in his hand frequently attacked, winning in one fell swoop!

And the inner armor of that out-of-control mecha is now firmly in the hands of Yang Mu's mecha.

A moment of silence flashed across all communication channels, and the next moment was a roar of cheers.

And Lei Hong finally walked towards that area unrestricted, hearing his brother's familiar voice on the channel, Lei Hong cried with joy.

Yang Mu also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, but he didn't stop at the moment, and rushed to the space base with the inner armor, and informed the people there that he was ready to come and receive the traitor.

After stopping the mecha back to the preparation zone, Yang Mu immediately jumped out of the cockpit, declined the medical staff's request for physical examination, and went straight to the recovery cabin.

When opening the door, I saw many busy figures in work clothes. Several people were pushing a large construction machine passing by. The inner armor that Yang Mu had forcibly pulled out was already in the center of the cabin.

Because the body was severely deformed, engineers are now trying to break it down. The arrival of Yang Mu obviously attracted their attention.

One of the men in formal clothes walked quickly, and it was the base chief Hengming who stood in front of Yang Mu and saluted him. Yang Mu replied and said to him.

"How is the situation now?"

"It hasn't been demolished, but inside... it seems there are no signs of life."

Yang Mu frowned when he heard these words, but he still ordered the demolition to be carried out immediately. The engineering mecha was put on new equipment, and the huge ion chain saw was directly sawed, after the bursting sparks and the harsh cutting sound. , The hatch was finally cut open.

A few medical officers and nurses rushed forward to but they screamed and fell off when they climbed up the inner armor.

Yang Mu was immediately attracted to the past, and asked what was going on right away, while walking forward.

The medical officers and nurses stood up hurriedly, their faces pale, and even two medical soldiers couldn't help but vomit on one side.

Yang Mu frowned fiercely, but he couldn't control that much anymore. He quickly climbed up the inner armor and looked towards the cockpit of the inner armor, but just this look made Yang Mu unconsciously backing away. Two steps, horrified expression.

In this cockpit, there is no trace of anyone.

Instead, there is a pile of erosive tissues and organs. Among them, it can be seen vaguely a mess, similar to brain tissue.

These things covered the entire cockpit, and the extended organization invaded all the electronic equipment in the cockpit.

In other words, I had been fighting with a strange brain before.


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