Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 72: 1 to 3 (Hey the leader, I don’t want it)

(Congratulations to the new leader "I don't want to", the 50,000 coins rewards two hours before the shelves were stunned, and I will offer them first!)


Mu Fan keenly noticed the movements of these people and what they were doing. ∷,

Why are four candidates appearing here at once.

However, there was no movement from the other party for the time being, and Mu Fan did not react too much. He found a small clump of dry moss from his backpack. It was found on a dead wood exposed in the open air. It is a good ignite material in the jungle. .

Then take out the branches and a small piece of wood.

What is he going to do?

Wouldn't it be this way to make fire?

At the same time, the other four people looked at it with different eyes, that this method of making fire that only exists in history books has actually seen a real reproduction.

Those three tried before but failed.

Thinking of this, the three of them once again looked at the person in the other corner with vicious eyes, and the person shrank when he saw the unkind eyes.

This group of people first asked about their mysterious backpack. They said that they had lost it and then they were beaten. When they heard that it was a lighter, they were beaten again.

Who knew that the lighter was so useful, and now suddenly regretted his stupid actions on the carrier.

Really cheap! I knew I would not throw it away...

No, not throwing is the end of being robbed!

The candidate buried his face in pain in his knees.

It's all tears.

Mu Fan over there arranged all the firelighters intently, and then clamped the branch with both hands.


His hands instantly turned into a phantom.

The three people's eyes widened, and this kid was so skilled.

How did they know that when Mu Fan was hunting in the wilderness, this way of making fire was already commonplace.

Bah, first a white smoke rose, and then a few sparks began to beat.

Soon sparks began to ignite the surrounding dry moss, and the sparks of sparks began to spread until it ignited the few dry fragments of wood.

It's funny to think about it, these dry firelighters were found by the river without vegetation.

Soon the fire rose. Seeing the boy's calm and relaxed appearance, the three of them looked at each other. What did this kid do to make a fire inside?

He doesn't look wet all over.

Soon these people knew what Mu Fan was thinking, and they actually saw a big piece of meat!

The blood-stained snake meat was taken out by Mu Fan and cut into several pieces. Then gently press with the left hand, and then force the other longer branch into the flesh with the right hand.

Start barbecue!

Unfortunately, there is no salt.

Mu Fan was still quite regretful. With the skillful churn of his right hand, the aroma of the meat quickly became rich.

Seeing the young man rolling the meat back and forth with pharaoh, the meat soon began to sizzle.


This time it was not Mu Fan, but the other four people present.

Including the sad examinee who lost his lighter, his stomach is groaning with hunger, and he has not eaten since morning.

The eyes of these four people have turned green.

This kid actually has meat to eat!

Don’t you know they’ve been hungry for a day?

Mu Fan stared at the barbecue in front of him intently. It was half cooked, and it was ready to eat in a little while!

The eyes of the four kept changing with the tumbling barbecue.

The kid took the barbecue back.

He took a bite!

That big bite!

Screaming, Mu Fan swallowed a piece of meat and smacked his mouth. The taste was not bad. This is the first time to eat snake meat. There is no python of this size in (Planet Loga).

The meat is tender, but it is still a bit fishy, ​​there is no wine soaking, and there is no salt to taste.

That's all there is to it, another bite after thinking about it!

Gudu, watching the boy tear the meat into his stomach again. The four swallowed another mouthful.

Lost the mystery prize-the sad reminder of the lighter, the examinee simply twisted his head, and no longer looked at this place. Seeing Mu Fan like that, he knew it was not annoying, so he should sit down in the corner.

With the mottled light and shadow in the warehouse and the stains of snake blood on his face, these people couldn't see Mu Fan's real face, so they didn't even know that this was the 1578 "Great Demon King"!

The three of them stood up and walked towards Mu Fan.

Just after swallowing a piece of barbecue again, Mu Fan narrowed his eyes comfortably when he felt the heat flow that the meat was quickly smoothed and digested in his stomach.

"Huh?" Suddenly seeing a black shadow covering his eyes, Mu Fan, who was squatting on the ground, looked up, and the three of them were staring at him intently.

Two tall and one short, both looked quite sturdy. The same combat uniforms stood side by side, and this momentum was directly suppressed.


Mu Fan swallowed the meat he was chewing and asked calmly.

"Hey, did you see the kid over there?" One of them suddenly pointed at the candidate with his head in his knees.

Mu Fan glanced there, then turned his gaze back, without speaking.

"He's quite honest, and we hope you are honest, otherwise you will see it too." The man motioned to three of them.

"What's in your mysterious backpack?"

One of the candidates with a square face asked, pointing to the combat kit.

"Am I familiar with you?"

Mu Fan felt that the language of these people in front of him was a little abnormal, and Mu Fan was too lazy to pay attention.

Lower your head and put the roast into your mouth.

The fat on the snake's meat creaked, seeing the delicacy once again sent to the mouth of the boy before him.

The three people couldn't hold their faces anymore.

"Boy, we don't want to make more troubles, leave the meat, leave the backpack, and go there." The Fang Lian examinee pointed to the corner over there again, motioning Mu Fan to sit with the sad reminder.

Mu Fan remembered the scene of killing each other he had seen before, then looked at the three men who were only threatening him, and shook his head.

Without waiting for the other person to misunderstand what he meant, he said, "The meat is mine, and the backpack is mine. I just want to continue on the road after eating quietly."

"Eugene, let's split the meat of this kid equally, leave the contents in the backpack to Master Zhang."

The shortest candidate among the three said to Fang Lian.

Mu Fan saw that the patience in the eyes of the three opposing people had completely faded away, and he scattered and surrounded himself.

The wrist that was tumbling the barbecue stopped, and then leaned the wooden stick behind him and clapped his hands.

Mu Fan stood up.

With his right arm raised, Mu Fan's eyes shot at the three of them.

Want to steal my meat!

How did the three people on the opposite know that the kid in front of him valued this piece of meat more than the backpack.

"It's really disappointing."

"that's too regretful."

"You just lie here waiting to be eliminated."

One person, one sentence, the three have reached a conclusion to the young man in front of them.

The hapless guy in the corner looked at Mu Fan with a pitiful look. The three candidates with physiques above Level 17 were surrounded in such a small space. It was almost impossible to predict the end of the boy.

None of the three took out the daggers, they wanted to see the young man in front of them begging for mercy under their fists in pain.

Then looking at his desperate gaze, it was a refreshing thing to think about.

With cold eyes, Mu Fan's muscles began to mobilize.

Phew, with his left hand emptied, Mu Fan stood still in a small step.

Turn the right arm down and bend the elbow outward, grasp the fist with the palm of the left palm against the right fist.

Mu Fan was not afraid of six punches with one arm.

The prototype of the defensive martial arts technique when making sandbags in the Planet Loga martial arts hall-

Half-arm guard!


ps: Thanks to the book friend "I don't want to" 50,000 coins reward! (Leader's evaluation made Dangdang panic, UU reading can only write a good return!)

Thanks to book friends "Autumn Beauty" for 588 coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "eagle2012" and "chiefs of different tribes" for 200 coins reward! Thanks to "Book Friends 160326232822788" 100 coins reward + evaluation vote! Thanks to book friends "Zhang Yanshuo", "Time Change H", "Leave the Ground as King", "Ji Qianqiu", "Book Friends 160426192254827", "Quiet ksz", "Waiting for Xingluo", "Xuewuyingyingluo" 100 coins for rewards!

Thank you book friend "Pingping (1 40 coins, "I want super **** 666" 30 coins, "miss monster", "15853282", "Feng Zhutiandi", "jisnk", "leoland88", "ideal flying", and Soviet armored infantry "Daster" "Messy My Love" "sfafasgfagah" 10 coins reward! (To be continued.)

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