Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 6 Chapter 23: The last place

The moment a single person jumped off the bone fly, the four engines behind them suddenly turned on.

The crimson streamer on the body instantly burned all over the world!

The torrent of blood flame covered the entire starry sky, illuminating every individual below.

"That is……"


"Mu Fan!"

In the cabin armed with Tianwu Machine God and God, they both lost their voices at the same time.

Then, the flame named hope began to rise in the pupils!

At the same time, whirlpools appeared in the pupils of the Kaihua insects who blocked everyone, capturing the image in the sky into the line of sight.

Then, except for the four worms still staying in front, the remaining twenty-seven worms simultaneously escaped into the whirlpool behind them!

[Order execution...blocked! 】

That group of blazing red flames gave them a sense of threat far beyond any previous one!

Moreover, the insect brain at this moment unexpectedly broke out the fear that would only appear when facing a life and death crisis.

The other fifty-nine armored worms who were about to besieged and killed by the gods also raised their heads at the same time, and in Gu Yunyou's shocked eyes, fifty-eight ones disappeared!

Only one worm man was left facing him.

At this moment, the vigorous fighting will rekindled from the bottom of his eyes.

Those **** bugs are obviously afraid.

They were afraid that Mu Fan would rush into the hinterland.

They are in fear.

"It seems that my Gu Yunyou should not be killed today!" With a sneer on his face, the gods held their arms high, and the six-wing flywheel regrouped and instantly turned into a golden energy storm spreading thousands of meters high. !

God Dragon Roll!

When the storm swallowed the whole body, the gods slammed their arms forward and swallowed the only remaining armored insect.

The terrifying energy storm isolated everything except the two.

One-on-one, you can't kill the other party.

He Gu Yunyou, he can decide himself here!


At this point, all the remaining Kaihua insects have all penetrated into deep space.

In Mu Fan's **** vision, dozens of blood-red light spots converged from all directions.

Those blood-red light spots are in Shura's energy level label.

The corresponding is impressively-SSS level!

This is a total of eighty-five enemies comparable to the SSS-level imperial body!

"You really can count on me." Sen Han's voice sounded, and Mu Fan's eyes were filled with a primitive and **** murderous aura.

"Did the Zeger tribe's technology finally break through to this point..." Mohanda's voice from the Dark Temple came out hoarsely, "After they robbed several planes, the technology finally began to develop towards the peak force. It was a short-lived moment. The Pluto also appeared..."

"Mu Fan, that is Zege's ultimate force, humanoid combatant [Pluto]. They are evil weapons that shouldn't appear in this world. They will devour all living organisms and use them to transform into energy for their actions. Infinite Endless bugs are their most extensive reserve energy!"

"If you want to completely kill the Pluto, then you must isolate them from ordinary Zeger!"

Mohanda directly gave the names and characteristics of these strange creatures, but as the blood-colored light spots in his vision got closer and closer, the blood vessels on Mu Fan's forehead began to bulge, and the crazy color in his eyes became more and more intense.

Today's Mu Fan is no longer the young boy.

The experienced killings allowed him, who possessed a talent for terrifying combat, to fully grow into a true warrior from the blood race.

"There is no time."

"My task is only one, and that is...break the worm brain!"

Mu Fan's unquestionable voice of iron and blood was cast backward through Shura's will.

"Bone fly, send me one last ride!"

The juvenile bone fly, in the deep space thousands of kilometers away, opened its mouth suddenly, and layers of jagged teeth appeared.

A black whirlpool emerged from the throat, and suddenly burst out the next moment.

The straight black tornado crossed the sky, covering Shura's figure.

At this moment, a huge black totem phantom emerged from behind Shura.

The heavy heartbeat resembling the tremor of the mountains sounded inside and outside the mecha.

Mu Fan's heart and Shura's heart are perfectly synchronized at this moment.

Mu Fan spewed terrifying **** steam from his body, raising his head and roaring like a beast.


"Cut through the last five thousand kilometers for me!!"

Shura's eyes, whose body blade armor had already stood up ferociously, completely ignited at this moment.

"The order of my lord."

"——My glory!"

Half a red lotus on his chest, at this moment, completely surfaced, red as blood.

The entire mecha is centered on the chest, with countless lines spreading to the limbs, first as fierce as magma, and the next moment a crimson flame rises silently in this vacuum universe.

Shura's whole body was completely swallowed by the terrifying red inflammation.

The half of the heart that had once returned to the Tianyuan position on the Tianzong chessboard, at this moment was once again burning like a red sun.

And at this same moment, a black twisted thin line quietly emerged in the space 100 meters behind Shura.



The most advanced red alarm sounded at the same time in the two imperial peak mechas.

Gu Yunyou and Xuyang, who had rejoined the battle, looked at the light curtain suddenly.

[Highest warning, abnormal space, coordinate xxx, breakthrough this world threshold...]

【Spatial fluctuations are multiplied and enhanced, and black hole-like ripples are detected. 】

"Get out of here... the farther... the better..."

The arduous voice on the verge of body collapse intermittently, but clearly expressed the core meaning.

"This is Mu Fan's voice!?"

"He let us go!?"


Obviously there can be no sound in the universe.

But at this moment, whether it is the imperial ship Cangqiang, or the imperial battleship, or the two peak imperial bodies and the Ten Cavaliers...

Everyone heard the sound of cracking silk beside their ears.

In the eyes of everyone looking up in amazement, a terrifying and hideous crack, at this moment, has completely appeared in the endless deep space after the dazzling red sun.

It grew from tens of meters to hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye!

Pure black, silent black...

When the faint cosmic wind blew out, and when it passed the surface of Shura's body, the burning red flame suddenly increased by a hundred meters.

Shura has turned into a scarlet giant.

When the bone fly's dimensional bombardment wave arrived, the speed that had already reached the limit instantly broke through the threshold.

"The Shura World————Open!!"

In the frenzied and outrageous roar, that crack was completely torn apart!



The gentle cosmic wind is completely violent.

The door connecting Luoqin universe and Asura plane was completely opened.

"Who can stop me!"

The voice roared like thunder.

When the Shura realm covered the surface of the Shura body, the bottleneck that represented the limit and the highest was finally completely broken.

The ultimate six-door realm-supernova!

Double supernova!

Triple supernova!


Five times the supernova! !

The blade armor on the surface of Shura's body had already experienced dozens of strange shocks that collapsed and recovered within a second.

Then the shocking image was stretched hundreds of kilometers in an instant, showing a colorful twist.

That is the intuitive expression of speed superimposed to a terrifying level.

The flames of the four scarlet engines merged into a stream of red light.

At this moment, Shura has infinitely broken through the sixth universe speed.

The originally huge phantom even began to shrink backwards.

The limbs are like Shura fixed, and at this moment, like an unyielding war ghost in the sea of ​​hell, his arms are pulled out violently from the sticky involvement.

All in one!

The nearly ten-meter-long Senhan blade claws joined together at this moment.

In an instant, five successive quasi-stellar rings were stacked together and spread out loudly.

At the moment when the eighty-five Zerg Plutos are about to encircle.

A bright red line broke through instantly!

The two statues have arrived in front of Shura.

Supernova, one blow penetrates the planet's nucleus.

And five times the supernova, that is an overload blow to the imperial body Shura, what power is it?

At the extreme speed...

The thin scarlet thread penetrated the two Plutos without any barriers.

The bloodbone spear and the blade of the arm were still hanging in the vacuum universe, but the figure was frozen.

In the next moment, two flesh and blood giants with a body length of 80 meters collapsed into blood mist instantly! !

The surrounding eighty-three princes raised their heads, and the torn star ring exploded and engulfed the blood mist and impacted on their bodies.

Eighty-three Pluto Masters made an action at the same time, raising their arms to resist.

It's like the unconscious resistance of human beings in a mountain torrent.

Eighty-three statues of Ming will be violently rushed back.

Distorted expressions finally appeared on their faces.

All eyes looked at that crimson light stream...

At this moment, time seems to freeze.

All life forms seem to pause.

Only the **** torrent that goes forward! !

Like the spear of hell, it crashed into the Flesh Nebula surrounded by hundreds of billions of insect swarms! !

The shocking blood mist disintegrated like a planetary explosion.

However, hundreds of billions of high-level insects are so dense.

Countless white armor, star swallowing beasts, and bone-faced beasts swept out from it, blocking the blood-colored body with their bodies.

The speed of the torrent finally slowed down.

The eighty-three underworld generals who had been blasted back, wrapped in eighty-three vortexes of flesh and blood, gathered around them again, and instantly merged into one!

The torrent of advancing finally stopped.

Time passed again.

It can be said that Shura penetrated 4,990 kilometers in one blow, but finally stopped in the last 10 kilometers.

The fleeing "worm brain" star body has shrunk more than ten times.

The black space around the "worm brain" star has expanded more than ten times.

Nearly a hundred looming green lights began to appear again from the darkness.

Hundreds of billions of insect swarms are still wriggling, but they don't have the previous urgency.

Weakness and weirdness emerge at the same time.

It seems that resisting Mu Fan's advance has consumed most of its energy, but it survived after all.

The joy of death was formed in its thought wave and finally turned into ridicule.

Because the spatial vortex used to escape in front of the insect brain finally expanded to the point where it could swallow itself.

Leave here...

Then release the last hundred masters.

The flame of hope in this world will be completely extinguished.


For everyone who saw this scene, the color of hope turned into despair in an instant.

However, a hoarse and gasping voice came out in a low voice from Shura who stopped before the end.

"Aga Shura·Gan...This is the decisive battle place I chose for you!!"

"Are you...satisfied!?" Ji Po Xinghe

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